Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 622 Initiative

"Sun Tzu's Art of War: Virtual Reality Chapter": I want to fight, but although the enemy has high forts and deep ditches, those who have no choice but to fight me must attack and save them; I do not want to fight, but draw the ground and defend it, and the enemy cannot fight with me. Just do what you want.

Although Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, did not know that this time he had to take the initiative to launch an attack because Zhang Shun deliberately caused the situation, he also knew that he was in a passive position.

Li Jing, a famous general in the early Tang Dynasty, once commented on the art of war in "Li Weigong's Questions and Answers": There are thousands of chapters and thousands of sentences, but they are all about hurting people but not hurting them.

The so-called "inflict harm to others without harming others" actually emphasizes the issue of fighting for the initiative in war.

The party with the initiative can avoid conflicts when its own side is at a disadvantage; it can initiate a decisive battle when the enemy is at a disadvantage.

Hong Chengchou was well versed in the art of war and historical records, so how could he not know that he was now at a passive disadvantage? Fortunately, he has enough confidence in his own military tactics and the elite and quantity of his troops.

Liu Chenggong, the deputy commander-in-chief, simply stayed behind and led 2,000 troops to garrison in Xin'an. Hong Chengchou led Shaanxi commander-in-chief Zuo Guangxian, Lintao commander-in-chief Wang Chengen, Gansu commander-in-chief Chai Shihua, deputy commander-in-chief Ai Wannian, Liu Guozhen, and Shen Seven generals including General He Renlong and Bai Guangen marched towards Luoyang City with 40,000 elite troops.

These 40,000 troops may not sound like much, but when the army marches forward, it is boundless with flags flying, stretching for more than ten miles from Xin'an to Luoyang.

Fortunately, the rebel army under Zhang Shun was not the former Wu Xia Amen. Under his rigorous organization and training, a complete scouting and reporting mechanism had been established, and a large number of scouts had been dispatched to monitor things near Xin'an County. Therefore, when Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, moved his troops here, there were people there who had already rushed to relay the movements of the officers and soldiers.

This method of transmission is simple and fast, which is to let the messenger hold the flag, turn a little distance, and use semaphore to notify other messengers. By doing this repeatedly, even if they are intercepted by officers and soldiers, they can quickly convey the message.

For double insurance, a team of cavalry was specially sent to Luoyang City to deliver the news in person, but the timeliness was slightly slower.

When Zhang Shun received the news, he was not very surprised. Instead, he issued an order directly and neatly: "Jin Yi, quickly send an order to the three battalions of the 'King of Chaos', Cao Wenzhao, and Cao Bianjiao outside the city to move to the northwest corner of the city and set up camp, forming a horn-like situation with Luoyang City and Ziwei Star Castle."

"Order Li Xin to lead the 'Gao Camp' and the second battalion of Xiao Qinhu's Menghu Camp to do defensive work. Jiang He will lead the Yulin Camp to be on standby, and promptly notify the generals and civil servants to come to discuss matters."

Wang Jinyi went quickly after receiving the order and arranged for everyone to deliver the order without mentioning it. When Gao Guiying saw that there was no one around him, he asked strangely: "Dad doesn't seem surprised?"

Her scream was very comfortable, and Zhang Bian responded readily: "Hey! According to my calculations, the footsteps of "The Breaking General" Li Hongji, "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai and "Eight Kings" Zhang Xianzhong and the speed of messenger delivery, Hong Chengchou It’s time to get the news.”

"The opening chapter of "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu says: If you have no battle but the temple is the winner, you have to count it as more; if you have no battle but the temple is the loser, you have to count it as the less. What is the temple count? This is one of them."

"Dengfeng County is more than a hundred miles away, which is only two or three days' journey. They have many cavalry, and they are afraid that I will go back on my word. If I bring them back to deal with Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, the march will only be faster."

"Now Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, has led six to seven thousand people to watch Li Ji meet Yuzhai. If they cannot attack for a long time, the soldiers must be exhausted. The rebel reinforcements are coming suddenly, how can the officers and soldiers resist? It will only take a day or two to decide the winner."

"Even if the victory is not decided and the officers and soldiers are at a disadvantage, a messenger must be sent to let Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, know. It will take one or two days to work so quickly. The overall estimate shows that it only takes five or six days for Hong Chengchou to take action!"

"Dad, you are thoughtful!" Gao Guiying couldn't help but be convinced after hearing this. Although this guy is a bit wretched on weekdays, he is also resourceful, decisive and generous.

Since that day she reluctantly succumbed to him and followed him to meet her younger brother Gao Yigong and her uncle Gao Yingxiang's former subordinates Huang Long and Liu Zhe.

Zhang Shun directly ordered the unemployed Gao Yigong to replace Wang Jinyi as Li Xin's deputy general and remain in the "Gao Camp". However, Huang Long and Liu Zhe temporarily stayed at his subordinate Biaoying Yulinying.

"Gaoying" was preserved and his younger brother gained some real power. Gao Guiying felt somewhat confident.

Seeing that he was willing to teach me, he asked again: "Even so, our army only has 20,000 troops. How should we deal with the officers and soldiers led by Hong Chengchou who are twice as many as us?"

"Fight if you can beat them, defend if you can't beat them, leave if you can't defend them. There are no secrets to the art of military use. It's just about destroying the enemy and preserving yourself."

Gao Guiying originally thought that Zhang Shun had finished speaking and was about to ask more questions. Without thinking, Zhang Shun continued: "If you want to destroy the enemy and preserve yourself, you need to 'help others without controlling them'. Before Hong Chengchou could not come out, I first coaxed Li Hongji, Luo Rucai, Zhang Xianzhong and others to go eastward, and that's it reason."

"Have you calculated that they would help you?" Gao Guiying said in disbelief. There are too many variables in this, and if you don't execute it carefully, it will be completely different.

"Absolutely!" Zhang Shun said with a smile, "Those who can make the enemy come to him will benefit him; those who can prevent the enemy from coming will harm him. Therefore, the enemy can work hard when he is empty, hungry when he is full, and move when he is safe. I am just I set up the airs for them and gave them guidance. All decisions are made by them, and the reason why they can follow my wishes is just to their advantage."

"I'm not sure how they will deal with Henan Governor Xuanmo and others, but I really didn't expect these three brothers to be quite loyal and actually helped me kill Governor Xuanmo's formation. I will have to thank them properly later."

Well, actually Zhang Shun also misunderstood. Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai and Zhang Xianzhong had no intention of killing Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan. They just wanted to take the opportunity to open the road to eastern Henan and rush to the canal as early as possible to seize food and grass.

But they never expected that Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, would be so indifferent that he would open the city gate himself and rush out to die.

Thinking about how Zhang Shun killed Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, and Chen Qiyu, the governor of Henan, they picked up the head of Xuanmo, the governor of Henan, for no reason, and they felt quite happy.

Xin'an County is only seventy miles away from Luoyang City. Although Hong Chengchou was cautious all the way, he still arrived at a location more than twenty miles outside Luoyang City by night.

In fact, this location is a bit awkward. If we set up camp here, it would be a bit far away as a base for attacking Luoyang. But if the rebels come out of the city to harass, the Qingqi attack will only be an hour away.

Hong Chengchou had no choice but to set up camp for the time being to guard against the rebels attacking the camp at night.

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