Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 589 Thousand Liang of Gold

After Zhang Shun looked around the thatched cottage and thoroughly recruited Zuo Lengchan, the old mountain chief.

On the next day, Zhang Shun sent Zhao Lizi and a hundred soldiers to the four city gates, beating gongs and drums, and preaching back and forth: "King Shun favored agriculture and mulberry trees. To express his encouragement, he gave a thousand taels of gold and bought a pound of rice and flour. Bag. Send it to the back of the palace and pay immediately!"

When the people of Luoyang City heard this, weren't they trying to trick fools? In this era, the exchange rate of gold and silver was generally about one to five. This so-called thousand taels of gold was five thousand taels of silver. Who is so stupid as to take it out and exchange it for a bag of rice noodles?

Zhang Shun's routine is quite simple. Anyone with a discerning eye can see at a glance that he is actually imitating Shang Yang's idea of ​​erecting wooden gates.

It's just that many honest people disdain to associate with thieves and bandits, so they often behave inappropriately. Zhao Lizi had been wandering around the four gates of Luoyang City for a long time, and the trouble had already been known to the whole city.

Sure enough, a brave man shouted loudly: "Isn't it just a bag of rice and noodles? My family can't afford the loss. As long as King Shun pays me one or two taels of gold, it will be worth it."

Afterwards, the man found a wheelbarrow, loaded it with a bag of corn, and was about to push it away.

As a result, his old father quickly grabbed him and said, "King Shun is engaged in beheading business. He is promoting it like this today just to amuse everyone."

"If you climb up the pole and refute King Shun's face, I'm afraid he will become angry and you won't get the gold, but you will lose your life!"

Who is willing to listen to the young and energetic young man who is eager to offer a reward to Zhang Shun? He hurriedly broke away and shouted loudly: "Who is King Shun? Crushing me to death is like crushing an ant to death. Why do you need to coax me like this?"

"Whenever I want to be killed, I'll stick my neck out and get stabbed, so I don't have to worry about my father!"

The old father was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, so he found a wicker stick and stepped forward to slap him. This guy is a free-spirited guy, how can he be willing to be beaten honestly?

He quickly grabbed the handle and pushed the wheelbarrow towards Prince Fu's Mansion like flying. The old father had no choice but to lose his only son. He had no choice but to shout from behind and twist the willow branches, trying to give him a few blows. The two chased each other and arrived at Prince Fu's Mansion in a short time.

Zhang Shun heard the commotion outside the palace and had already led Wukong and others out of the back door of the palace. As a result, there was already a sea of ​​people outside the door, with people on three levels inside and three outside, ready to watch the "bastard" joke.

When the "bastard" saw Zhang Shun coming out, his eyes lit up. He quickly got rid of his old father's entanglement, struggled to grab two willow branches, and then loaded up the corn on the cart.

The man just pushed his shoulder forward and threw the big bag of corn in front of Zhang Shun. Then, he clapped his hands and shouted loudly: "Your Highness King Shun, my corn has arrived. Please bring me a thousand taels of gold. Don't renege!"

Lu Weiqi could see clearly from the side and knew that Zhang Shun was the old man of Chengmen Limu, but he didn't know what he was planning to do. I also saw that the visitor was not getting along with my old father, and I felt unhappy.

He quickly stood up and scolded: "Don't be rude. Who is King Shun? How can he rely on your money?"

It doesn't matter what Lu Weiqi shouted, the people watching nearby immediately started talking: "In my opinion, this King Shun will definitely default on his debt!"

"That's right, a thousand taels of gold are exchanged for a bag of corn. This is taking King Shun for granted!"

Seeing everyone talking, Zhang Shun couldn't help but stepped forward, coughed slightly, and said loudly: "I keep my word and do what I say. Come here, bring me a thousand taels of gold to give this gift." A strong man!"

"Wow! This King Shun is really a bit stupid!" The onlookers couldn't help but marvel.

Zhang Shun's face darkened, and he couldn't help but explain quickly: "I advise you not to weigh a thousand taels of gold, and you can't eat, drink, or chew it! I advise you not to take a bowl of millet lightly, because when famine comes, people will be born! Since ancient times, food has been the top priority for the people, so I urge you to teach farmers. Sang is the most important!"

"This summer, Qixian, Weishi and other places suffered from locust plagues. The locusts landed on the ground and stayed there for more than ten days. The grains were destroyed and the people were in dire straits! Although our Henan Prefecture has not suffered from this disaster, we must not be careless!"

"If you are prepared, you will be safe; if you are unprepared, you will be worried. This autumn, there will be a severe drought, and many wheat seedlings will die. I am planning to organize everyone to cultivate the land in the spring to alleviate the risk of famine. What do you think?"

Zhang Shun's words left everyone speechless. Food is the most important thing for the people, and civilians who have been tortured by natural and man-made disasters understand this very well.

At this point, everyone knew the deep meaning of Zhang Shun's "thousands of gold to buy grain". They couldn't help but responded one after another: "We and others don't have anything, we only have the ability to cultivate the fields for generations, and the ability passed down from our ancestors! This is a good thing that brings blessings to ourselves. Since King Shun has the intention, we will do everything we can to help!"

Another person praised: "Old man, I am seventy-eight years old. I have encountered many disasters in my life. I am lucky to have survived. But I have never heard of the government organizing us to replant. Since there is such a good thing, how can we do it?" Shouldn’t it?”

Lu Weiqi looked aside for a long time, seeming to understand something, but also not seeming to understand anything.

He thought to himself: "This King Shun is cunning, and he doesn't know what his plans are. If he really wants to help the people resume farming and replant, I can't just sit idly by! If he has ulterior motives and harms the people of Henan, I can't just sit idly by and watch!"

While everyone was shouting, Wukong had already brought out a large dark red box. Zhang Shun opened the box with his own hands in front of everyone, and saw a golden light shining out, which immediately blinded everyone.

Inside the box were twelve gold ingots, a total of one hundred, densely packed into the entire box.

"Weigh!" Zhang Shun shouted and ordered.

The "bastard" and his old father had long embraced each other and cried. Hearing this, he quickly stepped forward to persuade him and said, "I accept King Shun's reputation. There is no need to weigh him. There is no need to weigh him!"

To be honest, Zhang Shun's body hurt so much when he looked at such a golden gold ingot. I think back then, for a wealthy Zezhou businessman like Wang Zhuer, he could only squeeze out ten thousand taels of silver despite all his efforts.

Even though I am very wealthy now, I can't just wave my hand and it's just half of the Wang family's fortune?

Fortunately, he also knows that he can't trap the wolf if he doesn't want to give up his children. Since he is ready to sensationalize this matter, he naturally wants to maximize his interests.

This so-called "weighing" is not only for this "bastard" to see, but also for the onlookers to see.

As the saying goes, "Money and silk move people's hearts." There are many high-rise buildings on both sides of the street, each worth hundreds of millions and billions, but not many people are so jealous that they can't sleep.

If someone were walking down the street with millions of dollars in cash, everyone would look at him with suspicion and harbor ill intentions.

For ordinary people, apart from exchanging the grain in the fields for silver during the summer and autumn taxes, how much gold and silver have they seen on weekdays?

What's more, in the past, there were scattered pieces of silver and a lot of black and stone-like things. How could such a neat, golden and shining thing attract people's attention?

If Wukong hadn't led the soldiers wearing iron armor and holding sharp blades to guard both sides, the people around him would have been able to rush forward and snatch the box of gold cleanly.

Thank you to fans "Zemu Erxin" and "Book Friends 20190416213522085" for their rewards. Thank you for your support!

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