Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 587 Zhang Shun meets the old mountain leader

Zuo Lengchan, the old master of Songyang Academy, had been doing his duty since he was forcibly kidnapped by Li Jiyu. Zhang Shun was the only one who followed his orders.

The old man was too old to make troubles. After Zhang Shun arranged a place to live, he just read and recited sutras every day, with nothing else in mind.

Occasionally, a disciple would come to ask for some advice, or bring some melons, fruits, rice and noodles, or say that so-and-so was a thief again. The old mountain chief was neither happy nor angry about this. In spring and autumn, you can see flowers blooming and falling, and in winter and summer, you can see the clouds rolling in and out, making you feel comfortable all day long.

That day, the old mountain chief slept again until three o'clock in the morning, and then Shi Shiran got up. Disciple Huang Deqing was also very loyal. He had already prepared breakfast for him and invited him to eat.

The old mountain leader washed up for a while, picked up his rice bowl and ate two pills before looking embarrassed. It turned out that breakfast was just a bowl of porridge. Now that rice was expensive in Luoyang, his disciple Huang Deqing just picked up some corn, soybeans and wild vegetables, mixed them together, and cooked them for him.

Lao Shan is getting older and his teeth are loose, but he can't bite anymore. He took a few bites with difficulty, couldn't help but put down his chopsticks, tapped the bowl with his fingers and sang: "I'm full of knowledge about miscellaneous porridge, but my old teeth are sparse!"

The old mountain leader was lamenting his plan when he suddenly heard a commotion outside the door. He was afraid that something would delay his meal, so he hurriedly devoured his food and asked his disciple Huang Deqing to go check it out.

When Huang Deqing went out, he saw a dark figure guarding the door approaching. He took a closer look and saw that it was none other than the new master of Luoyang City, the leader of Songyang Academy, King Shun Zhang Shun.

Huang Deqing did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly took two steps forward to salute: "King Shun, why are you here?"

Zhang Shun thought for a while, he was now the lord of a city, and at least he had to establish himself as a courteous and virtuous corporal.

So, he responded politely: "I wonder if Mr. Changzuo, the old man, is here? Just report it and say that Zhang Shun came to see you!"

This Huang Deqing was originally the head of Zuo Lengchan Hall, Laoshan Chang, and he was quite discerning. He had contact with Zhang Shun before because of forging documents.

He did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly rushed to the house in three steps and two steps at a time, and reported: "Sir, King Shun is outside asking for an audience!"

Originally, the old mountain chief choked on the bowl of coarse porridge and rolled his eyes. Hearing this, he quickly threw away the porridge in his hand. He stretched out his hand, pointed at the kettle with a whimper and said: "Water, water."

Huang Deqing was so frightened that his husband would spread his hands and lose his breath. He quickly grabbed a tea bowl and poured some boiling water for Lao Shanchang to drink.

Lao Shanchang swallowed a few mouthfuls and finally swallowed the food in his mouth. He couldn't help but wipe his mouth, then pushed the bowl and chopsticks in his hands out, and laughed loudly: "From now on, there is no chance for you and me!"

Huang Deqing was stunned when he heard this and asked, "What do you mean, sir? Do you want to drive me away?"

"How can you not?" Lao Shanchang said with a smile, "King Shun is coming soon. I think this old man will be useful. Why do I need to eat such coarse porridge?"

Not long after, Huang Deqing welcomed Zhang Shun in. Wukong was guarding him, but he didn't expect that the lintel of the shabby room where the old mountain leader lived was low. There was only a loud "bang" sound, and Wukong's head hit the lintel of the door. The old mountain leader's humble house suddenly shook three times and almost collapsed on the spot.

Zhang Shun, Lao Shanchang and others were startled. They looked up for a long time and were shocked to see that the beam on the roof had not fallen off. They all breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Shun was in shock and was about to curse Wukong. As a result, I saw that this guy looked aggrieved and had a big bump on his head. It was really miserable.

The curse words that came to his lips had no choice but to be swallowed alive by Zhang Shun. His tone softened and he comforted in a low voice: "Just stand at the door and find a handkerchief to wrap it up. When you return to the palace, let the doctor apply some plaster on you."

Wukong agreed aggrievedly, and Zhang Shun timidly bowed to the old mountain leader and said: "I have seen the old mountain leader for many days, and I have a complicated matter, so I never asked the old mountain leader for advice."

"There are wars and droughts near Luoyang today. There will also be locust plagues and famine. I wonder what the old mountain leader can teach me?"

The old mountain leader was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help twisting his beard and laughing: "King Shun has everything in his mind, why do you need to ask an old man like me? If you need help from the old man for something, as long as King Shun opens his mouth, I will help you!"

Well, it's nice to talk to smart people. Seeing that Zhang Shun could no longer go around and around, he couldn't help but said bluntly: "The military disaster is just a battle between the rebels and the officers and soldiers. I want to rectify the military discipline on the one hand, and train the troops to prepare for war in order to defeat the officers and soldiers."

"Those who suffer from drought are unable to fight it now. However, we can also organize people into households and provide relief through work. I want the people to dig out locusts and level the low-lying areas. When spring comes, crops will be replanted to prevent the seedlings from drying up in preparation. There is a risk of no harvest, I wonder what the old man thinks?"

Upon hearing this, the old mountain chief smoothed his beard, nodded and said: "Farming and war are the foundation of a country. King Shun really has great ambitions!"

"It's just that a clever woman can't make a meal without rice. In view of the old age, King Shun has two shortcomings. One is: lack of people, and the second is: lack of food. I wonder if it is true?"

Zhang Shun originally planned to introduce these words himself so that he could borrow someone from Lao Shanzhang, but he never thought that the dean would say it first.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but look at him in surprise, nodded quickly and said: "What the old mountain leader said is true, I don't know how to teach me?"

When the old mountain chief Zuo Lengchan heard this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "Since King Shun has asked a question, I have to answer it. The so-called 'lack of people' actually means a lack of officials. Since King Shun came to visit me, who is half buried in the earth, I must You have fallen in love with my seventy-two disciples!"

"The sage Zhang Zihou once said: To establish a heart for heaven and earth, to establish a destiny for the people, to inherit the unique knowledge of the past saints, and to create peace for all generations. I am too old and inexperienced to compare myself to a saint, but my heart to establish a destiny for the people is still there. Since Shun Corporal Wang Lixian came to visit me in person, and I should have done everything I could to help him."

"However, Uncle Liu visited the thatched cottage three times in the past and established a business. King Yan Zhao bought a horse bone with a thousand gold and defeated the Qi Dynasty. King Shun is a very human being. Although someone is not like Zhuge, he can still be used as a horse bone. I wonder what King Shun wants?"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he asked, "Are you kidding me?" I am giving you face honestly, but you are shameless and rub your nose into your face. It is really unreasonable!

Zhang Shun was about to walk away, but then he thought about it, it was just a play and it wasn't worth much.

As the saying goes, "Within ten steps, there must be lush grass; in a town with ten houses, there must be handsome men." As a capital city, Luoyang cannot be said to be full of talents, but there must be many useful people.

This old mountain leader is full of knowledge and has seen many people, not to mention that he is old. Even for the sake of respecting the elderly, he deserves to visit the thatched cottage three times.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said: "I've been taught a lesson!" Then he ordered Wukong to leave the gift and led everyone away.

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