Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 559 Memorial Monument (Part 2)

After everyone had visited Luoyang City and the sun was already high, they headed straight to the graveyard outside the city.

The so-called "random grave mounds" are actually almost similar to the cemeteries of later generations. It's just because there is no one to look after it, so many people are buried indiscriminately, and coupled with the lush vegetation and desolation, it is a bit scary.

By the time Zhang Shun arrived at the mass grave, the huge tombstone had already been dragged over by several oxen.

Sun Chengzong was taking his classmates Hong Jinyang, Li Xijiu, and Wang Maozhong there to direct the soldiers to set up a racket, preparing to use multiple sets of pulleys to erect the tombstone and plant it on the grave.

This new tomb is quite large, looking like a small mountain of earth. Buried inside are the people who died in vain outside the city. It was Zhang Shun who ordered Zhang Shenyan to command the men in the city to drag him over and hastily bury him here.

After a while, the people in the city who were watching the excitement gathered around. There are also those small traders who came after hearing the sound. They have also found a good location and set up stalls to sell.

There were even a few fortune tellers, pointing and saying, "Green dragon on the left, white tiger on the right, the feng shui of this place is good!"

"His Royal Highness King Shun personally ordered Feng Shui masters to find the place. Isn't it bad? They will suffer in this life, but if their relationship can support a good family in the next life, it will be worth it!"

Of course, these fortune tellers and Feng Shui experts didn't know that Zhang Shun also had Song Xiance who was proficient in these arts under his command, so they were naturally surprised.

When Zhang Shun saw that the people were almost there, he stood on the high platform. The master said: "I am also from a poor background, and I know the sufferings of the people best! We are not afraid of hardship, and we are not afraid of tiredness. We get up early and work hard at night in order to have three meals a day!"

"It's just that this day doesn't let us live. There are constant droughts, strong winds, and heavy rains. This land doesn't let us live either. Floods, locusts, and ground dragons happen almost every year. This person doesn't even let us live. He's corrupt. Officials, local tyrants, evil gentry, and local ruffians are oppressing us."

"That's all. We didn't expect the court to help us get justice. But who would have thought that the bandits are hateful, and the officers and soldiers are even more hateful! The bandits caught us and drove us to attack the city. After all, the bandits were few and they died a lot. One hundred thousand, we are in trouble."

"But when the army of officers and soldiers attacked the city, they actually went from house to house, searched the people, burned their houses, burned their houses, robbed their property, and raped their wives. Even if this was not enough, they also drove out the strong men, old and weak women and children to attack the city. So, where is the justice of heaven? Where is your conscience? Tolerate?"

The people who were still smiling suddenly fell silent after hearing this. Some who were victims and survivors could not help but shed tears.

Some people even shouted: "King Shun, you have to make the decision for us! We have a family of five, and now I am the only one left alive, an old woman."

Zhang Shun heard this and quickly ordered: "Come here, please bring this old lady up and let her talk to everyone. Everyone has pity on her!"

Not long after, an old woman with a limp, ragged clothes and a stooped back came up.

Not only was her head dirty, but her clothes all over her body looked like thousands of rags clinging to her body. When the cold wind blew, these rags danced one after another as the old woman trembled.

Zhang Shun walked closer and felt a stench coming towards him. He endured the discomfort and said quickly: "Old man, please tell me!"

The old woman was quite reserved at first, but she became excited as she spoke.

"We were in trouble, and our family had no harvest. We heard that Luoyang City was prosperous and wealthy, so we had to abandon our fields and flee all the way here, hoping that kind-hearted people would reward us with food. But what happened was that not long after we arrived outside the city, suddenly those people People rushed over."

"Like jackals, tigers and leopards, they can even kill an old woman of my age! My three-year-old grandson was kicked to death by them. The old man was older and was beaten by them. He was so angry. But he died."

"When my son was driven to attack the city, I saw with my own eyes that he was beaten into a hornet's nest by the cannons in the city. My daughter-in-law was kidnapped and now I don't know whether she is alive or dead. I am the only blind old woman left."

"What kind of world is this? Those who deserve to die must not die, those who deserve to live cannot live, wuwu"

As she talked, the old woman almost fainted from crying. Zhang Shun saw that he was really pitiful, so he whispered to Zhang Shen: "I will order someone to bring a few buckets of rice later and give it to this old family member!"

"This" Zhang Shenyan hesitated for a moment and responded, "My lord is benevolent and righteous, but the food for the rebels is still limited. What if everyone rushes to complain as soon as this happens?"

