Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 673 No good banquet

Xin'an County borders the Yellow River to the north, Yiyang to the south, Mianchi to the west, and Luoyang to the east. Its county seat is located on the Jianhe River and has always been the ancient capital of the Nine Dynasties, Luoyang Jidi and the gateway to the west.

Its territory is linked to the ancient Hanguan Road, connecting Zhengbian to the east and Chang'an to the west. It has been a fortress and important military location in the Central Plains since ancient times.

Ever since Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, led 40,000 officers and soldiers westward from Tongguan, deputy general Liu Chenggong has been stationed here, patrolling day and night.

It's just that as they have been stationed for a long time and there is nothing going on around them, it is inevitable that they will feel a little slack. And the thoughts of Deputy Commander Liu Chenggong also followed the changes in the battle situation on the front line, like a roller coaster, rising and falling.

When he heard that the officers and soldiers were victorious on the front line, he couldn't help but resent Hong Chengchou for being selfish and refusing to give himself the opportunity to make contributions; when he heard that the officers and soldiers' attack was frustrated, he couldn't help but be overjoyed, saying only that God has eyes.

In the past two days, he heard that the officers and soldiers had been victorious, and that the leader of the thirty-sixth battalion, "Shun Thief" and the chief commander, "Chuang Wang", had been killed in formation, achieving an unprecedented victory.

For a moment, he didn't know which one was true and which one was false. Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Chenggong was in a state of confusion, feeling overjoyed and sad.

After dinner, it was getting late. Liu Chenggong wanted to take a rest. He was full of things and wanted to do something, but he didn't know what to do. When he was hesitating, he suddenly heard a servant coming to report: "My lord, Liu Biao, Qi Mengying Let’s meet together!”

Liu Chenggong frowned and couldn't help but ask: "What are they doing here?"

"What else can I do? I heard that the Lu family is a thief and will kill the nine clans sooner or later. One of these two people is Lu Weiqi's disciple, and the other is Lu Weiqi's son-in-law. They must want to please you, so that when you need it in the future, please Just give them a favor!"

Liu Chenggong was troubled, so how could he care about them? He couldn't help waving his hands and said: "No, no! How can I bear the crime of being a thief and rebelling?"

"Hey, sir!" The servant touched the silver coins in his arms and couldn't help but smile: "What you should and shouldn't do is just a matter of your words. Whether you say it or not is also a matter of your words. What's it worth?" ?”

"I heard that Lu Weiqi's son, Lu Zhaolin, got married recently, and his family bought an aunt from Datong. Liu Biao and Qi Mengying didn't dare to do it themselves, so they specially invited you to share the reward!"

The deputy commander-in-chief Liu Chenggong felt itchy when he heard this and couldn't help asking quickly: "Xin'an is located in the Central Plains. It is a vast land with abundant resources and everything. Why go all the way to Datong to buy women?"

"Oh, sir, you don't know this?" the servant replied with a smile and a thumbs up, "Auntie Datong is the best in the world, all of them have plump buttocks, tight and smooth, and they are famous for their charming skills in bed! "

Nonsense, how could Deputy Commander Liu Chenggong not know? He just used this to elicit words so that he could retort his rejection just now.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but look like a gentleman, and sighed to himself: "These two people are serious, that's fine, they have nothing to do, let me go and see what new tricks they have!"

Not long after, Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Chenggong led seven or eight personal guards to a restaurant, where Lu Weiqi's disciple Liu Biao and his son-in-law Qi Mengying had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing that Liu Chenggong had arrived, the two parties met the etiquette and decided to sit down respectively as host and guest. Qi Mengying quickly ordered the servants: "Hurry up and put the good wine and food on the table. No one can come in. I have something to discuss with you, sir."

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Chenggong was a little unhappy when he heard this. He waited for the others to leave and then asked Shi Shiran, "I wonder if you two are invited to discuss anything?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!" Liu Biao quickly laughed and said, "But it's just out of sight. It won't sound good if it gets spread!"

"What's not good to hear?" Liu Chenggong asked.

Liu Biao was angry when he heard this. He never expected that this guy would use a chicken feather as an arrow. Fortunately, thinking that our relationship would not last long, he said with a smile: "General Liu and I don't care, I'm just afraid that Brother Qi Mengying won't be able to explain it to me!"

