Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 576 Reorganizing the Troops (Part 2)

Upon hearing this, Cao Wenzhao quickly responded: "In that case, please ask Wang Maozhong to handle the chores for me!"

Mao means exhortation and exertion. Cao Wenzhaosheng had a higher cultural level and quickly took the opportunity to express his ambition to Zhang Shun.

And the "King of Troubled Times" was a reckless hero who didn't understand the secret. When he saw that Cao Wenzhao took the initiative to choose someone, he said: "Then please trouble Lao Hong to follow me!"

The two scribes in their twenties glanced at Zhang Shun, saw Zhang Shun nodded, and walked behind Cao Wenzhao and the "King of Chaos" respectively.

Seeing that Zhang Shun had solved the two most difficult "thorns" among the rebels, he couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He couldn't help but smile and said: "Since you are admonishing me to reorganize the team, I wonder if you have any plans in mind?"

Xiao Qinhu hesitated for a moment after hearing this, but was overtaken by Zhang Sanbai. He responded: "King Shun, please listen to my explanation!"

"The rebels broke through the Beijing camp in Yongning and captured a total of 2,157 soldiers of the Beijing camp, 3,513 sets of armor, 513 war horses, and 620 pieces of horse armor. Luoyang During the defensive battle, a total of 1,533 Qin soldiers were captured, and 2,710 sets of armor were seized. 271 horses were captured, and 303 pairs of horse armor were captured. Other weapons were not included. number!"

"Currently, the rebel army has only five thousand soldiers capable of fighting. Although there are some injuries among them, there is no risk of injury. Replenishments can be made at any time, and the battle will continue as usual. In addition, General Cao Wenzhao gave the rebel army two thousand men and horses, and we The rebel army should be able to organize three battalions to defend against the powerful enemy!"

Zhang Shun nodded secretly after hearing this. The Beijing camp always received the best equipment and food, but its combat effectiveness was not very high. It was always underestimated by the border troops. There were also many disagreements between the Qin army and the Xuanda border army under Cao Wenzhao.

Now the Beijing camp and the Qin soldiers have lost their commanders, and the 4,000 troops Cao Wenzhao gave to Cao Bianjiao and himself were mostly troops borrowed from Shanxi governor Wu Zong to unite the Jin troops and strengthen themselves, and under Zhang Quanchang.

These two groups often had gaps with Cao Wenzhao, so they could be incorporated into the rebel army. Unexpectedly, there was collusion between internal and external forces.

What's more, if we can form three battalions of men and horses, they can withstand the power of Cao Wenzhao, Cao Bianjiao and the "King of Troubled Times". At least I will have peace of mind for now!

When Zhang Sanbai said this, he stopped talking. Zhang Shun knew what he meant. How to appoint the following personnel and how to organize the soldiers were beyond the control of officials.

Zhang Shun thought for a moment and then ordered: "Xiao Qinhu listens to the order! I order you to immediately form the Tiger Camp, the 'Children's Camp', the 'Fighting for the World King' section, the Wu Xian section, and the He Jin Cavalry section. I’ll give you the leadership. We’ll add another thousand soldiers and complete the training as soon as possible!”

"Yes!" Xiao Qinhu understood Zhang Shun's intention and responded loudly. The rest of He Jin, ‘Wang Zhengshi’ and Wu Xian also responded quickly.

"Zhang Sanbai listens to the order! I order you to form a forward selection battalion immediately. You will have one Qian Mao Gourd, one 'King of the World', and one He Yilong Cavalry, all of which will be assigned to you to lead. In addition, I will add additional surrenders. We have a thousand soldiers, and we must complete the training as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Zhang Sanbai couldn't hide his joy and quickly responded loudly.

Three battalions were assigned to two battalions. Xiao Qinhu and Zhang Sanbai had long been promoted by Zhang Shun. They had made many contributions and had high prestige. There was no objection for a while.

