By the way, Ma Yingniang herself has been extremely embarrassed since she pretended to be Mrs. Zhang Shun's "Mr. Ma". After the incident, she ran back to the house and covered herself up for five or seven days, but Zhang Shun didn't come to the door.

On this day, Wu Ma happened to come. Before Ma Yingniang could say anything, Wu Ma complained: "What kind of person is this girl? She has helped the lord so much, how could he do this!"

When Ma Yingniang heard this, she realized that there was something in Wu Ma's words, and she quickly asked why. Wu Ma couldn't help but said in surprise: "You don't know, girl? That day the rebel army killed the leader of the rebel army, King Chuang, and captured another girl. The master was raised in the house and didn't go out for several days!"

Ma Yingniang felt blood rush to her forehead, her shyness disappeared and she became furious. This murderer of a thousand cuts, I am here waiting for you to marry me, but you are living happily in the house. She quickly left Wu Ma and shouted: "I'll go find him and ask him what he means!"

Wu Ma quickly stopped her, but how could she stop her? Ma Yingniang took great strides and arrived in front of Zhang Shun's house in a short time. She saw Wukong and three or five people guarding the door of the house.

Ma Yingniang stepped forward and asked, "Where is your master? Let him come out to see me!"

"Master is eating in the room, the female Bodhisattva will wait for a moment!" Wukong heard this and was about to go in and report.

"It's neither morning nor evening, nor noon, so what's there to eat?" Ma Yingniang couldn't help but become even more angry. She pushed Wukong away and went to the yard.

Wukong couldn't stop him, so he let her go. When Ma Yingniang arrived at Zhang Shun's door, she heard another woman's babbling voice. She couldn't help but get furious, kicked open the door, and rushed in with her eyes widened.

Unexpectedly, after hearing a scream, she covered her eyes again and jumped out like a rabbit with an arrow.

Not long after, Zhang Shun chased him out, disheveled. I saw Ma Yingniang blushing with shame and hiding in the corner of the yard.

Zhang Shun felt guilty, so he ran over and carefully called "Ying Niang".

With a "pop" sound, Ma Yingniang turned around and slapped him in the mouth, cursing: "Shameless!"

After the scolding, he was still angry and added: "Shameless! Dirty!"

"Okay, okay! I'm despicable, I'm shameless, I'm vile!" Zhang Shun quickly admitted his mistake, "What kind of person am I, the majestic King Shun, and a mere prisoner of war? Isn't this for the three thousand elite soldiers of the 'Gaoying' outside the city? Hue had to be sacrificed.”

"Bah! Shameless!" Ma Yingniang didn't care what he said and said directly, "Don't touch me in the future, otherwise it will taint my body!"

"Okay, okay!" Zhang Shun responded quickly without saying a word.

Seeing Zhang Shun's good attitude, Ma Yingniang softened her tone and asked: "Don't lie to me. I know that 'marriage' is sometimes unavoidable. It's just for one or two nights, why did you fool around for five more days?" Seven days, are you coveting other people’s beauty?”

"Don't mention it, it's bad luck!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but exclaimed after hearing this, "Originally, you know this matter and I know it. Everyone knows what's going on, so it's almost done. Who knew that the woman was a strong-willed woman, and after finishing the matter, she would have a hair She was hit and killed in the corner. Fortunately, I have quick eyesight and quick hands, otherwise she would have died on the spot."

"Oh, then you still feel distressed!" Ma Yingniang sneered disdainfully.

"Where is it? If she is going to be suppressed to death, isn't she going to force the three thousand 'Gaoying' troops outside the city to rebel?" Zhang Shun smiled bitterly, pointed his finger to Ma Yingniang, and used the bitter trick and said, "Look at it , my finger was bitten hard by her, and if it’s a little later, your husband will have nine fingers!”

Ma Yingniang took a closer look and saw that there were two neat rows of tooth marks on Zhang Shun's thumb, both of which were scabbed. She couldn't help but asked distressedly: "Does it hurt? Let me blow it for you!"

"It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt!" Zhang Shun braced himself and watched as Ma Yingniang gently held his palm and opened her mouth to give him a blow.

Although she was a little bit amused by her childish nature, she was quite moved inside. Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said, "It's nothing. Ahhh!"

Zhang Shun never expected that the kitten turned into a tiger, and Ma Yingniang suddenly bit her other finger.

He quickly stretched out his other hand to catch Ma Yingniang's nose, pinched her nostrils gently.

Ma Yingniang couldn't breathe smoothly, so she had to open her mouth to breathe, and Zhang Shun's other finger escaped.

Zhang Shun took out his hand and looked down. He saw that one of his fingers was bleeding again.

"Are you dogs?" Zhang Shun waved his hands and cursed angrily while jumping to his feet.

"Deserve it! You are quite skilled." Ma Yingniang said with a smile in her eyes, "It seems that you have gained experience from being bitten. Count how many women you have, and you don't know if two hands together are enough to bite!" "

Zhang Shun quickly calculated and couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief: Not bad, not bad, why are there still two fingers left!

Ah, no wonder they say women love to lie. The more beautiful a woman is, the more likely she is to lie. I must protect my fingers and not let others lie to me again.

