When Zhang Shun saw someone coming up to answer the call, he couldn't help but glance at Lu Weiqi covertly. Lu Weiqi nodded gently, and now Zhang Bian understood what was going on.

This person was actually Tuo, also known as "the lurer", who was specially found by Lu Weiqi to coax other scholars to join him. This person is none other than Dong Duxing of the Dong family, one of the "Seven Jinshi".

He couldn't help but opened his mouth and chanted: "The twenty-eight-year-old beauty has a hairpin and looks at the lanterns during the Lantern Festival. There are many talented people in Luoyang City. Whose family is this gentleman?"

"Good! What a poem, what a poem!" After hearing this, Zhang Shun quickly raised his palms and praised. In fact, there was no disturbance in his heart, and he even wanted to laugh a little. What the hell is this? Why is it similar to a jingle?

Is this what the ancients called poetry gatherings? The sea is full of water, and the horse has four legs?

Come on, when Liu Rushi and Li Xiang saw his expression, they knew that he didn't understand what he meant at all. The two of them looked at each other, and Li Xiang took a step forward and reminded in a low voice: "This is a typical poem about boudoir's grudges. It expresses ambitions based on things. It uses a girl's conception of spring as a metaphor for encountering the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Tears shed, wishing we could meet before we were married, it's almost the same."

Zhang Shun was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what this guy meant. On the surface, it is said that when the girl reaches the age of marriage, she takes advantage of the Lantern Festival to look at the lanterns and selects the talents in Luoyang City. When she sees the man with closed eyes, she secretly and boldly asks them which talents are from!

In fact, the meaning is that we are all looking forward to it, hoping that King Shun will be like that talented man and prepare to "propose marriage" in time.

Zhang Shun gave the talents a strange look, and said secretly: "Come on, you are all my wings, I am an archangel with 12,000 wings!"

Although the meter of this poem is not very good, the wording is not very particular. At any rate, it not only fits the current scene but also expresses my intention. It can still be regarded as a masterpiece. After all, after five thousand years, there were only two people, Li and Du.

But since someone else had composed the poem, Zhang Shun was in trouble. It's not like he hasn't written poetry before, but it was a limerick made up to fool the red lady. If he were to be like these people and write a reasonable poem in a short time to respond, it would really cost him his life.

Fortunately, he is not very capable, but he has a wife. Whether it is a "male wife" or a "female wife", they can help him.

Sure enough, at this time, he heard Liu Rushi whispering: "When you see short branches instead of long ones, it's when the fate ends and the hatred fades. The matchmaker is gone and never comes back. Don't blame the delay in spring!"

In fact, once you understand the trick of this poem, you will understand everything. When Zhang Shun heard it, he felt that this poem was much better than the one just now. He couldn't help but hurriedly recited it while shaking his head.

But when he memorized "The matchmaker is gone and never returns", he felt that it violated the taboo of matchmakers, so he had an idea and changed it to "The matchmaker is gone and never returns".

After hearing this, Liu Rushi glanced at Li Xiang and couldn't help curling her lips. Li Xiang just smiled and shook him without saying anything.

When everyone heard this, they thought, oh, King Shun is so talented? It turned out that he was not a vulgar warrior. The scholars suddenly felt close to him and couldn't help but sincerely praise him: "What a poem, what a poem!"

This poem by Zhang Shun is also a poem about a girl's resentment. It describes a girl looking at the short willow branches in the spring, but she is a bit complaining because another year has passed and her age has increased by one year. The matchmaker who just visited has left. He is lazy and has no mood to do anything, expressing his desire for "marriage".

After this singing and harmony, the atmosphere became lively. Lu Weiqi couldn't help but be surprised. He didn't expect Zhang Shun to be so capable. So, while looking at the lantern, Lu Weiqi personally introduced Zhang Shun: "King Shun, this man with poetic talent is Dong Duxing of the Dong family in Luoyang!"

"So it's him?" "I knew it was this person just by listening to his voice!" "Looking at the Dong family, they all think highly of King Shun!" Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help but burst into an uproar and started whispering.

What they wanted was this effect. Zhang Shun and Lu Weiqi looked at each other and smiled, then patted Dong Duxing on the shoulder and said with a smile: "It's talents like you that stand out!"

The Dong family wants to have both sides, so isn't the rebel army also trying to use the Dong family's influence to attract talents from other families to join the rebel army? Both sides get what they need, but they also complement each other.

Immediately, Lu Weiqi called another young man and said with a bit of doting: "This is Lu Zhaolin, the son of a dog, whose name is Shuyu. Why don't you pay your respects to King Shun soon?"

Lu Zhaolin was only sixteen or seventeen years old, and would only be a high school student in future generations. He had offended King Shun before and was punished by his father Lu Weiqi in private. Now he could not help but feel frightened when he saw Zhang Shun and hurriedly came forward to worship him.

Considering that he had not caused major losses to the rebels, and because Lu Weiqi was kind to him, Zhang Shun would certainly not argue with him anymore. He couldn't help but smile kindly: "You are Shuyu, and we are destined to be together. I heard that you had a great wedding a few days ago. I was busy with everything, so I didn't go to congratulate you. It's really rude!"

When Lu Zhaolin heard this, his face turned green. Is King Shun still thinking about his mother-in-law? Confucius once said: The key to caution when you are young is sex. Lu Zhaolin's newlyweds were like paint and glue. How could he allow Zhang Shun to humiliate him like this? He couldn't help but open his eyes wide, and a fire of ignorant karma was rising up.

When Zhang Shun looked at this guy's expression, he didn't know that he had misunderstood? He quickly smiled and said: "No wonder, your father-in-law, Meng Jin Wangduo, and I are also old friends. Now, Mrs. Ling is still my junior!"

It turned out that Lu Zhaolin's wife was Wang Duo's daughter and the aunt of Wang Mu and Wang Qingzhi.

However, if it comes to seniority, it would be interesting. At the beginning, Zhang Shun first called Wang Duo brother and brother, and then called Wang Duo's grandson Wang Qingzhi brother and brother. It had already become a mess.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun also knew that if he started counting Wang Qingzhi, he might not be able to bear it. Therefore, starting from Wang Duo, he became Lu Zhaolin's elder.

There is a trick in Zhang Shun's words. Since there is a difference in seniority, there is no reason for him to miss Lu Zhaolin's mother-in-law.

Lu Zhaolin felt a little at ease. The young man's temper came and went quickly. He couldn't help but blushed and saluted Zhang Shun, and honestly called "Uncle Shi".

Zhang Shun laughed and said that he just picked up a nephew for nothing.

Lu Weiqi watched in fear for a long time, and felt relieved when he saw that Zhang Shun had no intention of blaming his son.

He quickly introduced to Zhang Shun one by one: "This is Zhang Qijin, the legitimate son of the Zhang family; our disciples Yuan Yingcan, Liu Biao, Jiang Pingao, Lu Chongxiao, Wang Zehong, Han Zhaobi, Zhang Rui, and my sons-in-law Qi Mengying and Guo Yunqing."

This Lu Weiqi was so courageous that he actually bet his wealth, life, and family on Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction and praised: "Liu Biao and Qi Mengying have meritorious service, and they will be rewarded as usual. The rest will be retained based on their talents alone!"

Ahhh, this chapter was so difficult to write. Ancient people often recited poems and composed poems. It was too laborious to write, so I finally finished it.

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