Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 620: Borrowing Strength

After listening to Chen Jindou's words, Li Jiyu hesitated for a long time and then said: "Although our army now has more than a thousand usable soldiers, the four of them together have two thousand, which is twice as many as our army." . If the other generation joins forces and turns against the guest, what can I do?"

Chen Jindou couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "There are only heroes who recruit the world's heroes, and there are no cowards who are jealous of their talents! If the general wants to be a 'local tyrant' in Dengfeng County, just you and me are enough. There is no need to keep them. However, if you want to make great achievements and leave a name in history, you must not chill the hearts of heroes in the world."

"What's more, if the sky falls and there is someone with a high head to hold it up, what are you afraid of? My lord, King Shun, has now occupied Luoyang City. He has strong soldiers and horses. He is regarded as a serious problem by the court and is a first-class figure."

"In this matter, we only need to write a letter and submit it to King Shun. They will be controlled by me and dare not do anything without permission. If Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, comes to attack, we need to report to King Shun in time for support. yes."

Li Jiyu couldn't help but frowned when he heard this. No matter where his feelings were, he still couldn't get rid of the influence of King Shun.

He would rather stay in the mountainous Dengfeng County than go to Luoyang. Why didn't he get rid of King Shun's control?

But now, according to the overt and covert information, it seems that King Shun's power has become even greater. Recently, with the help of Chen Jindou, I also destroyed Shaolin and won over five hundred elites. However, compared with King Shun, it is like a beggar comparing treasures with the Dragon King.

Personal ambition must match his strength. Now that the gap between the two sides is so big, Li Jiyu can't help but feel a little shaken. Thinking about his wife Sun who stayed in Baodu Village as a "hostage", Li Jiyu felt even more uncomfortable.

He couldn't help but nodded and said: "What Jin Dou said is true, and it has to be like this!"

Soon after, Zhang Shun received a letter from Li Jiyu. When he opened it, he saw a message in which he reported that Ren Chen's subordinates Zhang Ding, Wang Sheng, Shen Jingbang and Ji Zhiying had led 2,000 people to surrender, and asked King Shun for permission.

The second story tells that Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, led an army to attack Dengfeng County. Li Ji was defeated by his troops and retreated to the Yuzhai built in Yushan. He asked Zhang Shun to send troops to rescue him in time.

Zhang Shun has been in power for a long time and is very thoughtful. He can understand Li Jiyu's predicament just by reading a few words between the lines.

According to Li Jiyu's ambition, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to do this. It is easy to imagine who played a role in this.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but laugh and said: "What a great Chen Jindou, he did a great job of standing on his head today!"

Then he ordered:

With Li Jiyu as the battalion commander, "Songshan Camp" was established as the western barrier of Henan Prefecture. Chen Jindou was the staff officer, and Zhang Ding, Wang Sheng, Shen Jingbang and Ji Zhiying were the banner commanders respectively, and they jointly controlled Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan.

The "Songshan Camp" focuses on holding fast and waiting for opportunities to harass. It must disturb and tire the enemy. In just three to five days, the rebels will send a large army to relieve the siege. When the time comes, under attack from both inside and outside, Xuanmo will be defeated!

After hearing this, Zhang Shenyan couldn't help but said with some worry: "My lord, since ancient times, only weapons and names have been valued, not fake people. Then Li Jiyu has always been a hawk and a wolf."

"Now he is supported by King Shun and has gained the title. I'm afraid he will wait for an opportunity to order Chen Jindou, Zhang Ding, Wang Sheng, Shen Jingbang, Ji Zhiying and others. In the long run, they will definitely become a disaster for China!"

Zhang Shun shook his head when he heard this and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, there are so many heroes in the world, how can they all be like puppets and let me drive them around? Anyone who can fight against the Ming Dynasty with me and draw the energy of the imperial court is a brother of the rebels." , they can all be caught."

"What's more, Li Jiyu and Chen Jindou have an old relationship with me, and their subordinates are now suspicious of each other. How can they work together to plot against me? As long as Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, comes east this time, I will fight with all my strength. This battle If we win, Li Jiyu and his ilk will not have anything to fear; if we lose this battle, we will all be homeless dogs, how can we force the loyalty of others?"

"My lord is really magnanimous and broad-minded. He has the world in mind and encompasses the whole world. I admire you so much!" Zhang Shenyan, who had never heard of the political theory of the "united front", couldn't help but marvel after hearing this.

Zhang Shun smiled and said a few polite words. Then Zhang Shenyan hesitated and said: "Even so, the rain is about to come, and I don't know when Hong Chengchou suddenly arrived at Luoyang City. Who does the Lord want to send, and how many soldiers and horses will he lead to rescue Songshan Camp?"

"I don't have to waste any troops, someone will naturally go to the rescue!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile mysteriously after hearing this.

Immediately, Zhang Shun, "Running General" Li Hongji, "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai, and "Eight Great Kings" Zhang Xianzhong made an alliance by blood, made an oath to Luo, and agreed to conquer the world.

Afterwards, Li Hongji, Luo Rucai and Zhang Xianzhong took their own troops and a total of 5,000 elite troops and went eastward, preparing to seize grain from the canal for food.

They traveled eastward for two days and arrived near Sheyuan Pass. Immediately, spies came to report that there were a large number of officers and soldiers stationed in Dengfeng County ahead to block the rebel army from advancing eastward.

The three of them couldn't help being shocked, and thought to themselves: This place is only two days away from Luoyang City, so how did King Shun let people sneak here?

They quickly ordered another investigation. Unexpectedly, Li Hongji raised his arm to stop the spies and suggested: "This is a serious matter, so why don't we let my nephew Li Yitiger go over to investigate, so that everyone can be confident." "

Luo Rucai and Zhang Xianzhong had no objections, so they nodded in agreement. So, the rebel army chose a camp and set up camp on the spot.

It was late at night before Li Guo came back out of breath and reported: "I have found out that the three generals Zuo Liangyu, Li Bei and Ni Chong led by Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, are here to stop us."

"It is said that Dengfeng County was originally occupied by Li Jiyu, a general under King Shun. Unexpectedly, due to the large number of officers and soldiers, it is now besieged on Yushan Mountain and cannot escape for a while."

The three of them couldn't help but take a breath when they heard the words, looked at each other, and then started thinking. After coming here for a long time, the "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai said: "Since the rebels are in trouble, and the three of us are passing by with a large army, we should save them!"

"Firstly, it can improve the loyalty among the rebels and repay King Shun for his help. Secondly, we are going to leave Song County eastward. If we take a detour, we are afraid of another accident."

Zhang Xianzhong and Li Hongji looked at each other. They both didn't want to do such a thankless thing.

Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help but objected: "We have all experienced Zuo Liangyu's methods. Don't call me the 'eight kings', even two of them dare not say that they will win, right?"

Although Zhang Xianzhong didn't know that Zuo Liangyu would defeat him many times later, and was once given the title of "Zhang Xianzhong specializes in killing" by later generations of netizens, it did not prevent him from being somewhat afraid of this person.

Luo Rucai couldn't help but sigh and said: "I'm afraid it's not the behavior of everyone to know a favor but not repay it. What's more, if we abandon this road, where will we detour?"

Li Hongji was silent for a long time, and then nodded in agreement: "There is no free advantage in the world. This battle must have been expected by King Shun. As the saying goes: eating the emperor's salary means being loyal to the emperor. Since we have accepted Shun, The king's benefit should also be to relieve King Shun's worries."

"Li also learned a lesson today and finally understood that a man should be self-reliant and self-sufficient. How can he not rely on others? From now on, you will call me 'Zi Cheng'!"

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