Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 566 The art of hating victory

How did Zhang Shun know that there are so many ways between women? After toasting everyone with drinks, he quickly said goodbye to everyone and went to look for Zhang Shenyan alone.

When Zhang Shun arrived at Zhang Shenyan's residence, the lights were on in his room. Zhang Shun pushed the door open and saw Zhang Shenyan holding a book, writing and drawing against a map on the table.

Zhang Shenyan heard the sound and looked up to see that it was Zhang Shun. He quickly put down the book and pen in his hand and came to see him.

Zhang Shun quickly supported him and said: "You also know my temperament and don't care much about this. Now we are meeting in private, Mr. Zhang doesn't have to do this!"

Zhang Shenyan didn't tell the difference, and insisted on completing the etiquette, then responded: "I am not a pedantic person, but the king and the ministers must be clear-cut and must not be careless!"

"If the name is not correct, then the words will not go smoothly, and if the words are not right, then things will not happen. If there is no respect for superiors and inferiors, people with good intentions will inevitably wait for the opportunity to cause some trouble!"

Seeing that he had finished all the etiquette, Zhang Shun had no choice but to smile bitterly and shake his head in courtesy. Then he asked curiously: "It's getting late, what is Mr. Zhang doing here?"

"Without him, I will calculate the Luoyang Prefecture's cultivated land and the rewards for the rebel soldiers!" Zhang Shenyan responded casually, "This cultivated land is both good and bad, and it is also intolerant. Although it is the same acres, there will inevitably be disputes. I must... Once I understood it, I didn’t worry about any omissions!”

"Having Zhang Gong like this is really better than his biological parents!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but feel sore eyes after hearing this, and sighed.

"Lord!" Zhang Shenyan was shocked when he heard the words and shouted loudly, "Don't mention this again from now on. Once it becomes known to outsiders, it is inevitable that some young people will humiliate him as unfilial and affect the lord's holy name!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shun smiled bitterly and shook his head, sighing and saying, "If Zhang Shun doesn't hold back his words, it's really hard to open his mouth to mention something to Mr. Zhang today!"

"Huh?" Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but be startled. Although Zhang Shun had complicated thoughts, he liked to speak straightforwardly. How could he be so outspoken today?

"Mr. Zhang doesn't know something!" Zhang Shun saw that something was about to happen, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, "Today Wang Jinyi returned from Huaiqing Mansion. While bringing back the families of the generals, he also brought back a piece of news!"

"What's the news?" Zhang Shenyan was shocked, secretly thinking that it was definitely not a good thing for Zhang Shun to be like this.

As expected, Zhang Shun smiled bitterly and said: "He heard that Wu Di, the governor of Shanxi, misunderstood my nonsense and really thought that the Zhang family in Tuncheng was my Zhang Shun family."

"He searched everywhere for the Zhang family members but could not find them, so he ordered people to dig up the Zhang family's ancestral graves and expose the bones of Zhang family ancestors in the wilderness, allowing wild dogs and livestock to pick them up."

When Zhang Shenyan heard this, he couldn't help but feel like a bolt from the blue. His eyes darkened and he almost fainted and fell to the ground.

Zhang Shun quickly stretched out his hand to support him, and then apologized in a low voice: "This is all Zhang Shun's fault. Even if I die, it will not be enough to make up for this big mistake!"

Since ancient times, China has offered sacrifices to heaven and ancestors. Digging up one's ancestral graves is like killing one's parents. When Zhang Shenyan heard this, he couldn't help but cried bitterly: "Kill me! The Zhang family's ancestors are above us, but Jin Ming is unfilial, so that the ancestors are humiliated like this!"

Zhang Shun was at a loss and didn't know what to say, so he had to squat down and accompany Zhang Shenyan.

Zhang Shenyan cried for a long time, and then whispered: "If you don't do the Lord's business, it's just because the court has no skills!"

"If Zhang was really loyal, how could today's results have happened? Since Zhang followed the master, I alone shall bear all the consequences!"

"If I want to hate, I only hate Wu Yan, the governor of Shanxi. This person and I belong to the same Donglin, and we have always been good friends. I never thought that we were our own masters, but this person has no regard for our old friends at all. He is so vicious!"

It turns out that Zhang Shenyan was better than Wu Zong. According to the original history, after Chongzhen died at Meishan, all ministers supported King Fu to ascend the throne in Nanjing.

At that time, Zhang Shenyan was recruited to serve as the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs. He strongly recommended Wu Zong, which offended the military commanders with military power and led to him becoming an official.

It's just that in this dimension, I never thought that the two old friends would turn against each other because Zhang Shun changed the direction of history.

Zhang Shun didn't know the original relationship between the two, but he also knew that he had something to do with it, and felt quite guilty. But he didn't have any ideas on how to remedy it.

Zhang Shenyan didn't mind it very much. When his expression stabilized a little, he asked instead: "Since the imperial court has regarded me as a rebellious minister and traitor, I guess I won't let it go. I wonder what else is going on?"

Zhang Shun quickly continued: "It is said that after Wu Zong dug up the Zhang family's ancestral tomb, he only saw a giant python coiled in the ancestral tomb."

"This giant python's head is bulging, and it's about to grow two horns! Wu Gang beheaded it with his own hands, chopped it into eighteen pieces, buried them in different places, and set up an array to suppress it!"

The so-called "pressure" means "the method of pressure to win", which means "pressure to win". It is a kind of witchcraft that has appeared since ancient times. It is a method of using formations and curses to suppress and suppress others.

Although Zhang Shun, who was deeply educated in materialism, disagreed with this, ancient people were obviously taboo about this.

Zhang Shenyan's face was uncertain for a long time, then he suddenly laughed and said: "It's ridiculous that Wu Zong's child is so ignorant! The master is not from my tribe, how can it be useful to overwhelm him? It's in vain that he is a disciple of a saint, how can he be such a strange and divine person?" , Chaos, power thing'!"

Zhang Shun only said that Zhang Shenyan was irritated and went crazy, so he quickly comforted him. Unexpectedly, Zhang Shenyan smiled and said, "Don't worry, my lord, I'm fine!"

"I heard that since ancient times, a king will appear every five hundred years. Once a king emerges, he will be protected by heaven and earth, and there will be no taboos! I didn't believe it at first, but now I have it! I, the Zhang family in Tuncheng, have abandoned loyalty, so it is fitting that we have this It’s difficult, but it’s insignificant!”

"In the future, as long as the master flies in the sky and rewards the world, some evil ways are not enough!"

Zhang Shun was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Zhang Shenyan meant. It turned out that after the court's interference, Zhang Shenyan believed that it was God's will for his Zhang family to suffer on Zhang Shun's behalf.

This just shows that Zhang Shun has destiny in his body, so he becomes auspicious and turns misfortune into good luck! They settled in the city and the Zhang family suffered because of this. After Zhang Shun ascended to the throne of God, he naturally solved all the "suppression". The Zhang family, who settled in the city, all contributed to this, and of course they became famous.

Although Zhang Shun was a little bit dumbfounded, he somehow managed to comfort Zhang Shenyan, which was an unexpected surprise.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun is also quite sensible, regardless of whether he is reasonable or not, superstitious or not. He quickly assured Zhang Shenyan: "Zhang Shun will remember the treatment I received from the Zhang family in Tuncheng! In the future, I will definitely vindicate the Zhang family and allow Mr. Zhang to honor his ancestors!"

Zhang Shenyan couldn't help bursting into tears when he heard this, and he quickly bowed: "It is only the master who makes the decision!"

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