But who this third person is, no one can guess for a while. They couldn't help but look at Zhang Shun, preparing to reveal the final answer to the mystery.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun smiled and said: "I will be in charge of the third battalion myself for the time being, with Jiang He as my deputy. Jiang He, you give priority to selecting surrender troops and expand the number of sword and shield men to 1,000; Wei Congyi also expanded his troops to 1,000." Thousands; Zhao Lizi, you use 100 of my bodyguards as the backbone, and select 400 from the men and horses given to us by General Cao; Wang Shaoyu, you use 300 of your men as the backbone, and then select two Hundreds of people come out. Let's form a Yulin camp."

"As for Wang Yidao, he led his 200 cadres, selected hundreds of people from the distressed people, plus remaining prisoners and surrendered troops, to form a guard of 1,000 people, dedicated to the defense of Luoyang City."

Good guy, Zhang Shun was so quick to cut through the chaos that he organized the three battalions of troops in an instant. The reaction was slow, and then I realized that Zhang Shun had been prepared for it.

Since he is carrying out drastic reforms, Zhang Shun must of course carry out the reform vigorously to the end.

Just after talking about the establishment, Zhang Shun did not ask others earlier, and continued to order: "All battalion captains, flag commanders and division chiefs need to be trained in the military academy before they can take their positions. Our army is organized with five people. The five corps are the team, the five teams are the flags, the five flags are the divisions, and the five divisions are the camp. Three thousand one hundred and twenty-five people form one camp."

"There is also an independent artillery regiment named: Second Artillery Regiment, referred to as: Second Artillery. Li Shi'an is responsible for the security. The artillery regiment is responsible for daily training, custody, and maintenance. During wartime, Li Shi'an is responsible for According to the order, artillery under the command was dispatched to follow other battalions in combat."

"The artillery is organized as follows: Each field gun or 'golden gun' is equipped with ten mules and horses, one artillery cart, and one ammunition cart. There are ten soldiers, including one gunner, one gunner, one loader, and one porter. Two people, one is a wet cannon brush, one is a gun brush, one is a palm hook, and two are sentinels."

"Each eight artillery pieces are set as one flag. If fighting according to orders, the flag should be used as a unit to support other teams."

"In addition, an artillery school is set up to teach artillery, mathematics and other knowledge to improve artillery technology. Anyone who cannot pass the school assessment will not be able to engage in artillery work."

"Order: Gunners will receive double pay, and gunners must be promoted to the rank of gunner! The rest of the artillerymen will receive one and a half pay, which is custom-made!"

When Zhang Shun issued a series of orders in a daze, most people had nothing to do with themselves and did not react much.

Only Cao Wenzhao saw with his own eyes that the artillerymen under Zhang Shun showed off their power, and the officers and soldiers who attacked them changed their expressions and did not dare to fight against them. Chen Qiyu was so majestic at the time. He led 8,000 men and horses to fight Zhang Shun's 6,000 or 7,000 men, but was defeated and died.

Cao Wenzhao was quite sensitive to Zhang Shun's artillery. When he heard Zhang Shun's series of orders about artillery, although he didn't know the key, he also understood that Zhang Shun was going to use this as a " trump card ".

The Ming army also used a large number of artillery, but most of them were carried on tanks. "Use chariots to protect cannons, and cannons to protect formations" is the most basic tactical thinking of the Ming army.

However, Zhang Shun did the opposite and organized the artillery alone. He also deployed more mules, horses, and soldiers, basically using one thousand troops to take care of one artillery piece.

It seems that compared with the Ming army, which only had three or five people operating one cannon, the rebel army was a serious waste of manpower and horsepower, but what would the reality be like?

Cao Wenzhao always felt that there was something in it, but he couldn't figure it out for a while.

Thank you to fans "Zawaki Erxin" and "Shadow in the Dark Night Silently Watching" for two consecutive rewards. Thank you for supporting the author. Due to the loss of files, the author cannot update on time before 12 o'clock. This chapter will be made up for now and will be updated after a while. I'm sorry everyone!

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