It's no wonder that He Renlong asked. As a warrior, he was already very skilled in martial arts and had few rivals in the world.

He never takes the world's heroes seriously. During the war, he charges into battle like a madman, so he is known as "He Madman".

As a result, the cats and dogs who came from nowhere almost killed themselves. Even though I just said that I was careless, it still shows the level of my opponent.

The "horse archer" laughed when he heard this and said: "Grandpa's family name is Li, and his name is Fuchen. He is also known as 'horse kite'!"

The kite is a small bird of prey in the family Accipitridae. It flies powerfully and dexterously, and is very fast. This man calls himself "horse kite" and has a horse flying like a kite landing on the horse's back.

He Renlong was originally from Yansui and understood the meaning of this nickname. He couldn't help but laughed and said, "What kind of bird is a horse kite?"

"Horse kite" Li Fuchen couldn't help being furious when he heard this. He slapped his horse and rushed forward to fight He Renlong.

He Renlong urgently ordered the left and right to shoot with bows, arrows and fire guns. Li Fuchen's left and right cavalry were hit by arrows and fell off their horses. Only Li Fuchen flew left and right to avoid Yamaru, and as expected, he flew on the horse's back like a kite.

When He Renlong saw it, he couldn't help but admire his courage and praise his martial arts. He thought to himself: There are so many heroes in the world, but only a traitor and a small general are so brave. Could it be that they want to kill me today?

Nahe Renlong was inspired by this and couldn't help but feel heroic. He also drew his gun and led the crowd to kill him. There are many officers and soldiers, but Li Fuchen has few soldiers, so how can he be his opponent? In an instant, these dozen cavalrymen were submerged in the sea of ​​officers and soldiers.

Li Xin couldn't help but sigh secretly, and thought to himself: What a fierce general, it's a pity that he died here without ever becoming famous! After returning to victory, I will order someone to retrieve this person's body and give him a good burial.

Unexpectedly, just as Li Xin sighed, he saw another commotion among the officers and soldiers. Li Xin looked through the faint starlight and saw that there seemed to be a dark shadow still looming among the officers and soldiers.

I just heard the man shout loudly: "Ma Yaozi is here, who can't accept it?"

Li Xin couldn't help but be overjoyed. The "horse kite" Li Fuchen was still fighting in and out of the crowd of officers and soldiers without any fear.

He quickly ordered: "The officers and soldiers are weak, and even a young general in the rebel army can't deal with it. All officers and men, please follow me and charge forward to accomplish this great feat!"

Immediately, Li Xin led Huang Long and other "Troubled Times Camp" troops to take the opportunity to cover up the killing. At this time, He Renlong was disturbed by the "horse kite" Li Fuchen. How could he think about commanding the troops?

He was immediately killed by Li Xin, Huang Long and others by surprise. Before He Renlong could retreat, Li Xin and Huang Long followed "horse kite" Li Fuchen and fought towards He Renlong.

It is difficult to deal with just one "horse kite", let alone Li Xin and Huang Long. How can He Renlong be his opponent?

At this time, Cao Wenzhao also led his troops to penetrate He Renlong's troops and horses, and attacked from behind. He Renlong was immediately in a desperate situation.

He Renlong single-handedly led more than a hundred personal guards to rush left and right, but he was unable to get out. He couldn't help but get off his horse and said to his left and right: "I was originally just a guard, but because I captured the thief general Sun Shoufa and captured the Sky-killing Tiger alive, I don't know how many times my hands have been stained with the thief's blood. The thief must hate me deeply, and you can't Even if you kill me, if the thief gets my head, you will not be in trouble!"

Hearing the words, the left and right people couldn't help but stand up and dismount, holding He Renlong in his arms and crying: "That Cao Wenzhao defeated the bandit army several times, and also killed and wounded the bandit leader Wang Jiayin. The blood feud is even worse than that of the general. That King Shun has always been benevolent and righteous, but he can still tolerate this person." , can’t we still tolerate the general?”

When He Renlong heard this, his eyes lit up, and he quickly said to his left and right: "In this case, we will surrender to Cao Wenzhao. If the thief really doesn't let me go, Cao Wenzhao will be shaken."

