Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 664: Certificate of Surrender

When Zhang Shun approached the palace prison in person, Lu Weiqi and Lu Xiangsheng were sitting cross-legged opposite each other, playing chess across the prison fence.

There was no chess in the prison, so they drew the ground as a chess board and picked out the grass as chess pieces, and they had a great time playing.

Lu Xiangsheng's shepherd Yang Lukai and his servant Gu Xian didn't have the slightest sense of being a true gentleman watching the chess without saying a word. Instead, they yelled for Lu Xiangsheng to make moves.

Lu Weiqi had no intention of stopping him at all. Instead, he pinched a piece of hay and randomly picked several knots for later use.

Zhang Shun originally wanted to steal the voice first, but then he remembered his own throat and had to signal to Wang Jinyi.

Wang Jinyi quickly stepped forward and slapped the prison fence twice, shouting loudly: "What are you doing? You don't know that you are a prisoner, how dare you do it."

Before Wang Jinyi finished speaking, Zhang gave him a kick. Ni Ma, I asked you to say hello to me, who asked you to show off your power? A guy with no eyesight.

The two of them were used to the "jailer" looking for trouble when they had nothing to do, so they responded casually: "Which king's law did we break when we played chess?"

"King Shun?" As soon as they finished speaking, they saw five people standing outside the prison. Among them, the one surrounded by everyone was King Shun, who had been dead for a long time.

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but sneered and said to Lu Weiqi: "You are boring now. Is it useful to trick a dying person like me?"

How could Lu Weiqi have time to care about him? He quickly got up, straightened his clothes, saluted Zhang Shun, and asked, "Is King Shun okay?"

When Zhang Shun was carried into the city, Lu Weiqi saw with his own eyes that Zhang Shun's throat had been cut. How could he still be alive? Now King Shun was standing in front of him alive, and he could hardly believe his eyes.

Half of Zhang Shun's ability lies in his mouth. Now that he can't speak, it's really uncomfortable. He had no choice but to raise his head and point to his throat.

Lu Weiqi and Lu Xiangsheng suddenly discovered that there was a centipede-like scar there. After being closely sewn by Li Xiangqiao's hands, the shiny silver thread was nailed into Zhang Shun's flesh. It's both a bit ferocious and a bit strangely beautiful.

Zhang Shun reached out and took the pen and paper handed over by Wang Jinyi, playfully wrote a line and said: "Thank God, I slept for three days, and now I just woke up. I miss Mr. Lu in my heart, so I came here to talk about it!"

Lu Weiqi and Lu Xiangsheng looked at each other in shock. Is there such a thing as the resurrection of the dead? Lu Xiangsheng, who originally thought that Lu Weiqi had deceived him, finally believed Zhang Shun's previous death.

Fortunately, now Lu Weiqi also knew that business was important, so he quickly suppressed his thoughts and responded: "King Shun, it's okay to ask!"

Zhang Shuncai had just woken up, and the girls were afraid that something might happen to him again, so they quickly asked the "miracle doctor" Li Xiang and Liu Rushi to follow him and take care of him. Since there was someone around him who could help, Zhang Shun was too lazy to "talk with his hands" at all times.

He glanced at Liu Rushi, who took out a few pieces of paper, stepped forward and read in a crisp voice: "When you openly attached to King Shun, you hooked up with the big families and gentry in the city, and ordered you to Disciple Yuanmou, will your son Lu Zhaolin participate?"

"King Shun?" Since Zhang Shun, Lu Weiqi's own disciple, has been resurrected, he must be able to escape the crime. He never expected that Zhang Shun would want to settle the score.

At the beginning, Lu Weiqi was a minister of the Ming Dynasty. Although he pretended to join Zhang Shun, he was actually convinced but not convinced. This was something that both parties knew well.

But later Lu Weiqi worked sincerely for Zhang Shun, and the old scores were forgotten. Originally, the two parties had already reached a tacit agreement not to mention these old things. What does King Shun mean now?

"In the past few days, when King Shun was sleeping, someone in the city started a rebellion. Now all the rebellions have been put down. It only involves Mr. Lu's relatives, friends and disciples, so this is a problem. Please answer truthfully, Mr. Lu, so as not to harm yourself!" Zhang Shun told Lu Weiqi Liu Rushi's reaction was already expected, so he asked Liu Rushi to continue reading.

