Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 709 Morning Court

Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian sat high on the dragon chair with a gloomy face, looking down at the ministers below the court, as if it was the calm before the storm, and he was so frightened that the ministers broke out in cold sweat. After a long while, he asked coldly: "What exactly is going on?"

Zhang Fengyi, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, felt his legs weak and almost fell to the ground. He quickly took advantage of the situation and fell to the ground, crying bitterly: "Your Majesty, we just received an urgent call from Shaanxi Province. Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, missed the opportunity to use his troops and was at a loss to advance or retreat. As a result, the officers and soldiers were defeated and almost all were killed!" Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, escaped alone and is gathering his defeated troops to defend Tongguan."

"Then Zuo Guang first said that as long as he is alive, he will definitely not let the thieves enter Shaanxi!"

As soon as Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, finished speaking, the whole court was in an uproar. And the Chongzhen Emperor Zhu Youjian put his hand on his forehead, almost fainting.

Fu Luoyang is in the middle of the land, the capital of Shang and Zhou dynasties, and the heart of the world. Now that the heart is rotten, the world is in danger!

What's more, the court had just received news a few days ago that another bandit had made a surprise attack on Fengyang City. Prime Minister Zhu, who was left behind and commanded Yuan Ruizheng, rushed to join the battle and unfortunately died in the battle.

Yan Rongxuan, the prefect of Fengyang, was caught by thieves and was killed with a cane in the hall. Six civil officials including Dai Wenying, the official under him, and forty-one military officers were all executed. Many civilians were killed. Tens of thousands of people.

The tombs of Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang's parents were all destroyed, and the remaining imperial mausoleums, Xiangdian Hall, Longxing Temple and more than 300,000 pine trees in the mausoleum area were burned. The sun never goes out.

After receiving the news that Zhongdu had fallen and the imperial mausoleum was burned, Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian was devastated. This is a sutra-lecturing feast in Japan, and Emperor Chongzhen has issued a special decree not to attend. He himself stayed away from the palace in plain clothes, went to the Ancestral Temple in person to offer sacrifices to the spirits of his ancestors, and ordered all officials to repair the province.

In a rage, in addition to the eunuch Yang Ze who committed suicide out of fear of crime, Zhu Youjian also ordered Yang Yipeng, the censor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, to be beheaded and abandon the city. Fengyang patrol officer Wu Zhenying was sent to the army to guard the border to relieve his cruelty.

But he never expected that the fall of Fengyang here was not over yet, and Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces there, was actually defeated, and almost all the officers and soldiers were wiped out. For a time, the land from southern Zhili to Henan was in danger.

Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian suppressed a bit of anger and a bit of fear, and couldn't help but said angrily: "Where is Hong Chengchou? A few days ago, didn't he submit a letter to ask for a reward while swearing that he would be able to compete for full merit within a few days? ?"

"Well," Zhang Fengyi, Secretary of the Ministry of War, was a little confused, "The information is now in chaos, and I really don't know. However, since there is no news, either this person accidentally died in the rebel army, or he fled out of fear of crime and had no face to face His Majesty. Ron!"

"Check! I want to see people in life, but I want to see corpses in death!" Chongzhen ordered angrily.

In the previous episode, Cao Wenzhao and Lu Xiang promoted and demoted thieves. At first, Chongzhen still couldn't believe it. But he never expected that all his family members would disappear after he hesitated for a moment.

So this time Chongzhen learned his lesson and continued: "You can send people to investigate his family members. If he is really a thief, or absconds in fear of crime, his family members will be punished according to the law!"

"Yes, I take the order!" Zhang Fengyi knew that he was guilty of a serious crime, so how could he dare to talk back? He had no choice but to remind: "I believe that, in addition to this, the top priority is to restore Shaanxi's defense line as soon as possible. Otherwise, once the traitors are allowed to invade Shaanxi, the world will be in chaos!"

Chongzhen calmed down a little, suppressed the anger in his heart for the time being, and asked: "I wonder how Ai Qing thinks it should be dealt with now, which is quite appropriate?"

