Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 644 The siege was frustrated

In this era, regular battles to attack and defend a city were a very boring but bloody affair.

Since the rebels repeatedly destroyed the soldiers' method of digging holes to attack the city, the wily Hong Chengchou had no other choice but to attack the city honestly.

He first built a mountain of earth, placed artillery on it to suppress and fire at Ziweixing Castle, and then ordered his soldiers to dig trenches to attack the castle.

Zhang Sanbai directed his soldiers to fight back with artillery, and at the same time invited Fei Biao to fight back.

This Feibiao gun was a wrought iron mortar that was trial-produced when the rebels attacked Kangjiazhuang. After Zhang Shun occupied Luoyang City, in order to deal with some targets that were prone to blind spots, he ordered Governor Zhang to forge two more.

This so-called Feibiao gun is actually different from the data of the Feibiao gun recorded in the late Ming Dynasty. It is just because it is made of forged iron, and its weight is only about a thousand kilograms. It can shoot one hundred and fifty kilograms of explosive bullets, which is very powerful.

Zhang Shun specially selected a few of the most experienced gunners from the previously surrendered flying midge gunners to operate these three flying blunderbuss, so that they could bring out the power of this mortar.

Originally, the officers and soldiers were hiding in the trenches digging soil, and the Hongyi artillery, which used direct fire as a killing method, could not attack the enemies in the trenches.

As soon as the flying gun came out, it used a projectile trajectory to shoot. The ignited bombs fell from the sky and exploded when they landed, causing heavy casualties to the officers and soldiers for a while.

Hong Chengchou went on this expedition without a mortar and could not fight back. He couldn't help but feel resentful and had no choice but to order the Hongyi cannon on Tushan Mountain to attack Fei Biaoqiang.

It's just that in order to prevent the rebel artillery attacks, the mountains of earth were piled a little far away, making it impossible to accurately hit targets in the city. It was unknown how much ammunition was wasted, and in the end nothing was able to be hit.

Fortunately, the accuracy of Feibiaogun is not high, and the burning speed of the fuse is often uncontrollable. Sometimes the bomb blooms in the air, and sometimes it falls to the ground and extinguishes the fuse.

The two sides fought like this for four or five days, and finally the officers and soldiers communicated with the trenches outside the Ziwei Star Fort through the trenches.

Hong Chengchou couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly ordered General Bai Guang'en to lead five hundred elite men, wearing double armor, carrying swords, guns, ropes, and ladders, along the trench, preparing to wait for an opportunity to climb the wall of Ziwei Star Castle, which was not originally very high.

By the time Bai Guangen and others finally reached the moat outside Ziwei Star Castle out of breath, they had not had time to take a breath.

Only a loud noise was heard, and the flood was rolling along the moat of Ziweixing Castle. The officers and soldiers were caught off guard and were submerged in the moat together.

In the cold winter of December 9th, how could the soldiers wearing cotton armor and iron armor withstand the cold? Suddenly many people struggled for a while and then drowned or froze to death in the water.

Only a handful of people with good physical strength managed to climb out of the water. Suddenly, there was a burst of cannon fire above the castle, and those people fell into the water again, with blood spraying from them.

Of the five hundred people who dared to die, only Bai Guangen, who was blue in the face and shivering from the cold, and more than 20 people returned to the camp. Hong Chengchou couldn't help but feel so angry that he almost fainted.

After finally calming down, Hong Chengchou opened the camp door and looked from a distance. Not only did the moat outside Ziwei Star Castle turn into a moat, but even the trenches dug by the officers and soldiers became sparkling. There was not a single floating corpse above, and they must have all sunk to the bottom of the ditch.

It turns out that when the Ziwei Star Fort was built, the rebels specially set up gates so that they could open the gates and release water at critical moments, leading the water from the Jian River to flood the enemies in the trenches.

In addition, the location of Ziweixing Fort was located on a higher ground. When the water from the guard trench came in, it followed the trenches of the officers and soldiers and flooded directly.

In the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month, not to mention that the trench was filled with stagnant water. Even if it was muddy, it would not be usable again for a while.

The poor officers and soldiers suffered losses for five or six days. They had to dig hundreds of steps of trenches with great difficulty and had no choice but to abandon them.

Hong Chengchou felt salty in his mouth and almost spit out a mouthful of blood. He didn't want to cry out bitterly: "Kill me! What a thief, he is so vicious. Now not only are the achievements of several days ruined in one day, but also the troops and generals have been lost, and I can't see the elders of Jiangdong!"

Seeing him around, he quickly helped him into the tent and comforted him: "The governor is sorry for the change, and don't get angry. Since ancient times, victory or defeat is a common thing for military strategists. Even if the rebellious ministers and traitors win a battle, it is only a moment of pride. . Only by achieving the final victory can you be proud of your life!"

Everyone comforted him for a long time, and then Hong Chengchou became more emotionally stable. But after all, I was so angry that my chest hurt.

They quickly called the military doctor, prescribed a dose of herbal medicine, and helped him drink it without bitterness or sweetness. He lay on the bed and groaned all night. It was not until dawn that his condition improved a little.

When the sky dawned, Hong Chengchou felt that his head was heavy and he was about to take a nap when he suddenly heard his bodyguards burst in and shouted: "Supervisor, good news!"

Upon hearing this, Hong Chengchou quickly kicked off the quilt, turned over and asked, "Where did you get the good news? Read it quickly and let me hear it!"

"Lu came from Nanyang and arrived at Ruzhou on the 20th. He gathered the remnants of the Henan governor's troops and the soldiers and horses of the Henan Bingdao, a total of 5,000 men and horses. On the morning of the 22nd, he was ambushed by thieves. Fortunately, I fought hard and was seriously injured. The thief general Liu Cheng defeated the thief army."

"Then we surrounded the Song County town and could not move down for a long time. Chen Changzhen, the leader of the Lu clan, led his troops to come to the rescue. We defeated them overnight and beheaded the thieves in formation. Seeing that the reinforcements had been defeated and the thieves' livers and gallbladders were broken in Song County town, we opened the city to accept the surrender."

"The leader of the thieves, Chen Changzhen, is a sworn brother of the thieves. Now I entrust his head to the supervisor, and please ask for credit for me in time. In less than two days, I will lead my men to Luoyang, join forces with the supervisor, and attack Luoyang together. City. Worship again if the elephant rises!"

"Okay!" Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, couldn't help but smile after hearing this, "I underestimated this person in the past, but I didn't expect that as a civil servant, he has such ability!"

After saying this, Hong Chengchou thought about it and couldn't help but smile: "God is really helping me! Song County is only two or three days' walk from Luoyang City, and he wrote back to the governor of Yunyang, saying that I would invite thieves to fight on the 28th. , let him arrive in time and attack the thief from behind!"

"Hmph, no matter how cunning you are, even the monkey monkey can't escape the palm of my Tathagata Buddha!" ​​Hong Chengchou was so complacent that he couldn't help but stretched out his palms, as if he had caught something, and then clenched them tightly.

The personal guard took the order and was about to hand it over to the left and right staff. Hong Chengchou suddenly remembered something and shouted quickly: "Show me the letter. This matter is of great importance. You must not be careless!"

"Yes!" The guard quickly handed over the letter with both hands. Hong Chengchou opened it and looked at it carefully for a long time. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "This handwriting is really Lu Jiandou's handwriting, and this seal is really Lu Jiandou's seal. Sure enough, everything is correct. God wants you to die, and you have to die, hahaha!" "

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