Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 699 Lantern Festival

The moon crescents over Jiuzhou, and some families are happy and some are sad. Not to mention how Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, shied away the blame and clashed with Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Yunyang, in the prison of Prince Fu, and the rebel army defeated the officers and soldiers, and their power and reputation skyrocketed.

How to encircle and suppress the remnant soldiers, how to clean the battlefield, how to classify the captured trophies and collect them one by one into the public treasury. Not to mention that the rebels took the opportunity to capture various counties and prepare to bring all nearby areas under the rule of King Shun.

But King Shun himself was doing nothing at home. This was not because Zhang Shun was lazy and playful, nor was he immersed in the gentle countryside. It was because he went on an expedition while ill. Although he was lucky enough to defeat Hong Chengchou, the governor of five provinces, and only one battalion of 40,000 officers and soldiers escaped.

However, there is still a cost. For the rebels, the biggest price was the loss of many soldiers, the war destroyed a lot of farmland, and the harm to nearby people. For Zhang Shun's mother-in-law, civil servants and generals, the biggest price was that Zhang Shun's wound became swollen again after being blown by the wind.

The so-called "swelling" actually means inflammation. In later generations, you can just use some anti-inflammatory drugs. Unfortunately, in this era, there are no simple and effective drugs, so we have to rest mainly and supplement with drugs.

Zhang Shun, who had no choice but to continue working, had no choice but to do nothing. Even if he wanted to do some "creating people" activities, the girls rejected him ruthlessly because they were afraid of hurting Zhang Shun's wounds.

In fact, Zhang Shun's throat has improved a lot after this period of cultivation. Although it still hurts a little, he can barely speak a few words.

On this day, Zhang Shun was idle and bored, but when he saw Liu Rushi and Zhu'er busy with some bamboo strips and red paper, he asked strangely: "What are you going to do?"

"Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival. Let's find a craftsman to make two lanterns for Huaji and Ping'an!" The two of them responded and persuaded, "Hey, my lord, please don't open your mouth. Once we get a wound, Madam Xiang and Madam Hong will definitely kill us!"

"Lang Yuan Festival?" Zhang Shun actually struggled to say it, so he had to be as brief as possible.

"It's the Lantern Festival, also known as Lantern Festival. It's a day for appreciating flowers and lanterns!" Seeing that Zhang Shun was fine, the two of them explained with a smile, "My Lord, because you didn't have a good time during the Spring Festival this year, this time the Lantern Festival The festival should still be lively and lively after all!”

It turned out that when Zhang Shun was fighting with soldiers a year ago, his throat was injured by Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province. He lay in bed for three days and missed the Spring Festival. When the others saw that their master was ill, they were frightened and naturally had no intention of celebrating the Spring Festival. Thus, a grand traditional festival passed quietly.

Zhang Shun waved his hand and let them go, but thought to himself: "Now the rebels have occupied Luoyang City for several months. Although under strict military discipline, they can barely claim to have committed no crimes, there are still many barriers between the army and the people. .”

"Now that the rebels have won a great victory and the whole city is overjoyed, why not take this opportunity to hold a grand celebration to boost the morale of the soldiers and civilians, and to bring the rebels closer to the people of Luoyang."

It's just that the ministers are busy now, so where can they have time to pay attention to him? Zhang Shun thought about it and had no choice but to ask Wang Jinyi to call another "rich and idle man".

Not long after, Song Xiance, who was also "doing nothing", rushed over, saluted, and asked: "How is my lord's health? Is it getting better?"

"Sit down, I can barely speak a few words!" Zhang Shun replied with difficulty, and then handed Song Xiance some items he had written while waiting for him to come.

Song Xiance looked down and couldn't help but read: "Shangyuan Festival?"

Hi, I’m familiar with this! Calling the Lantern Festival "Shangyuan Festival" comes from Taoism.

Taoism has always had the "Three Yuan Theory", and the gods worshiped by the Five Dou Rice Sect, which was just established in the late Han Dynasty, are Tianguan, Diguan and Shuiguan. The responsibilities of these three are respectively: the Heaven Official gives blessings, the Earth Official forgives sins, and the Water Official relieves misfortune.

Taoism coincides with the three yuan matching of the three officials. It is said that the Tianguan of Shangyuan is born on the 15th day of the first month, the Diguan of Zhongyuan is born on the 15th day of July, and the Shuiguan of Xianyuan is born on the 15th October.

Taoists in the Wei and Jin Dynasties matched the "three officials" with the seasons, and designated the fifteenth day of the first lunar month as the "Shang Yuan", the fifteenth day of July as the "Zhong Yuan", and the fifteenth day of October as the "Xia Yuan", collectively known as the "Three Yuan". ". This is the origin of "Shangyuan Festival".

In fact, the Lantern Festival in the Ming Dynasty was not just a night on the 15th day of the first lunar month. Most of them started on the eighth day of the first lunar month and lasted until the seventeenth day of the first lunar month. It's just that this time, because of the siege by officers and soldiers, the people are in danger, so how can they still think about setting up a lantern festival? After procrastinating for a few days, it was almost the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

The old Taoist priest Song Xiance has never eaten pork, but he has always seen pigs running away. He couldn't help but responded: "The Lantern Festival is very lively. Although there are many tricks, they are basically nothing more than fireworks and lanterns. If the Lord wants to hold this lantern festival, the old Taoist still needs to obtain gunpowder, silver and other supplies, and also needs to mobilize the palace and Governor Zhang's subordinates Craftsman, may I ask?"

"That's right! By the way, I don't know what the lantern festival looked like in the past, but I just have a few suggestions for your reference!" Zhang Shun replied, pointing to the note he just handed to Song Xiance.

Song Xiance quickly lowered his head and read: "In addition to various lantern styles, the lights of the Lantern Festival must be added with Kongming lanterns and large Kongming lanterns. Fireworks and firecrackers must be added with fireworks and flag flowers. More firecrackers and firecrackers must be sold to play with children and have fun with the people." !”

They are all painted with pictures and attached to them. Song Xiance didn't know much about it, but after all, it was his lord's wish and he was ready to give it to the craftsmen to make, as long as it could be used.

In fact, this is because Song Xiance was short-sighted. The Kongming Lantern was okay, but the so-called "big Kongming Lantern" was actually a hot air balloon tied with a rope. Zhang Shun just took advantage of the festival to test the skills of the craftsmen. At the same time, it can also increase the three-dimensional effect of the lantern festival.

The fireworks are the "flowering bombs" that later generations shot into the air, blooming into various flower-like fireworks; and the flag flowers are actually the signal for the release of the army in this era, similar to rockets without arrows. The flag flower has a medicine bag in front, and a long balanced rod connected to the back, which can make a sound when released.

These items appear to be for civilian use, but in fact they are also for military use. Zhang Shun made the best use of the material and took the opportunity to test the firearms production level of his craftsmen.

Due to time constraints, the two discussed for a long time and decided to hold the lantern festival on the street in front of Prince Fu's Mansion. Master Song Xiance hurriedly took the order and went there in a hurry, for fear of wasting time.

At this time, Li Xiang happened to come over to examine his injuries and change his dressings, and he was ready to start work soon. Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and took out a list, handed it to Li Xiang and said, "Mrs. Xiang, please find a few girls to write some invitations based on this list."

Li Xiang glanced at it suspiciously, and suddenly found that the post was filled with names. She couldn't help but asked in shock: "What are you doing? Are you going to entertain the gentry in the city?"

"You've got a good guess. I'm going to invite the gentry and some scholars in the city to come and enjoy the lanterns, and I'll take the opportunity to test them and see how they learn!"

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