Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 7 Who is the roost

Let's say that everyone here has different expressions, Ren Chen only sees his "Dragon", Li Jiyu only sees his "Li", Zhang Ding only sees his "Zhang", Ma Daochang only sees his "Shun". Only Shen Jingbang was ignorant and didn't understand what it meant; only Zhang Shun was worried about the world, even though he was usually used to keeping his face, he failed this time.

It turned out that when Zhang Ding heard "someone is bringing a long bow", he solved the character Zhang, and Li Jiyu heard the word "eighteen children entering the capital", and solved the character Li, each of them felt that they should respond.

And when Ren Chen heard "Fang knows that there is a real dragon in Shuntian", he thought to himself: Among the heavenly stems and earthly branches, Renchen is the dragon, Renchen and Renchen have the same pronunciation, and the last two sentences should be interpreted as: There are eighteen young generals After breaking through the capital, everyone knew that I, Ren Chen, the real dragon emperor, was in Shuntian Prefecture.

So Ren Chen said: "Actually, I think this poem should be interpreted by referring to the heavenly stems and earthly branches."

"Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches? But the chronology? Where is the chronology in this poem? Eight oxen, this year of the ox? Oh, there is no need to explain this, it has already been solved. So is it a wooden monkey? Jia is wood, Shen is monkey, this is Jia Shen Nian?" Chen Jindou said in surprise.

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and they all praised Master Ren for solving it correctly, but made Master Ren feel uncomfortable: Oh, can none of you solve the dragon character? What the hell is this Jiashen year?

When Zhang Shun heard this, he was terrified. Although he didn't know about the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, he remembered that in the previous life, someone wrote an article called "Jiashen Three Hundred Years Ceremony", which seemed to be a sacrifice to the Ming Dynasty. Zhang Shun didn't know when the Ming Dynasty fell, but he happened to know about this "Jiashen". Originally, as a materialist, he stayed away from these nagging things. At this time, he couldn't help being shaken.

This poem predicted both Li Zicheng and Jiashen. Could it be that the fate of the world cannot be changed?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun felt unwilling, and asked: "According to your understanding, isn't the true dragon also a year?"

"That's right, it's not impossible. There are Jiachen, Bingchen, Wuchen, Gengchen, and Renchen in the Year of the Dragon." Chen Jindou looked back in shock, "Master Ren! Who are you?"

"Ah? It's just a coincidence! I'm not a real dragon emperor, so be careful with your words!" Ren Zhuang said reservedly.

Daoist Ma smiled when he heard this, with disdain on his face, he thought to himself: I just thought of Renchen when I just untied Jiashen. Such an unpopular solution is just a hard one. Don't force anything in fate, and don't be afraid of your own death and family ruin!

Zhang Shun felt happy when he heard this, and thought: There is still such a solution, so basically anyone can use this kind of prophecy on himself.

Zhang Shun only knew that the eighteen children were the characters for "Li", but he didn't know that in the original world, after the Qing army entered the customs, Shunzhi ascended the throne at the age of six and proclaimed himself emperor. The story of eighteen children. And when Zhang Xianzhong raised his army, he gathered the peasants from his hometown Shibazhai to raise his army, so it would be reasonable to respond to this "eighteen children". Even Li Dingguo, Sun Kewang, and Zheng Chenggong are almost reliable, let's not mention it for now.

It was just a coincidence that at this time Chen Jindou caught a glimpse of Daoist Ma's expression. His heart moved: "This ox-nosed old man seems to have some Taoism, maybe what he solved is unknown. I will ask later."

Let's talk about a few people having a good time at the banquet, the guests and the host had a good time, they were happy and separated, and each had a rest. Only Chen Jindou had something on his mind, so he sneaked into the room of the Ma Daochang.

"I don't know why your Excellency came here?" Daoist Ma was about to rest, but he could only force himself to cope.

"I think Taoism's thoughts seem to be different from mine. I don't know what I think about these poems, but it doesn't matter!"

Although Daoist Ma despised him for his wretched and wretched appearance, he felt that the other people present were heroes, so he wanted to send a message through him, and replied: "I already know who the real dragon is, and today I just verified it." Just two."

"You mean Master Ren?" Chen Jindou asked strangely.

"No, no, no! Someone with a longbow, Zhang Ye, explains Zhang's surname Mieming; the one with three hundred and eight, Shun Ye, explains the taboo name of the founding emperor of the new dynasty."

"You mean that the real man is a man named Zhang Shun? But doesn't this match the heavenly book in my dream?"

"Do you still remember the last sentence? You know that there is a real dragon in Shuntian. This Shuntian does not refer to the Shuntian Mansion in the capital, but refers to the world of 'Zhang Shun'."

"Then what is the explanation for 'eighteen children entering the capital'?"

"Either his general surnamed Li conquered the capital first, or his eighteenth son entered the capital, or even other pioneers who were kings conquered the capital first. It doesn't matter. The important thing is to know the real dragon. Whoever it is, follow along and be a dragon, even if you are in trouble, you can turn danger into good luck." Ma Daochang said meaningfully.

"There are countless people named Zhang Shun in this vast crowd, how do you know it?" Chen Jindou scratched his head and asked.

"It's far away in the sky, but it's close in front of you!"

"You mean Li San? Didn't you see anything different about him?" Chen Jindou asked in surprise.

"Fuxi bones on top of the head, eyes with double pupils, how is it not different from ordinary people?" Daoist Ma said aggressively.

"Ah? The moon is dark tonight, so I can't take a closer look. So that's how it should be!" Chen Jindou murmured.

