It is said that since the rebel army discovered that officers and soldiers were building a pontoon bridge on the Jianhe River west of Luoyang, they sent troops to harass them many times.

Both sides have been going back and forth for a day, and each has his own injuries. However, the rebel army faced the officers and soldiers of Zuo Guangxian, who was famous for his bravery.

Zuo Guang, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, personally risked the attack and urged the generals to defend desperately. After a day's continuous attack, the rebels not only failed to burn down the newly built pontoon bridge, but instead allowed the officers and soldiers to calmly build two more pontoon bridges.

Zhang Shun stood on the city wall of Luoyang, looked at it for a long time, and couldn't help but sigh: "The pontoon bridge has been completed, and the terrain blocked by the Jianhe River in the west of Luoyang no longer exists. Tomorrow Hong Chengchou will lead his troops to fight!"

Zhang Shenyan and Song Xiance couldn't help laughing when they heard this: "If this matter is not as expected, my lord, what should we worry about?"

Before Zhang Shun could respond, Lady Hong frowned and said, "War is dangerous! Since ancient times, swords have no eyes, so it is better to be cautious!"

Zhang Shun shook his head gently and said: "How could I not know that it is extremely dangerous? However, the enemy is strong and we are weak. If the rebels are 30% sure, they should fight to the death; if they are 50% sure, it is already a God-given opportunity!"

"Now I have many plans, and Chen Changzhen and others are hiding behind me. If I don't dare to fight anymore, how can I talk about taking over the world?"

The red lady glanced at Zhang Shun worriedly, but she was afraid of damaging the morale of the army, so she couldn't help but hesitate to speak. Zhang Shun understood clearly and couldn't help but comfort him: "Although Hong Chengchou has 40,000 troops, he needs to stay in the camp and guard Ziwei Star Castle. Being able to fight with 30,000 troops is considered a match."

"There are about 20,000 Luoyang rebels now. Tomorrow they should be able to send out about 15,000. Together with my brothers Chen Changzhen, Li Jiyu and Zhensong camp troops, there will be 9,000. There should be no shortage of officers and soldiers. Madam. Just put your heart in your belly and take good care of your fetus."

At dawn the next day, Zhang Shun was having breakfast when he heard that Wang Jinyi had come to report that officers and soldiers had begun to form formations in the northwest corner outside the city to invite the rebels to fight.

Zhang Shun laughed, threw chopsticks to the ground, and ordered Gao Guiying to wear armor for him. This time, in order to boost morale, Zhang Shun did not wear cotton armor, but chose a set of gold chain armor.

Although this armor is called chain armor, it is actually not the chain armor of later generations, but the mountain armor that was once famous on the Internet for "not even a single nail or a thread".

Unfortunately, Zhang Shun didn't pay attention to such posts in his previous life, so he couldn't study carefully how this armor was connected.

The surface of Zhang Shun's armor is plated with gold. It looks so shiny that it makes people blind. It is suitable for him to put on and stand on the battlefield to boost morale.

After Gao Guiying finished helping Zhang Shun put on the gold chain armor, he took out a red shirt and helped Zhang Shun put it on.

The only thing missing from this shirt is the right arm. It hangs diagonally on Zhang Shun's body, revealing the golden mountain armor on the right side. It looks both majestic and majestic, but also somewhat subtle.

There is a name for this, which is called "civilian and military sleeve". It is said that in ancient times, Guan Yu, Yue Fei and others dressed like this to show their ability to be both civil and military.

Of course, Zhang Shun is not that showy. The reason for wearing this shirt is actually to block the sun.

Armor is generally made of metal and has a very good heat absorption effect. Under direct sunlight, it is often very hot, which is one of the reasons why soldiers in the Ming Dynasty preferred cotton armor and other cloth-faced armor.

Zhang Shun dressed neatly and walked out in a swagger. Gao Guiying couldn't help but became anxious and shouted quickly: "Dad, I haven't put on the armor yet, please wait for me!"

