Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 598 Prepare for a Rainy Day

Zhang Shenyan offered three strategies in a row, but he was already at the end of his rope. It was already remarkable that he was able to come up with a solution in his haste, so Zhang Shun didn't mean to blame him.

Instead, after Zhang Shenyan opened his mind, Zhang Shun came up with an idea. He didn't want to laugh and said: "Gong Zhang said so, I have come up with a way."

"In the past two days, I met a businessman named Wang Qingzhi. Not only did he sell me 30,000 dan of food, he also sold me some gunpowder and weapons."

"After understanding, we know that even the most profitable salt industry, the profit is only about 15% to 17%. Although my grain is not as profitable as the salt industry, it is worse than bulk goods. It can be paid as soon as it comes, and the money is easy to come by. .”

"In this case, why don't I take the opportunity to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with these merchants. After both parties have initially established trust, I can then place an order with them. For example, next time a certain number of stones of food are shipped to me, I will eat them all at that price. Such a guarantee of food purchase will not be a one-time deal."

Zhang Shenyan and Lady Hong couldn't help but be extremely surprised when they heard this. They never expected that Zhang Shun had only been in contact with these people for a few days and learned the secrets.

In fact, they had thought wrong about this matter. When Zhang Shun was working on a construction site in his previous life, he was already accustomed to buying and selling these bulk goods.

It's just that he didn't think about it at first, but now that he has thought about it, he naturally has other thoughts and calculations.

The three of them talked about this, but it was almost done. Zhang Shenyan saw that the red lady was yawning non-stop and feeling quite unwell, so he resigned quickly.

Zhang Shun quickly sent him to the door personally and ordered Wang Jinyi to lead a few people to escort him all the way to Zhang Shenyan's residence. Only then did he feel relieved.

In fact, Zhang Shun discussed it with Zhang Shenyan and Lady Hong for a long time, and he understood it himself. If he planned to use food to promote change and intensify the conflict between Hou Jin and the Ming Dynasty's border troops, he would still take it for granted.

However, I also have to buy food for myself and others. If there are dates but there are no dates, I won't lose anything.

Especially since he is a person of later generations, he vaguely remembers that the textbooks of his previous life seemed to mention that in the last years of the dynasty, there were often natural and man-made disasters, and the people were in dire straits and couldnibalize each other. Although he couldn't remember what it was like in the late Ming Dynasty, it was generally not much different.

Not to mention the memory of the previous life, but in recent years, Daming's situation has not been much better.

According to "Chuang Wang", "Chuang General" and others, Yansui, the hometown of most of the rebels, has been suffering from drought for nine consecutive years; according to Wang Qingzhi, Datong Town, one of the nine sides, has also been suffering from continuous drought. It has lasted seven years, but has only improved in the past two years.

This thing is like buying stocks. It depends on your ability and luck.

Although Zhang Shun didn't know what his ability and luck were, he was sure that Daming's luck would not be good.

If there was a bumper harvest every year and the country was peaceful and the people were safe, how could there be rebel armies in the border areas, wandering to several provinces, and the change of dynasties?

If I can't do short-term, I will do long-term. It’s not a loss if you throw grain into your hands. Can you Da Ming and Hou Jin carry it this year, next year, and the year after that?

As long as the year is bad, it will eventually bring you down. Maybe the millions of stones of food you bought will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back.

Even if it cannot be delayed beyond the Ming Dynasty and the Later Jin Dynasty, the two will disappear. Wouldn't it be great if I could save so much food and use it to gather hundreds of thousands of troops and defeat them openly?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun's thoughts became clear and his steps became much brisker.

When Zhang Shun returned to the living room, the red lady had disappeared. Zhang Shun was about to shout, but Jian'er heard the movement and shouted quickly: "Sir, my wife is in the back room!"

Zhang Shun was afraid that the red lady would make a mistake, so he ran in quickly. He looked up and saw the red lady lying there with a pale face.

Zhang Shun asked quickly: "Madam, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little dizzy." The red lady responded weakly, "In the past, I had a strong body, could ride a strong horse, shoot a strong bow, and was as good as a woman. I didn't expect that one day, I would be so weak. "

Zhang Shun was running around anxiously, not knowing how to help. The red lady couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled when she saw it, and said: "Master, please stop spinning. I was already dizzy, but if I continued spinning, I would faint. I'm really busy these days, why don't you just sit with me? Let’s talk for a while!”

"Then let me peel an orange for you!" Zhang Shun quickly called Jian'er to hand him an orange.

As the saying goes, "Oranges grown in Huaibei are called Zhi oranges, and oranges grown in Huainan are called tangerines." Oranges are a fruit native to China and have a cultivation history of three to four thousand years.

Due to variety and climate reasons, it mostly grew in areas south of the Yangtze River during this era. Traditionally, autumn oranges mature around October to November.

It happened that Li Baihu went to Huguang to buy grain. When he saw this, he bought some half-ripe oranges, cut them down with the branches and fruits, and brought some back for Li Xiang and Zhang Shun to try.

Zhang Shun didn't care much about this, and Li Xiang sent some more. After being stored for a long time, they are almost all cooked.

Despite the virtuous appearance of the red lady, in fact, the people in the border area are less like a little girl and more generous.

She didn't understand why Zhang Shun peeled the oranges for herself, but even though the oranges couldn't be eaten in her mouth, she felt a little sweet in her heart.

Zhang Shun peeled off the orange peel, separated the orange petals one by one, then thinly removed the white orange tendons on the orange petals, and stuffed them into the red lady's mouth.

The red lady happily ate one piece, and Zhang stuffed another piece in by the way, just like an old sparrow feeding a young sparrow.

One fed and the other ate. After a while, the red lady ate the whole orange.

Looking at Zhang Shun's empty hands, the red lady blushed and couldn't help but apologize a little embarrassedly: "Master, I was greedy and forgot to leave a few petals for you. Why don't you let Jian'er get some for you?" you eat?"

Zhang Shun waved his hand gently and said with a smile: "What's it worth? What kind of fresh fruit has your husband-in-law never eaten? Do you still care about this?"

Zhang Shun's old man, the red lady has almost inquired about it. Although she and Li Sanniang had some differences, fortunately, neither of them were fussy people. Li Sanniang also told her about Zhang Shun's embarrassing things.

Before Zhang Shun raised his army, he was also a master who had never traveled far. On weekdays, apart from Li Sanniang picking some wild fruits for him, or stealing dates and persimmons from other people's houses, there would be no other good things to eat.

The red lady's heart was so moved that she couldn't help but feel soft. She happened to have something to say to Zhang Shun in the past few days, so she took the opportunity to mention: "My health has not been very good recently. Sometimes I am out of breath when I walk. Was it when we were discussing the purchase of food just now? , I almost couldn’t hold it in any longer, let alone offer suggestions.”

"Li Xiang has been to Baodu Village for so long recently. I don't know why she hasn't returned yet? How about letting Sanniang come back? I don't feel comfortable if the money and food in this camp are handed over to outsiders. If any of them can do it first Take care of me for a few months, and when I get better, it won’t be too late to take over.”

Zhang Shun didn't know what the red lady meant when she heard this, and there was another worry that she couldn't express. Nowadays, "Chuang King", "Chuang General", "Eight Kings" and "Living Cao Cao" are all here. In addition to "Chuang General", the other three people have also had several encounters with the Red Lady.

If she stayed in the city for a long time, she would not be afraid of anything but the possibility that if someone recognized her, something would inevitably happen between the rebels who had different ideas.

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