Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 655: All the mechanisms are exhausted

It is said that Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, saw that Cao Wenzhao was invincible and unstoppable, so everyone on the left and right advised him to retreat.

Hong Chengchou couldn't help but smile and said: "Although Cao Wenzhao is brave, he is insignificant. After all, he is a body of flesh and blood. How many people can he kill if he is allowed to fight? The only people I fear are those who obey the thieves. If you don't die if you obey the thieves, I feel uneasy." !”

Sure enough, after Cao Wenzhao killed the deputy commander-in-chief Liu Guozhen, collected some of the surrendered troops, and drove away the rest of the defeated troops, he saw another formation wall in front of him between the rebels and the officers and soldiers.

Cao Wenzhao sneered, and ordered his soldiers to separate their ranks, asking Li Shian to follow with the artillery, and launched an attack on the wall in front of them.

After bursts of shelling, the heavy shells hit the sidecar in front of them violently, only the wooden boards were smashed, but no screams were heard.

Cao Wenzhao was confused and couldn't help but take a closer look, only to see bits of soil scattered from the cracks in the smashed wooden boards.

It turned out that Hong Chengchou was very cunning. When he first set up the camp, he considered that the rebels were fighting fiercely and were in danger of penetrating the middle line of the officers and soldiers.

So he ordered his soldiers to connect the last row of side cars together, pile up soil, and build a simple earth wall to resist the attack of the rebels.

Although the soil is soft, it has good adsorption properties. Although the rebel artillery was fierce, all the power of the shells was absorbed by these inconspicuous soil.

Cao Wenzhao shook his head helplessly and said: "It is normal for Cao to climb to the city first. How can it be blocked by an earth wall?" Then he got off his horse and led his soldiers to attack first.

Not to mention the victory or defeat of both sides, when Cao Wenzhao was fighting with the officers and soldiers, the officers and soldiers also came over from the left and right flanks, facing the rebels' "King of Chaos" on the left and Cao Bianjiao on the right respectively.

The "King of Troubled Times" and Cao Bianjiao only had 3,000 elite soldiers in their hands, which was less than the number of officers and soldiers. Fortunately, Zhang Shun asked Cao Dingjiao and Zhao Lizi to fetch side carriages and arrange them on the left and right to act as a city wall to protect the officers and soldiers.

The "King of Troubled Times" faced Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian, while Cao Bianjiao faced Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen. The four of them were all veteran generals, and for a while they were inseparable.

However, Zhang Shun knew in his heart that Cao Bianjiao and the "King of Chaos" had fewer men and horses, and they would lose if they defended for a long time.

Zhang Shun personally climbed up to the watchtower and watched for a while, then came down and gave the order: "In the city, order Zhang Shenyan to use Ding Zhuang to defend the city, and ask Li Xin to lead Gao Yigong and other high-ranking battalions to prepare for a flanking attack on the officers and soldiers attacking the right wing of the rebel army!"

"Dad, this is too dangerous!" As soon as Zhang Shun finished speaking, a clear female voice responded.

Zhang Shun took a closer look and found that one of the soldiers who had been following him turned out to be Gao Guiying.

She was still wearing her old cotton armor, and her face was so dark that she couldn't see her true face.

Zhang Shun couldn't help being stunned and asked casually: "Why are you here? Didn't I ask you to stay in the city?"

"Why can't I come?" Gao Guiying would not admit that she was a little worried about him. She just felt that Zhang Shun was gone and she was guarding the empty room without anyone to talk to. She felt panicked, so she secretly changed into cotton armor and chased after him.

"Stop talking nonsense and send the order quickly!" Zhang Shun was too lazy to argue with her and ordered quickly.

"If there is no one left in the city to deter unruly people, just in case," Gao Guiying couldn't help but question.

