Although Hong Chengchou expected that Cao Wenzhao might try to trick him and was fully prepared, he never expected that he would still be tricked.

The reason is very simple. Although he does not really believe in Zhang Shun's death, various channels have shown the possibility that "Shun's thief is dead".

Although he said he didn't believe it, in fact, when making decisions in private, he had subconsciously regarded "the shun thief is dead" as a fact.

It sounds contradictory, but it is actually the reason why Hong Chengchou's thinking is not rigorous enough. As a leader among the ancient elites, it stands to reason that he should not make such a low-level mistake.

However, firstly, Hong Chengchou was quite conceited and always liked to make decisions with one word; secondly, due to the problems of ancient education, most people did not receive professional training in their way of thinking, and Hong Chengchou was not immune to this.

Although well-read Confucian scholars have accumulated a certain amount of experience through various classics, they are also able to write strategies with strict logical thinking.

But after all, it is not like the education of later generations, which can comprehensively strengthen one's thinking ability through a series of science subjects such as mathematics and physics. Therefore, if you are a little slack, there will be times when the tiger takes a nap.

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, originally planned to lead the main force to the west gate of Luoyang City to attract the attention of the rebels. In fact, he secretly sent deputy general Ai Wannian to lead 5,000 troops to attack the east gate of Luoyang City.

He expected that the main force of the Define Army would gather at the west gate, and Ai Wannian would be able to seize the opportunity to attack east and west and capture the east gate of Luoyang City.

As long as the east gate of Luoyang City is lost and 5,000 officers and soldiers defend it with the help of the gate, how can the rebels recapture it in an instant? As long as Ai Wannian insists that as soon as the army of officers and soldiers arrives, Luoyang City will change hands.

But no matter how many times Hong Chengchou calculated, Zhang Shun was the superior in skill after all. He planned this matter, which was naturally different from Hong Chengchou.

Although Zhang Shun's thinking had been well trained in his previous life, he was still worried about missing something. So on the one hand, he specifically broke things into pieces, wrote them on paper, and analyzed them from all angles and possibilities;

On the other hand, he also specially gathered the civil servants and generals under his command to listen to everyone's suggestions one by one. He even asked Zhang Shenyan, Song Xiance, Lu Weiqi and others to form a team to stand in Hong Chengchou's position and simulate how he would make decisions.

Comparing the two, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was not unjust.

Therefore, when Hong Chengchou realized that he had been tricked, his first reaction was to retreat. This is not just that the officers and soldiers are not strong enough to deal with the rebels, but that the situation of the officers and soldiers is really not good.

The reason why Hong Chengchou led his officers and soldiers to attack the northwest corner of Luoyang City before was because the terrain of Luoyang City was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It is surrounded on three sides by the Jianhe River, the Luohe River and the Xianhe River respectively, and in the northeast corner is the Ziweixing Fort built by the rebels. In this way, only the northwest corner of Luoyang City is relatively open, which can be used for officers and soldiers to spread out their formations. Even if they are defeated, they can withdraw from the battlefield in time.

But now, in order to seek change, Hong Chengchou took Luoyang City in a surprise attack, so he took the risk and led his army to the west gate of Luoyang.

This place is bounded by Luohe River to the south, Jianhe River to the west, and Luoyang City to the east. Only the north gate can allow officers and soldiers to enter and exit. If the rebel army really cuts off the north and retreats, the two to thirty thousand officers and soldiers under his command will be blocked here.

Fortunately, Hong Chengchou acted cautiously. Before heading to the west gate of Luoyang City, he had already ordered Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen to occupy the camp abandoned by the rebels in the northwest corner for defensive purposes.

As a veteran general, Wang Cheng'en heard that the rebels were marching out from the north gate and wanted to cut off the retreat of the officers and soldiers. He couldn't help but quickly ordered his soldiers to guard the camp and fired cannons in the direction of the rebels to show their intention to stop them.

When the rebels heard the sound of artillery coming from the camp in the northwest corner of Luoyang City, they immediately knew that if they could not pull out this place, they would definitely not be able to cut off the retreat of Hong Chengchou's army.

Fortunately, the rebels have "flying iron artillery", and the artillery is far more maneuverable than the officers and soldiers. Li Shi'an gave an order, and more than a hundred artillery pieces quickly deployed, set up artillery positions, and bombarded the original camp of the rebels.

Poor Wang Cheng'en only has some small artillery such as French guns, prisoner-killing cannons, and tiger squatting cannons. How can he be the opponent of Li Shi'an's artillery?

Fortunately, there was cover of night, so the artillery was not accurate; secondly, there were forts as defense, so although the officers and soldiers were passively beaten, they could still hold on for a while.

He wanted to insist on overthrowing the officers and soldiers and evacuating the entire army. Would Zhang Shun let him get his wish? Seeing that the officers and soldiers were holding fast to the fort, Zhang Shun ordered the men in the city to drag over the remaining artillery in the city. He also ordered his soldiers to wrap the cannonballs and cannonballs in rags and fire them down the city.

It turns out that when the fortress was abandoned by the rebels, it was considered at the beginning of its construction that it would be attacked by officers and soldiers, and that it would be a threat to the enemy.

Therefore, these three battalions of fortresses are certainly impregnable when facing outside the city, but facing away from Luoyang City, they are designed to be passively attacked.

One side of this place is rammed earth and stone, and the other side is a wooden tent. How can it be a defensive place?

Then Lintao Commander-in-Chief Wang Chengen led five thousand officers and soldiers and went in blindly. How to know the truth?

He had occupied the rebel camp and was already in an invincible position. Even if the rebel army has thousands of troops, it will be difficult for them to break through their own defenses.

But he never expected that there would be a flaw behind the fortress, and it would be such a big flaw?

In order to prevent the target from being exposed, the officers and soldiers occupying the rebel camp rarely lit lights to avoid being taken advantage of by the rebel artillery.

As a result, the rebels in the city didn't care whether there were lights or not, and just fired at the military tent in the camp.

There was only a burst of artillery fire, and countless solid bullets and shotgun shells shattered the wooden boards behind the Chinese army's tent and flew into the tent, smashing the tables, chairs, and lamps inside.

Fortunately, Lintao's commander-in-chief, Wang Chengen, had a great destiny and happened to be hiding in a corner. Although he took a few bullets, fortunately he was blocked by armor, so he was not seriously injured.

Wang Chengen wiped a cold sweat, and quickly took advantage of the gap between the rebel artillery fire to crawl out of the Chinese army's tent, finally saving his life.

As a result, before he could resume command, he heard the sound of killing outside the camp. It turned out that the rebels took advantage of the fact that the officers and soldiers were in the dark and were distracted by the rebel artillery. They had already arrived in front of the camp wearing double armor.

The leader is none other than Jiang He who has been silent for a long time. However, the sword and shield soldiers led by this man were excellent. The shield in his hand was replaced by a shield with two layers of old cotton added, which could withstand most lead bullets.

Therefore, this time, in order to quickly deal with Wang Chengen's department, Zhang incidentally used this trump card again.

Fortunately, both sides were in the dark and their sight was unclear. The officers and soldiers only fired one round of muskets and artillery before Jiang He led the sword and shield men to touch them.

Jiang He couldn't help but jumped up, chopped down a gunner with a knife, and shouted loudly: "The officers and soldiers have fallen into the trap. How long will it take if we don't surrender now?"

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