Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 671 Officers and soldiers attack the city

Hong Chengchou looked at the papers in front of him with a gloomy expression. One was the intelligence sent by the informant in the city, the other was the intelligence sent by Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, the other was the letter sent privately by Cao Wenzhao, the former Lintao commander-in-chief, and his nephew Cao Bianjiao, and there was another This is the decree of the Holy One today.

The first two documents respectively proved from the side that the "Shun thief" was dead and the "young lord" Zhang Ping'an ascended the throne, urging the court to send out the army early to prevent the thief from stabilizing the situation.

The letters written by Cao Wenzhao and Cao Bianjiao expressed their loyalty to the court and were willing to redeem their faults. They agreed on a time to open the city gate for Hong Chengchou, led officers and soldiers into the city, and asked Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, to protect him.

The last imperial edict was that the imperial court reprimanded Hong Chengchou for supporting the bandits and being too self-respecting for his refusal to exterminate the traitors in Luoyang in time. As a result, the "Crashing Generals", "Living Cao Cao", "Eight Kings", "Sweeper King" and "Gu Yuan True Dragon" were killed in the land of Qin and Yu. "Emperor" and other bandits broke into Fengyang Mansion in Nanzhili and burned down the Ming Emperor's mausoleum and the Longxing Temple where Zhu Yuanzhang had been a monk, jeopardizing the safety of the capital's water transportation.

The eunuch who delivered the order took the heavy silver coins that Hong Chengchou had given him, hesitated for a moment, and reminded: "The thieves successively killed Yin Mengyao, the magistrate of Yingzhou, Zhang Minghe, the local minister, and Zhu Guoxiang, who was staying in Fengyang. After His Majesty received the news, he cried bitterly in Sufu. He had already Yang Yipeng, the Governor of Water Transport, has been ordered to be executed, and Zhu Dadian, the right minister of the Ministry of War and the governor of Shandong, has been appointed to take over!"

After hearing this, Hong Chengchou thanked him quickly. To the eunuch who passed the order, these words did not matter whether they were spoken or not, but they were of great help to Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces.

As the hometown of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, Fengyang was designated as the central capital by him. Together with Nanjing, the southern capital and Beijing, the northern capital of the Ming Dynasty at that time, Fengyang was also known as the three capitals of the Ming Dynasty.

It was not only one of the three major political centers of the Ming Dynasty, but also the place where the dragon veins and earth energy were located.

Now, as the governor of the five provinces, Hong Chengchou could not suppress the bandits and calm the people, but instead caused the loss of the central capital and the burning of the imperial mausoleum. He was not executed directly by Emperor Chongzhen with the imperial decree. This was already a great favor from the emperor.

Originally, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, suffered a loss from "Lu Xiangsheng" and became quite suspicious and hesitant about Zhang Shun's death.

He originally thought that the "shun thief" was dead anyway, and he would wait a few more days until the situation became clear before attacking the city again.

But he never expected that the "Running Generals", "Living Cao Cao" and "Eight Kings" he had driven away actually colluded with the "Sweeper King" and the "Gu Yuan Zhenlong Emperor" to capture Fengyang Mansion in the central capital.

Although the imperial court wanted to "kill" two influential rebel leaders, "Shun Thief", the leader of the 36th Battalion, and "Chuang Wang", the chief commander, he was not punished.

But if he cannot restore Luoyang City in time, he may end up not much better than Yuan Chonghuan, the governor of Jiliao.

Thinking of this, he thought for a long time. Now that the "shun thieves" are dead, the thieves are leaderless. Even though the previous defeat was a disastrous defeat, the officers and soldiers suffered heavy losses, and there were still more than 30,000 remaining troops, still capable of fighting.

So, he nodded and said: "Don't worry, father-in-law. Early tomorrow morning, I will personally lead the army and continue to attack Luoyang City. It's just that the thieves are cruel, and I can't guarantee King Fu's safety."

"It's up to you, Governor Hong, to make the decision yourself. As a minister, we are not in a position to interfere in the military affairs!" The eunuch who delivered the order was not stupid. Besides delivering the order himself, he just took the opportunity to investigate the situation in Hong Chengchou's army so that he could return to the capital. I will just report it to Emperor Chongzhen later.

How could he, as a middle official, be involved in the "siege of the city" and "the safety of King Fu"?