Then I really want it! Zhang Shun felt happy and quickly ordered: "Then order people to bring out more food. The people in the city have no food and clothing. How can we just watch? Since we always have to give rice and porridge, what does it matter if it is early or late? Woolen cloth?"

Well, you are the master and you have the final say. Zhang Shenyan was not cold-blooded, but the rebels were not rich to begin with. Now that Zhang Shun has spoken, let’s listen. Anyway, when the food is insufficient, it is up to him to find a way.

Not long after, Zhang offered some food by the way and said to the old woman: "Thank you for your hard work, old man. Now the rebels are having a hard time. They only have a few buckets of brown rice. Let me express my gratitude!"

As a result, it didn't matter that Zhang Shun sent rice. Just as Zhang Shenyan said, many people came to the stage to talk about their oppression by the imperial court. For a time, the crowd became excited and threatened to rise up.

Zhang Shenyan, Dudu Zhang, Lu Weiqi and Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but feel as if someone had "separated eight pieces of the top yang bone and poured half a bucket of ice and snow water".

What is this "King Shun" going to do? Especially when Zhang Shenyan heard Zhang Shun vaguely express relevant thoughts before, she was even more frightened and frightened, not knowing where this matter was going to go.

Seeing that the fire was almost done, Zhang Shun went up to the stage and shouted loudly: "I already know everything about this, please don't be impatient for a moment. Since everyone has suffered from natural disasters, land disasters, and man-made disasters, and has no food and clothing, I will definitely not I will sit back and ignore it. It’s just that today is a day to pay homage to the dead, so we can discuss this later!”

Afterwards, Zhang Shun ordered Sun Chengzong and others to hoist the huge stone monument and plant it in the pit that had been dug for the monument.

On the front of this stele are written the three characters "Stele of Sacrifice to the People", which was written by Zhang Shenyan, a famous calligrapher. Behind it is a detailed description of what happened. Zhang read by the way:

"On November 16, the seventh year of Chongzhen, Chen Qiyu, the new governor of Henan Province in the Ming Dynasty, led an army to attack Luoyang. He was unable to defeat it. He destroyed all the houses outside the city, plundered their property and women, and drove away the old and weak to attack the city. Tens of thousands of people died. "

"I was ordered by King Shun to bury them in order to build this tomb. There are 8,952 bodies of men and women, 1,107 bodies of young children, and 2,313 bodies of old people."

"The attackers are Governor Chen Qiyu, deputy generals Yang Hualin and Liu Guozhen, and generals He Renlong and Liu Qian. This monument is specially erected to warn future generations!"

Zhang Shun had just finished reading, and Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but feel cold all over. He led troops to suppress the bandits, and his ferocity was no less brutal than Chen Qiyu's. If Zhang Shundu was exposed like this, he would be infamy for thousands of years.

Fortunately, such an opponent is now one of our own! Cao Wenzhao thought with lingering fear.

"Three animals!" Zhang Shun shouted loudly.

Not long after, the soldier brought up a box, opened it and placed an object on the table. When everyone saw it, they couldn't help but be shocked. It was actually a human head.

"This is a pig!" Zhang Shun explained, "It turned out to be Wang Pu, the commander-in-chief of the Beijing camp, who was killed by me in Yongning County. He should be used as a sacrifice to sacrifice our people and our land!"

Cao Wenzhao couldn't help but be shocked. He was a veteran general, but he didn't understand that Zhang Shun actually had a back-up plan against Chen Qiyu yesterday.

At that time, as long as Zhang Shun was on the battlefield, he took out this head to shake the morale of the officers and soldiers. No matter what his nephew Cao Bianjiao chooses, the final result will not be any different.

Cao Wenzhao was shocked and broke into a cold sweat: It turned out that the game was not a test for Zhang Shun, but a test for his nephew Cao Bianjiao. Fortunately, he did not make the wrong choice.

Immediately, the soldiers placed a second head. Zhang Shun continued to explain: "This is a sheep, the head of General Liu Qian. He followed Chen Qiyu to attack our Luoyang City, and was killed on the battlefield by my army Zhang Sanbai."

Finally, the soldiers placed the third head. Zhang Shun smiled and said: "This is an ox, the head of Chen Qiyu, the governor of Henan. He led an army of 20,000 to attack us. The capital camp was completely destroyed and his troops were defeated. Cao Wen The imperial edict came to surrender. But he himself was chased by our army to the gates of Xin'an City, committed suicide, and here we are today!"

The people who had been inspired by Zhang Shun were already furious. Someone had already shouted loudly: "Chen Qiyu, you have today too! You killed people the day before yesterday, how could you imagine that people killed you yesterday! Hahaha!"

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