Lu Weiqi couldn't help but be alert when he heard this. Since Zhang Shun had mentioned his protégé Yuanmou and his son Lu Zhaolin by name, he must have had enough evidence.

Lu Weiqi, who loves his son eagerly, responded quickly: "The old minister did have different intentions at the time. He had conspired with the Zhang family and Li family in Dongmen; the Wang family, Qin family, Ma family, and Wu family in Xifang; the Wang family and Qian family near Anguo Temple. , Zhao family; Zhou family, Lu family, Lu family, Yan family, and Lu family near Guandi Temple; Wu family, Shi family, and Guo family near Changxiamen, a total of seventeen families."

"Disciples Yuanmou, Yuan Yingcan, and Liu Biao also participated. Only the dog son Lu Zhaolin was busy getting married to the Mengjin Wang family and did not participate in this matter."

"Hmph, you are helping the emperor to abuse you, and you are helping the enemy to commit evil! You are so happy to betray your own people." Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but sarcastically said after hearing this.

Lu Weiqi blushed, but now he didn't know how many things Zhang Shun had mastered. If he cannot gain Zhang Shun's trust in time, not only will his son Lu Zhaolin be in danger, but he himself may also be killed!

Zhang Shun nodded when he heard this and said: "The four families of the Zhang family in the east gate, the Zhou family in the Guandi Temple, the Lu family, and the Guo family in the Changxia gate, as well as your disciples Yuan Yingshen and Liu Biao, all participated in the rebellion that day."

"The remaining thirteen families have been destroyed. The men killed the slave women, with the exception of Gaimo. In addition, they also revealed Mr. Lu's disciple Yuan Mou as the main conspirator, and Mr. Lu's son Lu Zhaolin as the secondary conspirator. I wonder what Mr. Lu thinks of this matter? "

When Lu Weiqi heard this, his legs couldn't help but soften, and he shouted quickly: "King Shun, you are wronged! My son is only sixteen or seventeen years old, and is still a child. He is also a newlywed, how can he participate in this matter?"

"I'm afraid I won't be able to convince the public with empty words!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but continue writing after hearing this, "A few days ago, I led the rebel army to fight outside the city. It was Mr. Lu's disciple Yuanmou who was commanding in the city that led to the battle between the rebel general 'King of Troubled Times' and Even if I die, I will be seriously injured and almost die!"

"Then Yuanmou was captured by my wife personally in Luoyang City, and thirteen large families in the city made confessions. What can you say?"

Immediately, Zhang Shun asked Liu Rushi to present his or her testimonies to Lü Weiqi. Lu Weiqi couldn't help but feel numb after seeing it, and quickly responded: "Although Yuanmou is Lu's disciple, Lu doesn't dare to protect him."

"It's just that my son Lu Zhaolin is really unjust. He has been smart since he was a child, and his studies are still of some use. If King Shun has doubts, he might as well keep him in the rebel army, which can be regarded as a compliment."

After looking at the evidence, Lu Weiqi found that his son Lu Zhaolin's name was included in many of them. Although he had not followed the rebels to monitor Lu Mansion, he had lost contact and could not deny it after all.

After thinking about it, King Shun was short of manpower, so Lu Weiqi simply gritted his teeth and prepared to take his son to this "evil path".

When Zhang Shun heard this, he couldn't help but smile and wrote casually: "If he is willing to join the rebel army, I would be happy to ask for it. However, now that Hong Chengchou has suffered a new defeat and the rebel army is short of manpower, I would like to ask Mr. Lu to recommend more talents."

It turned out that after Zhang Shun read the evidence involving Lu Weiqi, Yuanmou and Lu Zhaolin at that time, he found that except for the fact that Yuanmou and Zuo Guangxian colluded to cause heavy losses to the rebels, although Lu Zhaolin revealed some information to Hong Chengchou, it was of no importance.

Now that Lu Weiqi has been caught, he must extort some benefits for the rebels.

Lu Weiqi looked troubled when he heard this, but he didn't dare to respond. He knew that this matter was inherently ambiguous, and whether he should be punished or not was entirely up to Zhang Shun's will.

Since Zhang Shun took the initiative to ask for a price from himself, he was letting the father and son go, but he had to pay a "voucher of surrender" to the rebels.

Thank you to the fans "You can't do it" and thank you for supporting the author!

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