Seeing that this guy was also cunning, Hong Chengchou stopped thinking about taking the blame, so he had to ask the boys around him to prepare some silver coins to thank the eunuch who passed the order.

On the morning of the next day, Hong Chengchou left only Bai Guangen and 5,000 men to monitor Ziwei Star Castle, while the rest of the troops attacked Luoyang City.

The rebels who lost the command of Zhang Shun looked like they were being beaten, but they huddled in Luoyang City and refused to leave the city to fight no matter how much the officers and soldiers yelled.

After yelling and cursing for a long time, the officers and soldiers were already thirsty, so they dragged over the camp's Hongyi artillery, general artillery and other artillery, and launched an artillery bombardment towards Luoyang City.

This time, the officers and soldiers carried a total of more than 20 Hongyi cannons and more than 100 general cannons of various colors. They were all displayed and lined up in a row, quite like the way the rebels used to bombard the officers and soldiers with more than 100 field artillery pieces.

The outermost side of Luoyang City is the horse-blocking earth wall built by the civil service of the imperial court a few years ago. It is about one foot high, one foot wide, and thirty-three miles long. It surrounds Luoyang City.

Due to the shortage of rebel soldiers, the 33-mile-long earthen wall to block horses could not be defended now, so they had to send some soldiers to guard the gaps through the four gates.

Wang Shaoyu, the commander-in-chief of Henan Province, has always been a destabilizing factor in the city. When Zhang Shun "died", Song Xiance personally visited him to stabilize him.

Now that Zhang Shun woke up, he remembered that he was the first person to surrender among the officers and soldiers. He had not been involved in the rebellion during many crises, so he specifically ordered him to lead his 300 soldiers to defend the gap in the earthen wall blocking the horses at the north gate.

Wang Shaoyu was not as talented as the middle-class man. He thought he would be abandoned by "King Shun", but he didn't expect that he would be used again, so he led his troops and went happily.

As a result, he had few men and horses under his command, and his combat power was not high. How could he be a match for Hong Chengchou's army? The officers and soldiers only fired two rounds of artillery. Wang Shaoyu, who was ready to charge, abandoned his position and fled back to the city.

Zhang Shun did not blame him when he saw it. Instead, he comforted him: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military officers. I sent you to stop them today. I just want you to see the methods of the officers and soldiers, so as not to encounter difficulties in dealing with them later."

When Wang Shaoyu, the commander-in-chief of Henan Province, heard this, he couldn't help being surprised and happy. Seeing what Zhang Shun meant, could it be that he wanted to cultivate himself?

Not to mention what Wang Shaoyu was thinking, after Hong Chengchou passed the earthen wall that blocked the horse, he could see Anximen, the north gate of Luoyang.

However, after the renovation led by Han Lin and Gao Yizhi, there were two sharp-angled enemy towers on the left and right of the city gate, like two waving crab claws.

After many attacks on Ziwei Star Castle, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, realized the power of the enemy and couldn't help but remind him: "Generals, please be careful and don't lose your life in vain."

Zuo Guangxian, Wang Chengen, He Renlong and others couldn't help but feel a sudden thought in their hearts: I'm afraid another life will be taken.

Whose life is not life? Although a general does not take his soldiers seriously, they are his foundation after all, and he is afraid of losing too much.

Therefore, the officers and soldiers first used Hongyi artillery and general artillery to bombard Luoyang Wangxi Gate.

The shells hit the Luoyang city wall like raindrops, smashing the bricks on the outside of the rammed earth city wall. But although the blue bricks were broken, the thick rammed earth wall was still intact.

Luoyang City was built in the early Ming Dynasty in the Ming Dynasty. The buildings were built with high efficiency and a clean administrative style. Although they are not as good as those fortified cities built with glutinous rice as a binding agent and steamed earth, they are still made of real materials and not a single step was taken away from them.

How could the officers and soldiers attack in such a short period of time? The rebels on the city also pulled out artillery early and launched intermittently counterattacks outside the city. In the midst of a massive, but rather boring, rumbling artillery battle, the offensive and defensive battle for Luoyang City began again.

Thank you to the fans "The King Asked Me to Patrol the Sky" and "Lard Four Legs" for their rewards. Thank you for supporting the author!

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