"Oh? What prophecies are there?" Daoist Ma was also a little surprised.

"There is a saying in the original Tianshu: Yao's fire is ashes, and Shun's earth is born; Earth conquers water, and gold is revived! I have never understood its meaning, so it seems that Zhu Ming according to Yao's virtue belongs to fire, and Zhang's according to Shun's virtue belongs to earth, which is the contemporary Ming also. As for the words of water and gold, or the words of prophecy after a hundred thousand years, there is no need to investigate it for the time being."

"There are such words? It is God's will that the two of us will help each other! Would you like to meet the lord with me?" The words of the two sides of the prophecy are in perfect harmony. At this time, Daoist Ma not only bows to him, Zhang Shun really has his destiny.

"For the time being, I don't need it. I heard you just said that there may be a general named Li under the lord's command to attack the capital. There is one person here who has the talent of a general, that is, Li Jiyu at the banquet. He is not like Ren Zhuang. He is originally a farmer in Tangzhuang, but he has a lot of prestige in military force. He has always made friends with heroic miners, and his ambition is not small. Let me tell you that he worships under the command of the lord with a three-inch tongue, and it is a gift to meet you." Mr. Chen Jindou A bit wretched, but also a little ambitious.

Daoist Ma couldn't help but look at him a little higher, and said: "It's very good. In the future, you and I will be officials in the same dynasty, and you are the first to follow the dragon. You should support each other and move around more."

These two people haven't written their horoscopes yet, and they have started to play the trick of forming a party for personal gain.

But it was said that on the second day, Li Zongqi and Qian Fuzi transferred the grain to the ox cart, but they stayed up all night and were not allowed to go on the road. The owner of the village only said that he was destined to be in his body, and he became more enthusiastic to win over everyone, acting like a corporal of courtesy.

And Chen Jindou and Daoist Ma tried to attract a few people to vote for the lord, and they also deliberately got close to others. When Li Jiyu and Zhang Ding saw the enthusiasm of the crowd, they both felt that they were very human.

Except for Zhang Shun himself who was still stable, the other three had misunderstandings and worked harder respectively, only making the atmosphere very lively. This incident made others confused and didn't know what happened.

It wasn't until night that Chen Jindou went to meet Li Jiyu privately again, and Li Jiyu realized that this guy didn't want to take refuge in him, but came to persuade him to give himself to someone else. Immediately, he turned into anger from embarrassment and drove Chen Jindou out of the room.

On the third day, it was inconvenient for everyone to stay overnight, so they bid farewell to being the owner of the villa and went back separately. It just so happened that Li Jiyu's home was in Tangzhuang, Dengfeng County, and he was on the way with everyone.

Li Jiyu was about to leave on his own, but Chen Jindou took the opportunity and said, "I'm going to visit Brother Li's house these two days, so let's drop by." Li Jiyu couldn't refuse in front of everyone, so he had no choice but to follow.

Along the way, Chen Jindou chattered endlessly, persuading Li Jiyu: "You have the appearance of a fierce general, but I can see from your face that you have the talent of a general, and you should do a great job."

Li Jiyu had a grudge in his heart, and it was difficult to explain it away, so he ignored it.

From Yuzhou to Dengfeng, it is more than one hundred and twenty or thirty li. They walked for two days and arrived near Tangzhuang, but it happened to be dark.

Under Chen Jindou's instigation, Li Jiyu had no choice but to invite everyone to Tangzhuang to rest. Although this Li Jiyu is just an ordinary family, not like the owner of the village, but he also has a sense of pride, and most people in the village regard him as the leader.

As soon as Li Jiyu said a word, more villagers came to help, gathered some wine and food seats and came over to greet such a large group of people. Zhang Shun didn't pay close attention to their grain transportation team at first. After careful calculation, there were six boats; if replaced by ox carts, there were more than fifty carts.

There were sixty or seventy coachmen, some with one person per cart, and some with two people per cart. There were fifty soldiers from the escort guards, and all five small banners under Li Zongqi's command came. Including Master Qian and several servants he brought, the total number was close to 150. This is also very stressful for an ordinary village to entertain.

After finally eating and drinking enough, everyone set up a tent outside the village to rest. Only a few leaders lived in the villagers' homes.

Zhang Shun, Ma Daochang, Chen Jindou and Liu Yinggui were staying at Li Jiyu's house. There is no one else in Li Jiyu's family, only a wife.

Zhang Shun saw that there were so many villagers eating and drinking, and Master Qian, who was in charge of money and food, only mentioned the matter of giving money. After being rejected by Li Jiyu, he just ate and drank without mentioning it, and couldn't bear it. So he borrowed a few taels of silver from Taoist Ma and gave it to Li Jiyu's wife.

Li Jiyu knew that Zhang Shun didn't own the grain team, so if he wanted it, he would return it. Zhang Shun refused: "Brother Li, you need to be loyal and affectionate in life. I admire you for being so heroic when you meet me once. But, you live in poverty and live in peace and happiness, have you ever considered the love of your brothers and wives?" Feelings? You tell me to wait to be easy to do, and I must never make it difficult for you to be a man! You should be loyal, and we should also be loyal, otherwise I, Zhang Shun, will not be a man."

Li Jiyu was very moved when he heard this. He always likes to read "Water Margin of Loyalty", and thinks that being generous and generous is a hero, so he spends all his wealth and befriends heroes, but he can only live a poor life with his wife. Even so, he always met some ungrateful people who spent a lot of money in vain.

On the other hand, Zhang Shun was young, and with only a few words, people wished to live and die for him. Sure enough, this is the real hero.

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