Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 556 Famous in Luoyang City

After hearing what Zhang Shun said, Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but be overjoyed.

He knelt down with a plop and shouted loudly: "My true lord, Wen Zhao is willing to surrender. As long as King Shun gives the order, in the future, someone will go through life and death, go through fire and water, without hesitation!"

It didn't matter that Cao Wenzhao knelt down. When the other soldiers saw that the commander had surrendered, they immediately knelt down and shouted loudly: "I am willing to follow King Shun through life and death, through fire and water, no matter what!"

Seven thousand men and horses shouted in unison, and the sound was like thunder, reaching nine days away. Not only did the rebels on the other side of the river look at each other with horror, but the entire city of Luoyang was also shocked.

Originally, this battle was related to the lives and fortunes of all the people, gentry, officials and rebels in Luoyang City, so they all personally or sent people to go to the city wall to watch the battle.

It's just that this war was fought with ups and downs, and it also made the people, gentry, officials and rebels in the city feel anxious. There were even elderly and frail people who, unable to bear the anxiety, suffered heart attacks and died on the spot.

At that time, first the rebel artillery came out, just like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves, sweeping down the officers and soldiers in front of them to the ground in pieces, and it seemed that the rebels were about to seal the victory in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, reinforcements from officers and soldiers arrived suddenly. Chen Qiyu's troops were so powerful that they fought hard against the rebels. At one point, soldiers and horses even rushed under the banner of Zhang Shun's army, which showed how dangerous it was.

In the end, the two sides were in a stalemate for a long time. Suddenly, the officers and soldiers were defeated like a mountain and were chased by the rebels for fifty miles. Outside the city, corpses piled up like mountains, blood flowed into rivers, and the Xianhe River turned red.

Everyone thought that the battle was over, but they never expected that when "King Shun" returned to the battlefield, he would dare to lead only a few people across the river to meet with the brave general Cao Wenzhao. He only said a few words, saying that Cao Wenzhao had led seven thousand elite troops to surrender.

When the shouts of "I am willing to live and die with King Shun" sounded like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, some people in the city couldn't help but be ecstatic, some couldn't help being silent, and some couldn't help being furious and crazy.

When Lady Hong was on the city wall and saw Zhang Shun leading only a few people to cross the river, she almost went crazy.

Ignoring scolding Ma Yingniang for being "unsuccessful," she shouted quickly: "Where are the arrows? Get my bow, arrows, horses, and armor quickly. I want to go out of the city to rescue the master!"

Jian'er was already upset and at a loss. When she heard this, she quickly turned around and ran away. As a result, Zhao Yu unexpectedly took a few steps forward to stop him. Then the old fisherman turned to the red lady and said, "Madam, please be patient!"

"Even if Madam rushes there, nothing will happen! What's more, Madam is pregnant now. If she gets pregnant, wouldn't it be bad?"

"My lord has his own destiny, how can he be taken advantage of by Xiao Xiao? Besides, my lord has always been cautious. He is not 70% or 80% sure that he will not do this. Madam, just wait for a while!"

"No matter what the outcome is, madam, you must not mess up the formation. Otherwise, if someone in Luoyang City gets interested, I'm afraid not such a small number of people will die!"

At this moment, the red lady really regretted it. Looking at the mountains of corpses and seas of blood outside the city and Zhang Shun who didn't know what his situation was, she couldn't accept that her willfulness would cause such a big problem.

Red Lady, don’t cry! She silently said to herself, believe in yourself, you can persist to the end; believe in Zhang Sheng, he can also persist to the end.

I don’t know how long I’ve been here, but suddenly a burst of shouts came from the other side of the river. The red lady couldn't help but feel panicked, and her heart almost jumped out of her mouth.

It took her a long time to figure out that it was these seven thousand officers and soldiers who had been persuaded by their boss to join the rebel army.

She couldn't help but covered her mouth with her hands and cried with joy. Seeing that the red lady was excited, Jian'er hurriedly walked forward to support her and comforted her in a low voice: "Madam, the child is important. Don't be overjoyed or sad, so as not to affect the fetus!"

"The boss is fine! The officers and soldiers have surrendered!" The red lady suppressed her emotions and laughed in a low voice, "How can you make me unhappy?"

"Ah?" Jian'er paid attention to his wife, and was not as keen as Lady Hong to listen. She couldn't help but grin when she heard this, and stood there laughing stupidly.

After a while, the sky got dark. However, torches and lanterns had already been lit in the north of Luoyang City, illuminating it like daylight.

Zhang Shun rode a tall horse, carrying Cao Wenzhao in his right hand, and walked toward the city in a swaggering manner. Originally, Zhang Shun wanted to hold Cao Wenzhao with his uninjured left hand, but because the left was respected in the Ming Dynasty, Cao Wenzhao did not dare to stay on the left.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to put his right hand on Cao Wenzhao's left hand to show his closeness. Cao Wenzhao deliberately lagged behind to show his respect for Zhang Shun.

Because of the lights, most people didn't notice that Zhang Shun was injured. When everyone saw Zhang Shun returning, they immediately regarded him as a god. They knelt down and kowtowed, and shouted loudly: "King Shun is so powerful that he has defeated the enemy army! The city is complete, and thousands of families will be blessed with Buddhas!"

Although Zhang Shun felt a little proud after hearing this, he still couldn't help but guard against arrogance, impetuosity, and sincerity for fear of omissions.

He then waved to everyone with a smile and said with a smile: "This is not the result of the king alone, but also the force of the soldiers' lives, and it is God's will to punish the violent people!"

When Song Xiance heard this, he had an idea and shouted loudly in the crowd: "King Shun was born to protect the people, and the city of Luoyang was saved from being burned! Tomorrow, all the evil spirits will be exhausted, and the one who wins the world will win the hearts of the people!"

These words were catchy, and everyone applauded after hearing this. They quickly responded and shouted loudly: "King Shun was born to protect the people, and the city of Luoyang was saved from being burned! In the great future, all the evil will be done, and the one who wins the world wins the hearts of the people!" "

Luoyang City was like celebrating a festival. Wherever Zhang Shun went, lanterns were decorated and cheers continued. Even Cao Wenzhao felt honored, let alone the rest of the rebel army.

Everyone followed Zhang Shun all the way to the gate of Prince Fu's Mansion, and Zhang Shun stopped in his tracks. Seeing that the people's support could be used, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "The person who violated Luoyang here is the pseudo-Governor of Henan, Chen Qiyu."

"They burned down people's houses and drove old, young, women and children to attack the city. This is really a heinous crime that cannot be tolerated by heaven! I act on behalf of Heaven and punish sins on behalf of Heaven. I beheaded Wang Pu, the commander-in-chief of the Beijing camp under his command, and forced him to go to heaven with no way to escape. The earth has no way, so we have no choice but to cut our own throats to thank the world."

"General Cao Wenzhao is not ashamed of his actions and ashamed of being associated with him. Therefore, he abandoned the secrets and surrendered to the light and submitted to our army to protect the people!"

"Tomorrow, I will personally lead my soldiers to bury the bodies of the dead outside the city, and take the heads of Governor Chen Qiyu and Commander-in-Chief Wang Pu to sacrifice to our people. I will re-erect the inscription to warn future generations, so that they will kill innocent people indiscriminately and bully our people. Such disciples are despised by the world!"

When the people heard this, they couldn't help but cheer again, and they all shouted and shouted. The knowledgeable people among them couldn't help but feel cold in their hearts: This is really killing people and also killing people's hearts! I'm afraid Qin Hui's fate was the same in the past.

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