Let's talk about Zhang Shun's completion of the market opening, and his reputation was unparalleled for a while. Immediately, he arranged for soldiers to maintain order and prevent the money from being revealed. If someone had malicious intentions and disrupted the order of purchasing grain, he returned to the mansion.

Not long after, Li Baihu, Song Xiance and others led seven or eight businessmen in. After the two parties saw the ceremony, they sat down in order.

Zhang Shun then smiled and said: "I invite everyone here this time for two purposes. First, I want to get to know familiar faces so that I can do long-term business in the future. Second, I want to discuss long-term business with a few of you."

"I wonder what kind of business this is?" Zhang Shun's guarantee of price and profit made all the businessmen feel good about it, so they couldn't help but ask.

"Without him, it's still about food for the time being!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "The rebels eat horse chews and water flows, and they will not be satisfied overnight. They are all big businessmen, and I plan to order 100,000 dan from each of them. Three of next year The delivery will be completed before the month, I wonder if you are interested?"

When the merchants heard this, they looked at me and I looked at you, and they estimated in their hearts: each family had 100,000 dan, and the total was 800,000 dan. How could King Shun have so many people under his command?

Grain merchants are different from other merchants. They all know how much rice each person can eat in a day. The only thing they don't know is that Zhang Shun is preparing to prepare several months of grain.

It's just that these people are shrewd, but the situation is not big enough to underestimate Zhang Shun's reality.

Then someone asked the important point: "I wonder what price King Shun wants to buy it for?"

Zhang smiled and said: "Let's order for one stone and one tael for now. If the price of food continues to fluctuate, we will follow the market and we will definitely not let you lose money. I wonder what?"

These people made some mental calculations and found that although the price was a bit thin, they still made a profit after all.

What's more, Zhang Shun's character has been fully demonstrated when the market just opened, and the other party also has a certain foundation of trust in Zhang Shun.

Of course, in past transactions, they have not encountered people who first relieved their vigilance with small favors and then played cruel tricks on them. In the end, how you decide depends on your own vision.

There are people who can keep their anger down, and naturally there are people who can't keep their anger down. Someone immediately responded: "Our Wang family can trust King Shun's character. Let alone one hundred thousand stones, it is one million stones. As long as King Shun dares to order, our family will dare to give it to him."

When everyone saw that it was the Wang family from Puzhou, they couldn't help but be shocked. Immediately, the rest of the people didn't understand that the Wang family was going to place a bet.

Everyone secretly calculated that one hundred thousand stones of grain could earn more than ten thousand taels of silver, which was not too small and worth a gamble.

So they all quickly expressed their opinions: "King Shun is benevolent and righteous, and we have no objection." After that, both parties clapped their hands and swore an oath, and the contract was concluded.

After about ten days of this, everything was on track. In addition to checking the food purchase status of each person, Zhang Shun focused his extra energy on soldier training and weapon manufacturing.

As for the rebels, Huang Lai'er, the "Chuang General", followed "Chuang Wang" and others to join forces with Zhang Shun, and was then sent to garrison in Xin'an to guard against Hong Chengchou's attack to the west.

On this day, "Chuang Jiang" was very restful and restless, and it was the New Year's Eve, so he sent his nephew "Yi Hu" to Luoyang City to buy grain and new year's goods in preparation for the festival.

Unexpectedly, my nephew "Yi Hu" left at dawn and ran back in a panic before noon.

"King Chuang" couldn't help shouting: "Why are you so panicked? How can you do things properly!"

"It's not good, uncle, it's not good!" "Yihu" hurriedly ran forward and shouted in a breathless voice, "Now the word has spread throughout Luoyang City that my aunt did not fall off the cliff and die that day. Instead, she was kidnapped by Optimus Prime. My poor aunt has been humiliated every day since she kidnapped her, and now she has even given birth to a cub!"

"That's nonsense, don't mention that bitch to me again!" Huang Lai'er, the "General", was most afraid of this being mentioned, so he couldn't help but get furious when he heard this.

He couldn't help shouting: "We also went to look at the cliff that day. Although we were knocked out of human shape, we still look like your aunt. How can she come back from the dead?"

"A Tiger" also knew that his uncle was taboo about this matter, but now that it was groundless, he had to guard against it. He couldn't help but responded in a low voice: "It is said that the deceased was the corpse of Jian'er. In fact, Auntie is still in the hands of 'Optimus Prime'!"

"Champion General" Huang Lai'er couldn't help but feel a pain in his chest when he heard this, and his face turned red. He endured the discomfort and asked with his remaining rationality: "In this case, this matter is so confidential, how can it be spread to Luoyang City?" The city is full of storms?"

"This" "a tiger" pondered for a moment and explained in a low voice, "I heard that someone once saw my aunt in and out of Optimus Prime's house."

"It's nonsense. Even if someone saw it, how would they recognize it?" Huang Lai'er, the "general", still didn't believe it.

Now "One Tiger" didn't believe it either, but he still reminded him: "It's not necessarily unfounded! What's more, even if you and I don't believe this, what will King Shun think if he finds out?"

"This" "Champang General" is also a bit embarrassed.

"If this is indeed the case, this person will definitely not let it go. He will definitely be prepared to do anything to kill our uncle and nephew and avoid future troubles forever. If it is true that this is not the case, then King Shun will definitely doubt our uncle and nephew. The two of them have a conspiracy and have ulterior motives!" "Yiyihu" analyzed categorically.

"Then what should I do? Are you asking me to go to him to plead guilty?" The scar of "Chuang Jiang" was revealed again, and he couldn't help but feel ashamed and angry.

"How can it be possible? Attack people first, then attack others! Why don't we go to Luoyang City and question Optimus Prime face to face!" "Yiyihu" quickly persuaded, "If this hadn't happened , 'Optimus Prime' naturally has no time to blame us."

"What if this happens?" "King Chuang" frowned.

"Then make an appointment with 'King Chuang', 'Living Cao Cao' and the 'Eight Kings' first, and go together, leaving one person alone to lead the troops, beware of unexpected events!" "Yiyihu" quickly calculated.

"Jiang Chuang" couldn't help but nodded silently when he heard this. Xing's matter was a worry for him. People say that women's intuition is very accurate. In fact, men's intuition is also always very accurate. The key is whether you are willing to believe it or not.

"Jiang Jiang" may not have suspected Zhang Shun in his heart, but he just had no evidence and it was inconvenient to fall out. Now I just take this opportunity to make a big fuss, no matter whether it happens or not, I can also have peace of mind.

Thinking of this, "Chuang Jiang" quickly led "Yi Yihu" and others to visit "Chuang King", "Living Cao Cao" and the "Eight Kings" to talk about the matter.

Suddenly everyone was filled with anger, and even the "living Cao Cao" couldn't help but leave and express his position: "As the saying goes: Brothers and wives should not be bullied. If King Shun does such a cruel thing, I will definitely help you get justice!"

Not to mention that in ancient times, even among the gangs of later generations, there were three major taboos: "wearing red shoes", "Gou Ersao" and "Ximalan".

Among them, "hooking up the second sister-in-law" means hooking up with one's brother's wife, which is the most intolerable.

The four of them deliberated for a long time, and "King Chuang" suggested: "In this case, it is better for the three of you to go and question, while I will lead the troops outside. If this person is really angry, I can also lead the troops to rescue you."

The four of them had discussed and decided, and indeed the "Invading General" Huang Lai'er came straight to the royal palace in Luoyang City with "a tiger", "eight kings" and "living Cao Cao".

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