Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 592: Knowing the Small Things

When Zhang Shun heard Song Xiance's words, his first reaction was "I am in charge, are you also a time traveler?"

This prophecy of "five stars coming out of the east will benefit China" became famous in later generations.

Because in 1995, a Han Dynasty Shu brocade protector was unearthed in Xinjiang with the words "Five stars come out of the east and benefit China". Although the "magic power" is no longer mentioned in the world, it has still become a famous national treasure.

In Zhang Shun's previous life, he was rarely exposed to similar things when it came to Internet trolling, so this was his first reaction.

In fact, this is an ancient celestial warning commonly used phrase. There are records in historical books such as "Historical Records" that "among the five stars in the sky, if they are accumulated in the east, China will benefit; if they are accumulated in the west, foreign users will benefit."

Song Xiance already liked the study of astrology and divination, so it was not surprising that he knew such words.

As for the word "Zi Wei", Zhang Shun had been in contact with these godly people a lot, so he knew that it meant the emperor.

Now Zhang Shun has repeatedly defeated the imperial army, beheaded the imperial officials, and occupied Luoyang City. He wants to discuss the "dispute between legitimate concubines" with the imperial court. He has already become a thorn in the side of the court and a thorn in the flesh.

At this time, even if he wanted to keep a low profile and bide his time, it would be impossible to "gather up food widely, build high walls, and slowly become king".

For the current plan, Zhang Shun can only advocate vigorously and strive to realize his reputation as soon as possible, and it is only right to be secretly respected by the world.

Thinking of this, Zhang Han laughed and said: "Mr. Song is really talented. In this case, let's call this bastion 'Purple Star Castle'!"

While Zhang Shun was busy building a fortress outside Luoyang City, he didn't know that there was already a commotion outside because of the "grain speculation" incident.

The first person to discover something was wrong was Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang. Originally, the land of Yunyang blocked the road from southern Shaanxi to Huguang in western Henan. Now that the bandits in southern Shaanxi and Huguang have jumped out of the encirclement and left Henan in the east, it makes no sense for Lu Xiangsheng to defend Yunyang.

Therefore, after receiving the imperial edict, he packed up his troops and headed west to Nanyang Mansion to stop the rebel army from going south.

As a result, when Lu Xiangsheng reached halfway, many vehicles were seen on the road, hindering the march of the officers and soldiers.

At first, Lu Xiangsheng only thought it was escorting military rations for officers and soldiers. When he first arrived in Yunyang, Yunyang was a small city. "This place is not as good as a county in Daming Prefecture, but it is governed by a dignified government."

The six counties under his rule were desolate mountains, barren soil, and homeless people. Except for the five hundred soldiers under his command, they had no money, no pay, and no soldiers.

Lu Xiangsheng asked the court many times to no avail, and he still had to pay the guest soldiers' food and wages. Relying on the support of Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, they managed to recruit 600 more Mao soldiers and 500 new soldiers. The total number of troops in the Biao battalion under his command was more than 1,600.

Therefore, after a while, Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, came to his senses. No matter how generous Tang Hui, the governor of Huguang, was, there was no need to give so much food and grass to his more than 1,600 men. Even if it is used to support guest soldiers, this is not Huguang's responsibility, how can it be like this?

Lu Xiangsheng felt uneasy and quickly led more than ten people to stop a convoy and asked loudly: "I am Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang. I don't know where the food in custody is going? But is it the food for my officers and soldiers?"

The person in charge was shocked when he heard this. No matter how stupid he was, he could not tell the court official that he was going to sell food and grass to thieves. Of course, it can't be said that it was escorting military rations. Otherwise, if it was directly confiscated, wouldn't it be unfair and tragic?

He quickly responded: "Your Majesty, you are polite. This food is not for the army, but for sale. I heard that there was a disaster in the north and the price of food was twice as high as usual. I also want to earn some pocket money to spend!"

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but frowned when he heard this, knowing that many of his words were untrue. It's just that this person has a good temper and is an official who loves the people, so there is no difficulty in dealing with him.

He just made a small request and asked: "I wonder if you can let me take a look at the quality of this grain? If it is good, I might buy some if I can't go back."

The person in charge was very resistant in his heart, fearing that he would be malicious and wait for an opportunity to seize his food and grass, and even lose his property and life here.

Fortunately, there was a sensible person around him, and he quickly whispered to him: "This Governor of Yunyang, Lu Xiangsheng, is not a cruel person. As long as the master handles it properly, there will be no worries."

The person in charge felt relieved when he heard this, and quickly smiled and said: "What's it worth? If Mr. Lu wants to see it, how can I shirk it?"

He quickly led dozens of people from Lu Xiangsheng to approach the vehicle, ordered someone to open a bag of grain, grabbed a handful and handed it to Lu Xiangsheng for viewing.

Lu Xiangsheng took a look in his hand and saw that it was a handful of rice that had not been shelled. He couldn't help but asked strangely: "Why is this? It hasn't even shed its shell. Who is willing to buy it?"

"Lord Lu, you don't know something!" The person in charge laughed when he heard this. "It's just the time of autumn harvest, and there are only three or four months before the deadline for collecting silver for autumn grain in February next year. How will all this rice be shelled?" ?”

"Despite this, it is better to shell the rice than to shell it, and to not shell it. The rice that has not been shelled is actually easier to store. It will not go bad or get eaten in ten years."

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help being horrified when he heard this, and murmured to himself again, repeating: "It won't be broken or eaten away in ten years?"

The person in charge saw that Lu Xiangsheng's face was not good-looking, and he couldn't help but feel uneasy, and quickly asked: "Master Lu, did you say something wrong?"

"No, no, just keep walking!" Lu Xiangsheng came to his senses after hearing this and said with a smile, "Listen to your words and wake up the dreamer!"

When the grain team left in a hurry, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but his face darkened, and he shouted to his subordinates: "Hurry to Nanyang Mansion with me and strictly inspect the grain from Huguang to Heluo."

"Ordinary people buy grain just to meet their urgent needs. Is there any reason to buy husked rice? It must be because the thieves are poor in skills and the army is short of food. They want to take the opportunity to buy more grain and grass to prepare for the shortage of the army."

Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, realized that something was wrong. Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces stationed in Tongguan, was certainly not incompetent.

When he gathered the soldiers in Guanzhong and raised food and grass, he inexplicably found that the price of food in Guanzhong had risen sharply. At that time, he thought that the dealer was sitting on the ground raising the price, and he was scolded by him.

As a result, when he discovered that most of the food in Guanzhong departed from Tongguan and went straight to Luoyang, he realized that something was wrong.

He quickly ordered his soldiers to strictly inspect the checkpoints to prevent food from flowing eastward; at the same time, he ordered his soldiers to gather together quickly and prepare to leave the customs as soon as possible.

At the same time, not only Lu Xiangsheng and Hong Chengchou, but also officials from other places also discovered more or less abnormal food transportation problems.

However, judging from the low and corrupt execution capabilities of the Ming Dynasty at the grassroots level, knowing does not mean doing it.

Under the temptation of money, these eight grain immortals showed their magical powers across the sea, either by smuggling, smuggling, bribery, or colluding with officials and businessmen, and continuously transported grains within thousands of miles to Luoyang.

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