Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 695 Lu Weiqi visits Dong

When Zhang Shun rushed home exhausted, Hong Niangzi, Jian'er, Li Sanniang, Zhu'er, Li Xiang, Liu Rushi, Ma Yingniang and Gao Guiying were all in the room.

Looking at the beautiful, moon-shaped, plump and thin women in front of him, Zhang Shun felt like he was in another world. Victory, great victory, the sword that was hanging over everyone's heads disappeared!

Zhang Shun wanted to shout and share his excitement with them. But when he opened his mouth, he felt his throat hurt.

Li Xiang and Liu Rushi were startled when they saw this, and hurriedly came over to check. After finding out that there was nothing serious, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to the worried others: "It's okay. There's a little redness and swelling. It must have been blown by the wind. I'll be fine after just two days of rest!"

The girls gathered around him excitedly, and Zhang Shun originally wanted to give them a comforting hug. It’s just that there are a lot of people, so it’s a big question who should be hugged first and who should be hugged last. If one is not careful, the fragile balance between the girls will be broken, triggering a large-scale coin-robbing behavior.

Zhang Shun had no choice but to smile gently at them. He didn't even know what he wanted to express.

"It's okay, it's okay! I (the head of the family, dad, master, Zhang Sheng) walked out last time and came back lying down, which really scared us to death!" The girls' eyes were a little wet.

It’s so annoying not being able to talk! Zhang Sheng complained secretly, so he had to pull out a piece of paper and wrote: "I'm sorry, even if it's for you, I will never put myself in danger again!"

The atmosphere that was originally very warm and welcoming suddenly disappeared after Zhang Shun messed with it like this. Only then did the girls come back to their senses and couldn't help complaining: "Besides, who believes it? I don't know how much you promised in the past, but how little you have fulfilled!"

Zhang Shun chuckled and simply extended his arms regardless, hugging each of them one by one. Although he left as soon as he touched it, he immediately made these relatively conservative women blush.

"How do you behave in front of so many sisters? Don't do bad things!" Although they complained on their lips, they were actually a little pleased in their hearts.

Let’s not mention Zhang Shun’s own family affairs. After Lu Weiqi said goodbye to Zhang Shun, he didn’t bother to go back to the house. Instead, he shouted to his servant: “Let’s go to Dong’s house!”

"Which Dong's house?" the servant asked curiously.

"Who else is Dong's Mansion? Besides his family, who else in Luoyang City dares to call it Dong's Mansion?" Lu Weiqi asked rhetorically.

The servant suddenly fell silent and quickly helped Lu Weiqi get into the sedan. It turns out that what Lu Weiqi said about the Dong family is also known to everyone in Luoyang City.

In Zhang Shun's later martial arts novel "The Sentimental Swordsman, the Ruthless Sword", the protagonist Li Xunhuan is known as "seven Jinshi in one discipline, and father and son are three in love".

Although Lu Weiqi's so-called treatment of the Dong family is not as glorious as that of Xiao Li's Feidao family, where "father and son visited flowers three times", it can still be regarded as a true family of "seven jinshi from one family".

The Dong family was originally from Song County. There were three people, father and son, who were all Jinshi. As a result, the family was prosperous and they moved to Luoyang City.

After the Dong family moved to Luoyang, it became even more popular. Within only two generations, four more people were successively awarded Jinshi, and their reputation was unparalleled, becoming a major member of the Luoyang gentry.

Even though Lu Weiqi is now a famous Yiluo scholar and an authentic Neo-Confucian scholar, and has successively founded two influential academic societies, Zhiquan Society and Yiluo Society, he still dare not look down upon Dong.

Not long after, the somewhat bumpy sedan stopped steadily, and the servant quickly reported: "Master, we have arrived in front of the Dong Mansion."

"Have you submitted the post?" Lu Weiqi asked.

"Sent it! I'll reply in a moment!"

"Wait!" Lu Weiqi ordered confidently.

Not long after, there was only a "squeak" sound, and the door of Dong's Mansion opened wide, and an old voice said, "It turns out that Lu Yushi is here, and the old man is welcome from afar!"

Lu Weiqi quickly opened the curtain of the sedan, got off the sedan and saluted: "Unexpectedly, Xu Zhai went out to greet him personally, and Lv was very panicked!"

Nayu Shi was originally the nickname of Lu Weiqi, and Xu Zhai was the nickname of Dong Yance, the current head of the Dong clan. The two of them had heard of each other a lot.

After a polite exchange between the two parties, Lu Weiqi was welcomed into the mansion by Dong Yance, and the two parties sat down respectively.

