Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 71 Douzhuang Zhang Daojun (please collect)

Zhang Daojun is nearly forty years old, and he has already gained a calm and dignified attitude that he has experienced in officialdom. When his father Zhang Quan died in Liaoyang, Zhang Daojun was only twenty-seven years old. It turned out that he had been well taught by his grandfather Zhang Wudian and father Zhang Quan since he was a child, and he intended to become an official through the imperial examination.

However, his father left early because of the holidays. For the sake of his family, Zhang Daojun had no choice but to give up his writing and join the army. He was named by Enyin as "the hereditary Jin Yiwei commanding Qianshi", and because he was a loyal minister, he was later given the title of commander of Qianshi by the imperial court. These positions may sound very strange, but in fact they are of high rank.

The hereditary Jinyiwei commanding Qianshi was a fourth-grade hereditary military attache. Back then, the Qi Jiguang family also had the hereditary Dengzhou command Qianshi. In terms of authority, it was a little inferior to his hereditary Jinyiwei commander Qianshi. As for the one who was granted the title of Commander-in-Chief, he was a military attaché of the third rank, no worse than Zhang Shenyan, the right minister of the Ministry of Justice and Justice of the Third Rank, who was currently being held hostage by Zhang Shun.

When his father Zhang Quanfang died in the war, he abandoned his writing and joined the army, expressing his ambition to serve in the army. At that time, he was taken by the young commander Deng Wenjie to meet with Xiong Tingbi, the Liaodong manager. He said loudly: "A real man will be single and take the head of a single person." Even the "Xiong Manzi" Xiong Tingbi was quite strong, but because his father had just died, he was persuaded to return to his hometown to bury his old father. However, he was later promoted to commander, from the rank of first-grade Zuo Army Commander to Tongzhi.

Therefore, although this person failed in the political struggle in the court, he was still able to be demoted to guard Yanmen Pass with the rank of a hereditary fourth-grade military attaché. When the Shaanxi peasant army fled to Shanxi, he was recruited by Shanxi governor Song Tong Yin Zheng to participate in military planning and help suppress the bandits.

This person's family had originally participated in military affairs in civilian positions, but in his generation they simply switched to military positions. He himself was both civil and military, and had participated in many major military operations of the Ming Dynasty. In addition, Douzhuang had artillery and ammunition left before, so he was not afraid of the siege and attack by the peasant army of "Zijinliang".

On this day, he received a notification from his servants that the bandits had come to reinforce him again and had arrived with artillery. Zhang Daojun was greatly surprised. When he was about to go to watch, his mother Huo called him over. His mother, Huo, was also a heroic girl. When Wang Jiayin led the peasant army to besiege Douzhuang last year, her son Zhang Daojun was not at home, and there were no fighting servants. It was she who defied all opinions and led the strong men of the villagers to decide to defend the city, and suffered repeated setbacks. Wang Jiayin was under Douzhuang.

Zhang Daojun did not dare to neglect and hurriedly went to see his mother. Although Huo was over fifty years old, she was still in high spirits. When she saw him coming, she asked: "My son Shen Zhi, can you get a report from your servants? It seems that there are thieves coming with artillery. If this is true, this city will not be destroyed." It's easy to defend. I wonder if you have any countermeasures in mind?"

This "deep" is Zhang Daojun's word. When he heard his mother ask, he smiled and said: "Don't worry, mother. My son has assisted Sun Xiangguo in casting artillery for many years. He is well aware of the difficulty and power of artillery casting."

"The left and right are just imitating the thieves. They have neither gunners nor craftsmen. It is difficult for them to become a great weapon. They are not a big trouble! Since the city of Douzhuang was built, the city is three feet high and the wall is five feet thick. How can the thieves break it?"

His mother, Mrs. Huo, also laughed when she heard this and said: "I am getting old, and I am not as powerful as I used to be. Since Shen Zhi knows what he is doing, just do it. I am waiting for you in the bedroom. good news."

