Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 579 Private Matters

After Zhang Shun compiled the artillery manual, his first reaction was to find Ma Yingniang and prepare for the two of them to take the opportunity to practice it secretly.

It's just that Ma Yingniang is thin-skinned, so how can she be willing to do such a dangerous thing with him?

In desperation, Zhang Shun had no choice but to use a gun instead of a cannon, and asked Ma Yingniang to help him take a shot, which was better than nothing.

Not to mention how the two practiced the drill, at least Zhang Shun set up the artillery academy, and the follow-up work began in an intense and orderly manner.

Since Zhang Shun didn't need to worry about the training at the military academy, he now had some time to relax, wandering east and west. He saw that Zhang Shenyan, Lu Weiqi and Song Xiance were all very busy.

And Governor Zhang, Han Lin and Gao Yizhi were busy making artillery and strengthening city defenses, so there was no need for him to intervene.

With nothing to do, Zhang wanted to call Wukong and other personal guards to go outside the city to investigate the living conditions of the nearby people.

As a result, Zhang Shun didn't have time to call Wukong, but Wukong called him first. Only to hear Wukong shouting loudly: "Master, Li Daliang is here again!"

Isn't Li Daliang following Chen Changzhen in Baodu Village? Zhang Shun was shocked and rushed out to greet him.

When he went out, he saw Li Daliang squatting next to the horse, drinking water in large gulps. Li Daliang saw Zhang Shun, wiped his mouth quickly, and shouted out breathlessly: "General, is he free recently? But I have something to ask for, general!"

Zhang Shun was even more surprised. When Li Daliang said this, he must be asking for help with something private. Is there any private matter that would warrant Li Daliang's hasty travel of more than three hundred miles?

Thinking of this, Zhang responded with a smile: "But it doesn't matter, my brother, why are you so polite!"

Zhang Shun was indeed right, he was indeed his brother. When Li Daliang heard this, he smiled and said: "As the general said, this matter is the matter of brother Chen's family."

"Wang Jinyi, who suffered from the plague in the past few days, invited the Chen family's sisters-in-law over. When she had something to do, she and her brother Chen had a small quarrel every two days and a big quarrel every three days. She cried and made trouble all day long. If you hang yourself, you won’t be able to live your life!”

"There was a fire in the Chen family's backyard and he was not interested in official matters. We were afraid that we might miss the master's important event, so we came here to ask the general for advice!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. After all is said and done, he is actually the mastermind.

It turned out that when Zhang Shun understood the relationship between Ma Yingniang and himself, he wanted to get rid of his sworn brother Chen Changzhen.

As a result, Wang Jinyi, who had a good impression of Ma Yingniang, had already disliked Chen Changzhen, so he wanted to spoil his good deeds and gave Zhang Shun a bad idea.

Wang Jinyi admonished Zhang Shun: "Chen Changzhen is the most lecherous. He already has four wives and concubines at home. He is still not satisfied and wants to covet Miss Ma. This is really intolerable!"

"Although Miss Ma is not a lady, she is also a jade girl from a small family. How can she be a concubine? It just so happens that I have been away from home for a long time and have missed my parents for a long time. I would like to return to Huaiqing Mansion and bring back all the generals and their families. How embarrassing for this guy!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he felt good about it. Killing two birds with one stone, he could not only let his sister-in-law come over to make a fuss and dispel the idea of ​​sworn brother Chen Changzhen, but also keep the generals and their families in the camp to prevent them from having second thoughts, so he nodded and agreed.

It's just that this matter is not a glorious thing. Zhang Shun is bored in his heart and is too embarrassed to talk to anyone.

In fact, if we talk about this matter seriously, it is not Zhang Shun's plot against Chen Changzhen. Originally, Chen Changzhen wanted to marry Ma Yingniang, but Ma Yingniang didn't want to be his concubine. The two sides couldn't come to an agreement, so they just settled down.

Ma Yingniang can marry whomever she wants from now on, and it has nothing to do with him, Chen Changzhen.

But the key point is that Zhang Shun insisted on being the matchmaker for Chen Changzhen. This made people think that the matchmaker failed, but instead he accepted Ma Yingniang. Wouldn't it mean that if yellow mud falls into the crotch, it will become shit if it is not shit?

I have no choice but to wipe my own shit. Zhang Shun had made a fool of himself, but he couldn't do anything to let the girl find a way to wipe his ass.

So he swore a promise to Ma Yingniang, and it was not just empty words, he had already made up his mind.

According to his plan, after the Chen family's sister-in-law arrived, she would make a fuss with Chen Changzhen, and then he would take the opportunity to bring up the matter of Ma Yingniang, blocking Chen Changzhen's mouth, and the matter would be easier to handle.

But he never expected that the Chen family's sister-in-law, Mrs. Wang, would be so aggressive that she would actually cause trouble for Brother Chen, who was always known as the "Second Guan Gong".

Originally, Zhang Shun also gave Chen Changzhen to form a spear battalion with a thousand soldiers under Li Daliang and Li Mou as the core. If the Chen family's sister-in-law, Mrs. Wang, interferes with the affair, I'm afraid it will ruin her own affairs.

As the saying goes, "It is difficult for an upright official to deal with household affairs." How could a young Zhang Shun get involved in his sworn brother's household affairs?

It's just that the capable Song Xiance and Zhang Shenyan have been extremely busy. Zhang Shun really didn't have the shame to find the two of them and ask them to put down their official duties and deal with such "private matters".

In desperation, Zhang Shun had no choice but to say to Li Daliang: "Since it is Brother Chen's family matter, how can I just sit back and ignore it? You can rest for a while and have something to eat. After I have tidied up, I will go to Kangjiazhuang and my party!"

After that, Zhang Shun ordered Wukong to ask his bodyguards to prepare armor, weapons, horses and food for the road. He thought secretly in his heart: "How can I, a young man, know how to handle housework? Zhao Yutou is old and cannot bear the bumps. The Red Lady has I am pregnant and have many things to do. In this case, why don’t I bring Li Xiang and Liu Rushi with me. After all, they are also women, so they can advise my sister-in-law Wang in private! "

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun quickly entered the back room, called Li Xiang and Liu Rushi, and told them that he wanted to take them to Baodu Village to play.

Li Xiang has been feeling sleepy recently, so she hesitates. Seeing this, Liu Rushi quickly lay down next to her ear and murmured in a low voice: "Now Li Sanniang has taken the lead, and the Red Lady has taken the second. My madam, if we can't even take the mountain, what else can we do?" Are you competing with others for the position of the principal wife?"

Li Xiang couldn't help but be horrified when she heard this. Li Sanniang had wide hips and a big butt, and she looked very childlike. This man has been hungry and thirsty for more than half a year. If he meets Zhang Shun, wouldn't it be like hay and fire? It's impossible to say that Tian Ming favors her. If she waits for the opportunity to have another child, she will be in big trouble!

Thinking of this, Li Xiang ignored her physical discomfort and responded quickly: "We are not the two women who are unable to tie a chicken. It is normal to ride on a boat and ride a horse. If you have the intention, it is too late for us to be happy. Why?" Will you disobey your orders?"

Okay, let’s just treat it as an outing! Old God Zhang Shun thought while he was here, and asked Li Xiang and Liu Rushi to quickly pack some clothes and prepare to ride to Kangjiazhuang together.

Thank you to the fan "Zawaki Erxin" for several consecutive rewards. Thank you for your strong support to the author!

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