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you anymore. I'm going to come in within three days. It's up to you!" Ma Yingniang found that she could no longer be passive and had to take the initiative. Otherwise, this guy will have to postpone his lifelong events until he is 70 or 80 years old.

Zhang Shun is so clever. Hearing this, he couldn't help but responded quickly: "Mother Ying, it's easy to talk about our affairs. Don't talk about it for three days, it can be done tomorrow. It's just that this woman is not easy to deal with. She has always been soft-legged and stubborn-tongued. There is nothing I can do about someone who is seeking death at every turn."

"I had no choice but to tie her up, for fear of accidentally making a big mistake. Shouldn't we tie this woman up and watch when we enter the bridal chamber?"

When Ma Yingniang heard this, she was disgusted just by imagining the scene. She couldn't help but subconsciously asked: "What should I do? How about I go in and persuade her?"

Zhang Shunyi heard that this was a solution. After all, women understand women better, but he still refused: "You are a big girl, how can you persuade others?"

When Ma Yingniang heard this, she understood the same truth, so she waved her hands and said, "Then I won't care about it. I'll go back and prepare the wedding clothes. I'll just wait for you to marry me!"

Well, you made a two-six-five push. However, Zhang Shun now has an idea. He quickly went in to check on Gao Guiying's condition and made sure that everything was fine. Then he left his residence and went directly to find the red lady.

When they arrived at the place, Zhang Shun said this, which made the red lady laugh angrily.

"You're a big man who secretly went to your mother-in-law without telling her, but it didn't work out, and you asked your wife to intercede on your behalf?"

Come on, Zhang Shun knew this was the result. He could only smile bitterly and said: "Good lady, after all, this matter started because of us, and it will end because of us, don't you think?"

The red lady thought about it and realized that it really made sense. If it hadn't been for her and Zhang Shun, there wouldn't have been a conflict with the rebels; if it hadn't been for the conflict, there wouldn't have been the matter between Gao Guiying and Zhang Shun.

Thinking that this guy had been protecting her desperately in the past few days, the red lady's heart softened and she scolded: "You are a murderer of a thousand cuts, you are really my nemesis! Okay, just this once, it won't be the same next time!"

Not long after, the matchmaker arrived at Zhang Shun's residence with Zhang Shun's support. She pushed open the door with her belly full and entered Zhang Shun's room.

She felt a lustful smell coming to her nostrils, and she frowned. The red lady walked in and saw a beautiful woman lying on Zhang Shun's bed with her eyes wide open, covered with Zhang Shun's quilt, her chest rising and falling, and she was holding Zhang Shun's breath.

The red lady glanced at Zhang Shun, and Zhang Shun quickly explained: "I'm tied up, I'm afraid she will commit suicide!"

"What a fool who doesn't know how to care for women!" said the red lady, half angry and half strange, "What a good sister, you don't have to be on the same level as him."

As a result, Gao Guiying had no reaction, but the red lady was not in a hurry, she just smiled and said: "I know that my sister and others are looking for me. Now that I am here, how come my sister doesn't recognize me?"

Seeing that Gao Guiying continued to show no reaction, the red lady continued: "I am the Xing family, the first wife of the 'Chuang Jiang', and now I am the wife of King Shun!"

"You!" Gao Guiying couldn't help being shocked when he heard this. He turned around and glared angrily and cursed, "You are so shameless when you cheat a husband and make a silver wife!"

Zhang Shun couldn't help but step forward when he saw that Gao Guiying even scolded the red lady. Gao Guiying also glared at Zhang Shun without fear, but she couldn't hide her complicated expression.

The red lady stretched out her hand to stop Zhang Shun, looked at him with a half-smile, and then continued to say to Gao Guiying: "To a certain extent, you are right! It's just that we women, in troubled times, are like fallen leaves. Wandering, life ups and downs, who can be in charge?"

"I am a thief, and you are also a thief. You must have turned a blind eye to what men did after they broke into the city. Now that it falls on you, why can't you think about it?"

"What's the crime of those women? How miserable their fate is! To be honest, if my husband hadn't been kind enough to take you in, how much better would your fate have been than theirs?"

Gao Guiying didn't know what he thought of when he heard this, and couldn't help but shudder.

The red lady then continued: "It's not that I was born a mean person or a licentious person. I was willing to follow him at the beginning just because he was kind and treated women well. We are not blind, and now there are seven or eight women following him. Although you look good, He is extraordinary, but who is not beautiful?"

"It's just that he didn't want the Gao family to be wiped out and the 'Gaoying' to be cut off, so he did that Zhou Gong ceremony with you! If I followed my thoughts and killed them all, slaughtered them all, and ended everything, I would end up in peace. It's a pity that I am a daughter. Home, as long as I am a man and go out to have some adventures, whether I am dead or alive, this life will be worth it!"

I didn't know that those words touched Gao Guiying's heartstrings, but she had burst into tears at some point.

The red lady winked at Zhang Shun and slowly withdrew. Zhang Shun looked at her apologetically and hugged Gao Guiying gently.

The red lady walked out of the room and heard Gao Guiying crying behind her. She closed the door gently and looked up at the crescent moon in the sky. Tears like a string of pearls were already hanging in the corners of her eyes.

These words were not meant for Gao Guiying, but they were meant for himself. She is intelligent and noble, but unfortunately she is born as a girl!

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