"There is no such thing as a chance!" Zhang Shun categorically interrupted Gao Guiying's words and shouted sternly, "The military battle is dangerous. Not only are the rebels only half the number of officers and soldiers, but the commander of the opponent is the rather experienced Hong Chengchou. It is difficult to fight with the opponent now. It’s really not easy to solve the problem.”

"As the saying goes, 'A lion fights a rabbit with all his strength.' Not to mention that now that a fighter plane appears, how can we look forward and backward and leave some spare strength? This is not only disrespectful to the opponent, but also irresponsible for the lives of the rebels. ! Listen to my orders and execute them quickly!"

"Oh, No!" Gao Guiying responded with a pout. In fact, what she wanted to ask was the new attachment of "Gaoying". Are you so relieved? Seeing Zhang Shun's resolute attitude, facts speak louder than words, what else could she ask?

In fact, why didn't Zhang Shun have any concerns? But on the battlefield, things were changing rapidly, and Hong Chengchou was truly a cunning person.

It was clear that he had exhausted all his mechanisms and suppressed the momentum of the officers and soldiers, but Hong Chengchou was always able to come up with new tricks to deal with them.

Now both parties are like gamblers. They both think that the dice in their own dice cup has higher points, and they desperately put all the chips in their hands up, trying to determine the outcome in one fell swoop.

However, this time Zhang Shun was full of confidence because "Lu Xiangsheng" was his man. No matter how cunning and sophisticated Hong Chengchou was, he would never have imagined that he was almost at the end of his rope and still had "idle" in his hands.

Of course, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was equally confident. Originally, according to his plan, the officers and soldiers were to show their weakness to the enemy and let the "submissive thieves" see the hope of victory, so as to lure the thieves to leave the city and fight in the wild.

But he never expected that he would be suppressed and beaten by the thieves before he started to "show weakness" to the enemy.

Although the thief's fighting ability was beyond Hong Chengchou's imagination, it was also a good thing for his plan.

Now that his back-up men, Shaanxi Commander Zuo Guangxian and Lintao Commander Wang Chengen, were flanking him on the left and right, he wanted to see how long the thief could last. Not to mention the trump card "Lu Xiangsheng" who can rush to the battlefield at any time.

It's just that Hong Chengchou waited for a long time and couldn't hear the good news, so he was a little anxious. He couldn't help but take the initiative to ask: "How is the battle going?"

After hearing the words, the people on the left and right hurriedly responded: "I just ordered the soldiers to go up to the watchtower to take a look. Cao Wenzhao is still blocked by the earth wall and can't make any progress. Zuo Guangxian and Wang Cheng'en were also restrained by the thieves' sidecars, which was also in vain. !”

Hong Chengchou took a breath and murmured to himself with some confusion: "Although the thief is brave, he is obviously at a disadvantage now. If he had placed his hope on Cao Wenzhao to defeat our army, but now he has failed and was defeated by our army. Attacked from the left and right, the short tail should be used to survive, so why doesn't the thief retreat? There must be something fishy in it!"

The staff on the left and right couldn't help laughing when they heard this: "Supervisor, you are worrying too much. I heard that the traitor who has been around for twenty years is just a baby. What kind of military art does he know?"

"I think he must have become so arrogant when he got his ambitions at a young age. He allowed women to take possession of their property. He didn't know how generous the world was!"

"That's true!" Hong Chengchou nodded and couldn't help but agree, "I am a little beggar who has never had a few full meals. Now I have delicacies from the mountains and seas in my mouth, gold and silver jewelry in my hands, silk and satin on my body, and a fat bird on my side. , it’s inevitable that I feel so dizzy that I don’t know what my last name is!”

Hong Chengchou came from a poor family when he was young and suffered a lot. Later, he went through many hardships and finally became a high official. Therefore, he quite believed in the saying that "a lot of money can't buy a poor young man", and he had some contempt and hostility towards young people like Zhang Shun who had achieved success.

Thank you to the fan "Book Friends 161022202437792" for the reward, and thank you for your strong support to the author!

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