Zhang Shun bowed his hand and said: "No need, wait in the city for my triumphant return!" Just kidding, what are you bringing a woman with you for? Wouldn't it be a burden to fight?

After walking out of the courtyard, Wukong and Wang Jinyi led two hundred personal guards. They were already dressed and divided into two lines to wait for Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun paused for a moment and then ordered: "Wang Jinyi listens to the order. You can lead one hundred personal guards to stay in the city and focus on protecting Madam Li, Madam Hong, Madam Xiang and Madam Ma."

"Lord!" Wang Jinyi was shocked when he heard this and shouted quickly.

Zhang Shun took a few steps closer and arranged in a low voice: "Now in order to deal with the officers and soldiers, I have to mobilize the Yulin Battalion to participate in the battle. Now there are only Gaoying and Wang Shaoyu's two to three hundred people in the city. The new generation of that generation is not enough. By the way."

"I'm worried that after the army leaves the city, Xiao Xiaoxiao will take the opportunity to cause chaos and disrupt the rebel battle. Once things change, you will lead my personal guards to join Liu Yinggui and Ma Yingniang to kidnap Prince Fu and defend the palace."

"Liu Yinggui replaced Zhao Lizi, and he also had hundreds of palace guards drawn from the rebel army; Ma Yingniang also had thirty or forty officers under training, hundreds of craftsmen in the palace, and more than ten artillery pieces, all of which he could rely on. potential."

Wang Jinyi was stunned when he heard this, and quickly asked in a low voice: "If there is really a change, who can make the decision?"

"Mrs. Hong, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Song are my arms. When the time comes when these three people jointly issue orders, you can just accept the military order as if you were accepting my order!"

"Promise!" Wang Jinyi felt as if a thousand kilograms of weight were weighing on his body, and he responded solemnly, and Zhang Shun then led Wukong and more than a hundred personal guards away.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces outside the city, did as Zhang Shun expected. This time, the left-behind general Bai Guangen guarded the camp, and sent the general He Renlong to form a formation to the west of Ziweixing Fort, blocking the road from Ziweixing Fort to the west of Luoyang.

Hong Chengchou led the commander-in-chief Wang Chengen and Chai Shihua and the deputy commander-in-chief Ai Wannian and Liu Guozhen to join forces to defend the Shaanxi commander Zuo Guangxian near the pontoon.

Zuo Guangxian lived up to his reputation as a good fighter. He even took advantage of the difficulty in seeing at night to dig a trench about one mile long, three feet deep and five feet wide on the north side of Luoyang City.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, took advantage of the right side of the trench to form an array, so that the trench protected the left side of the officers and soldiers, while the officers and soldiers protected the three pontoon bridges above the Jian River.

The first formation of officers and soldiers, from left to right, are Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ai Wannian, Liu Guozhen and Gansu Commander-in-Chief Chai Shihua. Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi, and Wang Chengen, the commander-in-chief of Lintao, who were originally good at fighting, protected the left and right sides of the Chinese army.

After Zhang Shun climbed up and looked into the distance, he just lamented that Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was really a man who knew the military, but this time he was in a perfect position and there was no opportunity to take advantage of him.

Therefore, Zhang Shun gave an order to form a formation in the northwest corner of Luoyang City, with his back to the rebel camp outside the city.

The rebel army is still divided into three battalions from left to right: "King of Troubled Times", Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao. Zhang Shun's Yulin camp and Xiao Qinhu's Menghu camp moved to the rear to provide support.

Hong Chengchou looked at it from a distance and couldn't help but sneer and said: "What an arrogant person, with less than half the strength of the officers and soldiers, yet he dares to go out of the city to form an array, how can I be fooled? Gentlemen, let's see how I capture him today. It's true." Let’s not delay the soldiers entering the city to celebrate the New Year!”

The staff on the left and right couldn't help but feel a little worried after hearing this, and quickly reminded: "Supervisor, don't be careless. The thieves have sharp artillery, so it's better to be cautious!"

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