Zhang Shun seemed to have heard the calls of many people. He suppressed his sleepiness and tried to open his heavy eyelids.

As soon as he moved, he heard someone shouting happily: "It's moving, he's moving, he's reacting!"

This seems to be Liu Rushi's voice? Then there was another commotion, as if the voices of Li Sanniang, Li Xiang, Hong Niangzi and others were mixed together.

What's wrong with me? Zhang Shun used the greatest strength in his life, opened his eyes, and a beam of light shone in.

The light was a bit dazzling, and Zhang Shun couldn't help but want to close his eyes again. But he had already remembered what happened, and he was chopped down by an officer and soldier.

I am dead? For the first time, Zhang Shun was full of nostalgia for this world that he had always been incompatible with.

He couldn't let go of Li Sanniang and Zhu'er, he couldn't let go of Li Xiang and Liu Rushi, he couldn't let go of Red Lady and Jian'er, he couldn't let go of his newly married Ma Yingniang, and he couldn't even let go of his new slave Gao Guiying.

He was even more reluctant to let go of Wukong who accompanied him on the bloody battlefield, he was reluctant to let go of his sworn brothers Chen Changzhen and Xiao Qinhu, he was reluctant to let go of the general Zhang Sanbai he had trained with his own hands, he was reluctant to let go of the team he had personally cultivated, and he was reluctant to let go of the living soldiers.

There is also Taoist Master Ma who talks all day long, Zhao Yutou who likes to rely on his elders and act like he is old, Zhang Shenyan who often blows his beard and glares, and Chen Jindou who has a sinister look on his face.

Since ancient times, the only way to die was through hardship. It was not a pity that he, Zhang Shun, died, but what about the many people around him? They still need me, I can't die yet!

With a longing for life, Zhang Shun used all his strength in his life, and when he opened his eyes, there was a bright light between heaven and earth.

The pure white light was like countless suns, piercing his eyes and causing pain. But he couldn't bear to give up, couldn't bear to care, couldn't bear to go back to the darkness,

He could only endure the discomfort and widen his eyes, but he couldn't help but shed big tears.

Tears blurred vision, revealing every detail behind the light. In the gradual light, a blurry scene appeared.

The scene shook slightly, becoming clearer and clearer every time, and finally he recognized the "thing" in front of him. It was a hand, a shaking hand, a slender and tender little hand.

Zhang Shun subconsciously followed his little hand to find the owner, but he showed a pretty face crying with joy.

Guiying? Zhang Shun opened his mouth and wanted to call her, but his throat hurt. He just said "ah" lightly, but no words came out.

"Don't talk!" Gao Guiying explained while wiping away the tears, "You hurt your throat and you need to rest for a while to get better!"

Before Gao Guiying finished speaking, five or six more heads crowded in, vying to get a look at Zhang Shun.

Before Zhang Shun had time to distinguish clearly, he never thought that Lady Hong's stern voice came over: "Stay away, let Li Xiang check first, don't hurt the boss!"

The girls glanced at Zhang Shun reluctantly, then quietly retreated, and then Li Xiang was able to squeeze in.

She wore the most makeup in the past, her eyes were swollen like walnuts, and she had cried countless times.

Zhang Shun felt so distressed that he subconsciously wanted to tease her to liven up the atmosphere, but his throat started to hurt again when he opened his mouth.

How does Li Xiang know Zhang Shun'an's thoughts? She couldn't help but quickly pressed Zhang Shun down and explained: "Master, stop talking. I will ask Xiao Ai to bring some paper and pen later. If you want to say anything, you can write it for us!"

"You know, when you were brought over by the soldiers, Xiao Ai and I were frightened to death. There was a knife on your throat and the trachea was cut. I don't know if the soldiers accidentally straightened your head while holding you, or if it was because the soldiers held you in the arms. The cutting time was short, and there was still a little breath at the time. Fortunately, a few days ago, I saw a method of cutting the throat and suturing it in a medical book, so I asked someone to make a few feet of silver wire as a backup."