When Zhang Daojun finished comforting his mother and went out happily, his face suddenly turned serious. Just now, he only comforted his mother. His mother had not experienced any major wars and did not know enough about the power of firearms. As a former senior military attache of the Ming Dynasty, he naturally had a clear understanding of the peasant soldiers who came from the Shaanxi Border Guard Station, and his knowledge of firearms was better than that of ordinary officials.

This artillery can be called a weapon in decisive battles. It can attack the city with live ammunition, and defend the enemy with shotguns when retreating. It is an existence that cannot be compared with swords, guns, swords and halberds. Fortunately, due to the financial difficulties of the Ming Dynasty, there were not many advanced artillery for training and equipment in the Shaanxi Border Guard Station. Therefore, most of the "rogue bandits" in Shaanxi did not master artillery technology. Occasionally, "rogue bandits" carrying artillery were also attacked by officers and soldiers. During the pursuit, it was thrown away because it was inconvenient to carry. This was also Zhang Daojun's confidence in defending the city.

So when he heard the appearance of artillery among the bandits, his first reaction was to reveal the details of his own production, revealing his secret skills in supervising the manufacture of artillery. He immediately asked his mother's residence and asked his servants to take him to the watchtowers in the four corners of Douzhuang Castle. This watchtower is five stories high and has windows on eight sides, allowing you to have a panoramic view of the mountains and rivers outside the building. If there is an invading enemy, they can be nowhere to hide dozens of miles away.

Zhang Daojun climbed up to the watchtower and found that the "Zijinliang" troops were placing artillery under the city. Zhang Daojun recognized at a glance that this was quite similar to the Crouching Tiger Cannon, except that the iron hoop was removed and it looked rounder. He almost didn't recognize it when it was fierce.

Seeing this, Zhang Daojun was half relieved. The Crouching Tiger Cannon was designed by Qi Nantang and was used in camps to fire shotgun shells to kill soldiers. This kind of weapon has long been eliminated and does not have many advantages over the new "imitation Western cannon" and "Front cannon". When used to attack a city, it is like a mosquito bite, and it can basically not hit the city wall.

Sure enough, the "Purple Golden Liang" ordered people to fire cannons under the city and hit the Douzhuang city wall. It only broke some bricks and could not damage the Douzhuang city wall. Zhang Daojun couldn't help but laughed loudly and said: "Wang Ziyong, don't waste your efforts. We have two to three thousand shi of grain in Douzhuang. We will not be short of food in April and May. Our city wall in Douzhuang is made of glutinous rice and is six feet thick. You bombard me day and night, but you can't break it. If you want to survive, surrender early. If not, you will regret it too late when the Song Governor comes with his army, and sooner or later you will all fall into pieces."

The real name of "Purple Gold Liang" was Wang Ziyong. When he saw that he was called out, although he was panicked, he said firmly: "Song Tong Yin Yongcai'er, I teased him many times along the way. This man suffered many losses and was deceived along the way. , I don’t know how to be ashamed, how can I have the nerve to come to the rescue? If this person doesn’t come, so be it. If this person comes, our thirty-six battalions will gather here to make sure that he never comes back!”

The two of you come and have a chat with each other. Just as Zhang Shun was stationed at the camp and came to report at "Zijinliang", he turned to Zhang Shenyan and asked, "Who is this? So arrogant, is he the owner of Dou Village?"

After hearing this, Zhang Shenyan sneered and told some of Zhang Daojun's deeds to scare Zhang Shun. Who would have thought that after hearing this, Zhang Shun sighed to Zhang Shenyan: "My old Zhang family has so many talents? Why can't we work together to conquer the world? Instead, we are the lackeys of the Zhu family, helping the evil and evil!"

Hearing this, Zhang Shenyan said sarcastically: "What a pity that your father-in-law has already followed me and cannot marry again!"

Zhang Shun was not angry when he heard this. You married Xia Yuhe, the concubine of the later Tatar emperor. What does it have to do with me, Zhang Shun?

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