It turned out that He Renlong planned to get on Cao Wenzhao's side. If Zhang Shun still killed him, then Cao Wenzhao, as a surrendered general, would inevitably feel sad that the rabbit died and the fox died. This way, he could probably save his life.

That was a good idea for He Renlong, but not everyone had such plans.

The "horse kite" Li Fuchen had a different view. He was fond of gambling by nature and lost more than he won. In the past few days, he actually lost 600 taels of silver overnight.

I was having a huge quarrel with my brother-in-law and couldn't explain it. It just so happened that Li Xin promised him a reward of silver. How could he let go of such a great opportunity?

Before He Renlong could turn around and look for Cao Wenzhao, he took the lead and fought over him. He Renlong fought with him for several rounds. Unexpectedly, Li Xin and Huang Long arrived again and defeated He Renlong again.

He Renlong fought and retreated. For a long time, he couldn't get away. He couldn't help but plead: "I also have an old relationship with General Cao Wenzhao and want to join him. In the future, you and I will be colleagues, why do we need to force you here?"

Li Fuchen, the "horse kite", attacked even more fiercely when he heard this, for fear that the cooked duck would fly away. But Li Xin only said that congratulating Renlong was a delaying strategy, and he showed no mercy.

After fighting for a long time, He Renlong's men and horses were already in chaos. They were constantly being killed by Cao Wen's imperial edict and the "Troubled Times Camp" to avoid surrender. They saw that the last bit of bargaining chips was gone.

He Renlong couldn't help shouting loudly: "I'm surrendering now, why bother fighting to the death?"

"Ma Yaozi" was afraid that the cooked duck would fly away, so he quickly explained to Li Xin: "This guy is pretending to surrender, so don't pay attention to him!"

When He Renlong heard this, he couldn't help but became anxious and yelled: "You are such a yellow-tongued child, so vicious! Don't you think that officials are robbing my family? I, He Renlong, am also a person, how can you treat me like this?"

Seeing that he seemed to be sincerely surrendering, Li Xin couldn't help but move a little slower, and asked: "Since you want to surrender, why does General He keep chattering? Why don't you dismount immediately and accept the surrender!"

He Renlong was about to cry but had no tears. How should he answer? Do you want to say to Li Xin: I can't trust you and want to surrender to Cao Wenzhao?

He could only respond hesitantly: "I have an appointment with General Cao Wenzhao. Please take a rest for a while, but we will know when General Cao arrives!"

"Ma Yaozi" couldn't help but become anxious when he saw that Li Xin was too gentle. He quickly increased his strength and said to Li Xin: "General Li, don't let this guy deceive you. His hands are stained with countless blood of the rebels. There is no way back!"

"Now he is out of breath due to our fight, but we are just using a delaying tactic. If we are slow, I am afraid that this guy will escape!"

He Renlong's "surrender plan" was interrupted repeatedly by him, and he couldn't help but become furious. He simply abandoned Li Xin and Huang Long, ignored them, and only killed Li Fuchen, the "horse kite".

He Renlong thought that this man was young and weak, so he was no match for him. Unexpectedly, Li Fuchen also had a good trick. He just flew left and right on his horse. Although he was temporarily at a disadvantage, He Renlong could not defeat him for a while.

When Li Xin saw that this guy was going crazy, he quickly brought Huang Long to help. After a while, the three of them surrounded He Renlong and fought like a revolving lantern, killing him until he was left helpless and surrounded by danger.

When He Renlong saw that something was wrong, he didn't care much for a while and shouted loudly: "Surrender, I surrender, don't kill anymore!"

Ma Yaozi Li Fuchen is actually Ma Yaozi Wang Fuchen. His surname was Li. In the early days, he joined the rebel army with his brother-in-law, but a conflict broke out because he lost money in gambling. He then killed his brother-in-law and went into exile. Later, he was regarded as his adopted son by Datong general Wang Jinchao, and his surname was changed to Wang. Just because he followed the rebel army, the Ming army and the Qing army successively, and rebelled several times, he was called "Living Lu Bu"

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