"Everyone was scared to death at that time, but I was the only one who treated a dead horse as a live doctor. I asked Xiao Ai to help me hold the throat with my hands, and I twisted it in with one hand to prevent the air from coming out, and used my big hand to urgently The needle is pierced through the silver thread and sutured. After the suturing is completed, I apply the best 'golden sore medicine' to you."

"Although I comforted them by saying that the trachea is outside, the esophagus is inside, and the esophagus is not injured, they will definitely survive. In fact, I know in my heart that it is easier to treat with a knife in the right hand, but it is difficult to survive with a knife in the left hand. It is difficult to die, but the master was used with his left hand. Injured by a knife. I have been staying by my master's side these past few days, and my heart is in a state of turmoil. Apart from waiting for some soup, I can only cry secretly!"

Zhang Shun wanted to comfort her, but didn't know how to start, so he had to hold her cattails with one hand and pat her back gently with the other.

But I can't help but wonder, is ancient medicine so advanced? When he watched a TV show in his previous life, he thought that he would definitely die if his throat was cut, but he didn't expect that he was actually rescued.

There is great terror between life and death. When Zhang Shun didn't know who was going on, he was indifferent. Only when he became conscious in a daze did he realize how attached he was to this world.

He couldn't imagine how serious the consequences would be if he couldn't wake up. No wonder people often say that as a lord, one cannot take risks. This time, he was indeed careless.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun looked at Li Xiang with softer eyes. If you ignore her, I will die today!

The two of them were affectionate for a moment, and the red lady frowned and said, "The head of the house just woke up, is he feeling well?"

Hearing this, Li Xiang knew what the red lady meant. She quickly wiped her tears and carefully checked Zhang Shun's throat. Then she turned around and stood up and said to the sisters: "Master is fine. The wound has healed. He just needs to rest for a few days." , wait until all the wounds have healed."

"I can't speak for the time being because the wound was affected when I spoke. Once the wound heals, everything will be fine!"

Although everyone already knew that it should be fine, they were still relieved to hear Li Xiang's "authoritative" judgment.

Li Xiang then consciously stepped away. The girls looked at me and I looked at you, and they all wanted to take a step forward.

The red lady was so anxious that she didn't bother to argue with them. She simply decided to do the evil thing and directly ordered: "Sanniang, go first!"

Li Sanniang glanced at her gratefully and quickly went forward to see Zhang Shun. She didn't know how she was going to spend these days. Seeing that her sweetheart finally woke up, she didn't know where to start from all the words she could say.

She just looked at Zhang Shun quietly, not daring to say anything, not wanting to say anything, but she couldn't help but shed tears.

Zhang Shun grabbed Li Sanniang's hand, which felt much rougher than Li Xiang's. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't even begin. Fortunately, Liu Rushi brought a pen and paper in time, so he started working with Sanniang's support and wrote a few big, crooked characters: "Sanniang, I'm sorry for scaring you!"

"Zhang Sheng!" Li Sanniang couldn't help crying.

Not to mention how the girls cried and cried, after reading Zhang Shun one by one, the red lady came to him.

Her eyes were also red, and she didn't know what to say for a while. Fortunately, Zhang Shun knew that now was not the time to indulge in the love between his children, so he couldn't help but ask quickly: "How many days have I been lying in bed? What is the situation outside!"

"Trouble both internally and externally!" The Red Lady almost cried when she heard this. The family has lost its backbone, and I don't know how she managed to hold on these days. "But now that you're awake, everything will be fine!"

Since everyone was in a rather anxious mood, the author made some adjustments and worked overtime to quickly write another chapter, releasing it first to reassure everyone. Thank you for your strong support to the author. In fact, these chapters are created normally according to the outline design. There are no blind operations such as poisoning, literary youth, etc. Please feel free to eat!

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