Dong Yance took the tea, took a sip and said, "Yushi's name is like thunder. Dong has heard about it for a long time. Fortunately, we can meet each other today. But after the death of my father, uncle, and brother, the front door gradually became deserted, and it was hard to go there." I don’t dare to go and see him easily.”

"Among the seven Dongs, Dong is the least knowledgeable. Now that the Dongs have long lost their former glory, I wonder if Yu Shi is here to teach me?"

Lu Weiqi didn't dare to say anything after hearing this, so he opened his mouth and boasted: "The Dong family has seven Jinshi scholars. It is rare since ancient times to pass down poetry and calligraphy to the family, and to cultivate and study for generations. How can I, a small family of the Lu family, be able to compare?"

"Lu Mou came here today. Firstly, he admires Dong's reputation as a seventh-level scholar and has a good family tradition; secondly, he has a major matter that he wants to discuss with Xu Zhai!"

"Oh? I don't know what happened, but I was able to work for Mr. Yu Shi?" Dong Yance asked with some confusion.

"There is nothing else but to persuade the Dong family to become an official for King Shun!" Lu Weiqi responded straightforwardly.

"Come here, see the guests off!" Dong Yance's face changed greatly when he heard this, and he said angrily, "I, Mr. Dong, dare not call our family tradition good, how can we be a thief!"

"Listen to Lv Mou, if Dong insists to the end, Lv Mou will not be embarrassed at all!" Lv Weiqi smiled calmly after hearing this.

Dong Yance's face was still gloomy. After a long while, he waved away the servant, and two words popped out of his mouth: "Say!"

"At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, heroes arose everywhere, and Taizu of the Ming Dynasty accepted Tian's orders to conquer the world, and then he had a kingdom for more than 200 years. Since ancient times, from the time of Emperor Qin, how could there be a kingdom in the world for more than 300 years? Now that the Zhu family is about to die, Dong Are you indifferent to your desires?" Lu Weiqi asked impassionedly.

"The Han Dynasty had a world of four hundred years, and the Song Dynasty had a country of three hundred years. How can Yushi not have a country of three hundred years?" Dong Yance was also a Jinshi after all, and he had some knowledge, so he couldn't help but question.

"The middle way of the Han Dynasty declined, and it was like reinventing it when it came to Guangwu; the Song Dynasty collapsed after more than a hundred years, losing half of the country, and the rest just lingered on. What's the point?" Lu Weiqi, a Neo-Confucian master with little knowledge, immediately refuted Dong Yance Tao was speechless.

"Even if the Zhu family is about to perish, what does it have to do with King Shun? Qin lost his deer and the whole world chased him away. How can King Shun be the only one?" Dong Yance saw that he could not argue directly, so he quickly changed his angle and asked.

"King Shun has seven victories, and he should conquer the world. Please hear about it." Lu Weiqi responded with confidence after hearing this.

"One said: Ren wins. King Shun neither tortures nor kills. Wherever he goes, Qiu does not harm him. This is the king's master!"

"Second: Righteousness prevails. King Shun raises troops to attack Wudao. Now that Chongzhen is in power, there are natural disasters above and man-made disasters below, and the world is in danger of overthrow. The rest of the people either help Zhou to do harm, or wander around and plunder, and they are all treacherous officials and traitors. , How is he like King Shun?"

"Third: The army is victorious. Since the day King Shun raised his army, he has been almost invincible in every battle and invincible in every attack. How can he neglect God's help?"

"Fourth: The people are victorious. King Shun lives in Luoyang. Although the war continues, he is still worried about the people. Now that the war is still going on, he has ordered us to prepare for plowing and exterminating locusts. Isn't this the way of an emperor?"

"Five said: Scholars win. When King Shun started his army, he paid special attention to scribes. Whenever he went to a place, he would visit his sages and listen to their teachings. Even if there was disobedience, he would not be angry and would not kill. This is not ambitious or magnanimous. ?”

"Sixth: Food wins. King Shun immediately took over Prince Fu's palace and got two million gold and silver, making him as rich as the world. But he remained simple and simple. Most of them used it to buy food, thinking it was a long-term plan. Isn't this a far-fetched plan?"

"Seventh: Wisdom wins. Although King Shun only has one place in Luoyang now, he has already known the situation of the world. He uses the heaven and the earth as his circle and all living beings as his sons to stir up the world. Isn't this a man of extraordinary wisdom?"

"All these seven people are beyond ordinary people, and their ambitions can be seen in the world. How can Xu Zhai remain indifferent?"

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