"Oh!" Liu Chenggong pretended, as if he had some understanding.

Liu Biao didn't bother to argue with him, he clapped his hands directly, and seven or eight girls walked in immediately. Four of them played and sang with various musical instruments, while one stood in the center and danced to the music. As for the remaining three, they sat next to each other and poured wine for them.

Among them, the one sitting next to Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Chenggong was the most beautiful, with a bulging figure that seemed to burst his clothes.

Liu Chenggong couldn't help but move his hands and feet, and said with a lewd smile: "I wonder where the girl is from?"

The "girl" was also an expert in romantic situations. She dodged Liu Chenggong's "salty knuckles" and said with a smile: "I heard that you have a good drinker. Why don't you have a drink? Can I say yes?"

Then Liu Cheng is a rough man. Where has he ever played this kind of game? Hearing this, he couldn't help but raise his neck and drank a drink.

The girl then complimented her with a smile and said: "Master Liu has a good drinker, and my family is from Datong!"

So, just like this, the two of them had a glass of wine and asked each other, leaving Liu Biao and Qi Mengying aside, and they started having fun since ancient times.

Not long after, after three rounds of wine and five dishes, it was already dark, and Liu Chenggong and the "girl" were almost done drinking.

He had been teased by that "girl" for a long time, and he was already extremely horny and thirsty. Just as he was about to pounce on it with the strength of wine, he unexpectedly saw Liu Biao and Qi Mengying still sitting on the left and right.

Liu Chenggong couldn't help but said with a bit of displeasure: "It's already late at night. You two won't go back to rest, but why are you sitting here?"

"Nothing else, but I'll wait for you, sir!" Liu Biao said with a smile.

"Wait for me? What are you waiting for me to do!" Liu Chenggong became even more angry and couldn't help but laugh, "Your Mr. Yu Shi dares to be a thief. How can you let him be lenient even though the Lu family is a wealthy family in Xin'an? If you can coax me to If the officer is happy, he might even be able to say a few words for you!"

Liu Biao couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "Since you know that my master is a thief, why do you dare to act so boldly?"

"What do you mean?" Liu Chenggong was so excited when he heard this that he couldn't help but wake up from the wine.

As soon as he finished speaking, several screams sounded outside the door. Immediately, the door opened, and more than ten burly men walked in.

The leader was wearing a green robe and holding a Qinglong Yanyue knife, with blood still dripping from the tip of the knife. He couldn't help but look around and asked, "Which one is Liu Chenggong?"

Deputy Commander-in-Chief Liu Chenggong was shocked and angry, and couldn't help shouting: "The Lu family of Xin'an is so bold, do you want to rebel? I have thousands of elite soldiers in the city, I'm afraid Xin'an city will be stained with blood tonight!"

Liu Biao couldn't help but hey after hearing this, and stretched out his hand to indicate: "Let me introduce, this drunkard is Liu Chenggong, the deputy general of the Ming Dynasty, and this is Chen Changzhen, the leader of the rebel army, the sworn brother of King Shun!"

When Liu Chenggong heard this, his liver and gallbladder were shattered. Unexpectedly, the Lu family actually surrendered to the thieves, and the Xin'an County was destroyed by internal and external collusion.

He couldn't help but pull the beauty next to him and push her towards Chen Changzhen. Chen Changzhen used the blade of his knife to push away the stumbling woman. He pushed forward with force, hitting Liu Chenggong in the back of the heart as he turned to leave.

When Liu Chenggong came out to socialize, why would he be wearing heavy armor? He suddenly couldn't help but scream, and when he looked down, he saw a crescent-shaped knife tip emerging from his chest.

The blood stained on the tip of the knife was much different than when Chen Changzhen first came in. It was all Liu Chenggong's own blood!

He turned his head with difficulty, widened his eyes, and stretched out his fingers as if he wanted to say something to Liu Biao.

But before he could say a harsh word, Chen Changzhen just drew the big knife in his hand. Liu Chenggong couldn't help but scream, and immediately fell to the ground as if all his strength had been drained, and could not get up again.

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