"This" Zhang Fengyi, Secretary of the Ministry of War, hesitated for a moment and quickly responded, "This is not my duty. Since your Majesty has a question, I have to answer it."

"I have only seen that the previous 'Eight Gate Golden Lock Formation' did not have any serious flaws. Unfortunately, the governor of the five provinces, Hong Chengchou, used his troops poorly, which made the thieves bigger. Now there is a governor in Shanxi, Wu Di, and a governor in Huguang, Tang Hui. For the time being, No worries, except that Hong Chengchou of Shaanxi suffered a new defeat, and all the dragons were leaderless; Xuan Mo, the governor of Henan, died in battle, and there was no one to control him."

"If the officers and soldiers cannot reorganize the defense in time, I am afraid that the traitors may take the opportunity to invade Shaanxi and collect the elites from the three sides, and the situation will be uncontrollable; or I may take the opportunity to conquer Kaifeng and fall again. Let alone the vassal king, if the traitors are Echoing the thieves in Southern Zhili, harming Henan and Shandong, and taking the opportunity to look down on the two capitals in the north and south, it will be even more terrifying in the world, and no one can control it!"

Zhu Youjian couldn't help but feel a chill down his back when he heard this. If this is true, where will the Ming Dynasty be? Didn’t he become the king of a subjugated country?

At this thought, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but ask: "Then how should I act out of love for you?"

Zhang Fengyi frowned and could not help but gritted his teeth and replied: "In my opinion, the top priority is to appoint governors in time to temporarily stabilize the situation in Shaanxi and Henan. As for the Fengyang matter, some elite border troops should be dispatched to assist Fengyang Governor Zhu The grand ceremony retakes the central capital and destroys the bandits!"

Chongzhen couldn't help but nodded in agreement after hearing this. This was where he admired Zhang Fengyi, Minister of War. In fact, historically, it was the most difficult job to be the Minister of War in the Chongzhen Dynasty. He often lost his official position, and even his property and life, without doing anything.

Only Zhang Fengyi served as Minister of War for the longest time and won the trust of Emperor Chongzhen. The reason is very simple, that is, he can provide plans, do practical things, and make suggestions for Chongzhen.

In just a moment, Zhang Fengyi, the Minister of War, was able to come up with such a plan. Although it was quite satisfactory, it was still a mature plan for the country.

"Has the new governor of Shaanxi taken office?" Chongzhen thought for a while and asked quickly.

"Your Majesty, Gan Xuekuo, who replaced the former governor of Shaanxi to practice state affairs, has been away for a long time and should have arrived!" Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, quickly responded, "It's just that this person doesn't know what his skills are yet and needs to practice a lot!"

The original governor of Shaanxi, Lian Guo Shi, had been dismissed from his post due to criticism from the governor of five provinces, Chen Qiyu, and was investigated. Therefore, for a time, there was no one in charge of the whole Shaanxi province.

Wen Tiren, the chief minister of the cabinet, understood Chongzhen's thoughts. He planned to promote the governor of Shaanxi to the front line first and hold the position for a while. It was just a matter of weight, and Wen Tiren didn't dare to draw random conclusions, so he had to act with caution.

"Then who can take on this important task? Does Mr. Wen have any candidates?" Chongzhen frowned, was Shaanxi so empty for a while?

"Your Majesty, forgive me. At this time, I believe that talents should be selected in an eclectic way. Former right minister of the Ministry of War and censor of Qiandu, Governor Ji Liao and Baoding Military Affairs Fu Zonglong has lost his status at home, so he can take up this position!

Wen Tiren said that Fu Zonglong, whose courtesy name was Zhonglun, was from Kunming, Yunnan. He once played a great role in pacifying the Anbangyan rebellion. Later, after the Jisi Incident, he was recommended by Sun Chengzong to serve as governor of Shuntian and governor of Jiliao.

Because the Jin army besieged Datong after last year and the officers and soldiers failed to fight effectively, he was implicated and his status was reduced at home. It's just that now that the imperial court is employing people, it has no choice but to recommend him again.

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