Fortunately, the questions raised by Governor Zhang did not affect the overall situation.

In fact, if the rebel army marches into Shaanxi with all its strength, it is not impossible.

When Cao Cao fought against Ma Chao at Tongguan, he used a method of attacking in the east and attacking in the west.

He first led a large army to attract Ma Chao's main force at Tongguan, but then sent Xu Huang and Zhu Ling to lead the elites to secretly cross the Yellow River from Pubanjin, Shanxi, and seize Hexi. Then he sent his troops south to besiege Huayin County behind Tongguan to cut off their return.

Sure enough, Jin Machao, who occupied Tongguan's natural danger and was famous for his bravery, had to abandon the fortified city and engage in a field battle with Cao Cao.

But for Zhang Shun, a victory that cannot be eaten or digested has no practical significance. He still wanted to capture Nanyang and disrupt Guanzhong. In this case, why not take the opportunity to ask Governor Zhang to improve his technology points and let Chen Changzhen contact him about siege methods?

After Zhang Shun considered this, he smiled and said: "In that case, why don't you take this opportunity to make this cannon? By then, with the size of the world and the number of cities, why worry that this thing will be useless?"

Although Governor Zhang didn't know what "big ships and huge cannons are men's dreams" meant, he still couldn't help but admire the giant cannons in his heart.

When he heard that Zhang Shun agreed to spend his time and energy trying to make this thing, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Governor Zhang hurriedly said goodbye to Zhang Shun, and went back to mobilize the craftsmen and arrange the daily work of the left-behind craftsmen.

When Chen Changzhen saw that the matter was over, he was about to say goodbye to Zhang Shun and go home for a small gathering.

Since the rebel army defeated Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, his family members also moved here from Baodu Village. It has been some time since Chen Changzhen went to war, and his children at home have not been seen for many days, and they miss him quite a lot.

Zhang Shun thought for a moment, then stretched out his hand to hold him, and said with a smile: "Brother, I said goodbye a few days ago and haven't seen you for many days. I miss you very much. Now that you have returned from the expedition, I asked Guiying to cook some side dishes. Why don't you Can you and I have a good drink, please?"

Chen Changzhen is also a good man who loves to drink wine. Hearing that Zhang Shun has wine here, the glutton in his stomach can't help but be aroused.

Although he was not very willing in his heart, he couldn't help but said: "If that's the case, then it's better to obey orders than to be respectful!"

When Song Xiance saw that the brothers had something to say, he was about to leave. Zhang Shun also quickly put his arm around him and said, "Without outsiders, it's not interesting to drink just the two of us. Why don't we have a drink with Mr. Song?"

There is no good wine and no good banquet. As a family man, Zhang Shun does not only deal with political affairs on weekdays. He mostly hangs out with the women in his family. How can he be like everyone else, hanging out and drinking together when nothing happens?

When you treat others with courtesy, you must ask for something.

Song Xiance quickly waved his hand and said: "No, no! The old Taoist priest has always been a vegetarian, so he can't drink it, he can't drink it!"

"My wine is vegetarian, and the dishes are vegetarian. It's okay!" Zhang Shun greeted with a smile.

Since ancient times, monks have been prohibited from drinking too much. What's more, most of the wine is made from grains and fruits. Where do the non-vegetarian and vegetarian wines come from? It's just the words of a novelist.

It’s hard to say whether Zhenjiu is Zhensu, but it’s even harder to say whether this Taoist is a real Taoist.

When Taoism was first established, there was no talk of becoming a monk, and there were no rules against speaking. It wasn't until Wang Chongyang founded the Quanzhen Sect that there was such a taboo. However, the Zhengyi Sect, another sect that keeps pace with it, still does not abstain from meat and vegetables.

So Song Xiance is known as a Taoist, so how can anyone verify his ultimatum? This person used to do fortune telling as a profession, so he must also be a Xibei.

When Song Xiance heard Zhang Shun's suggestion of "plain wine", he couldn't laugh or cry for a moment, so he had to agree.

Gao Guiying was also very agile. In a short time, she cooked four dishes of meat and vegetables and warmed up a pot of good wine.

Zhang Shun tasted it and found that although it was distilled wine, the alcohol content was not very high, so it was still drinkable.

Immediately, the three of them moved cups and changed cups, made guesses and drank. After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, all three of them were a little tipsy.

At this time, Zhang Shun took advantage of his drunkenness and patted Chen Changzhen's shoulder and said: "I know that my brother has some opinions about me, but there is no need to wear this hat to deal with others! Even if I don't mind, wouldn't my sister-in-law at home mind either?"

Chen Changzhen was caught off guard by Zhang Shun's sudden attack, and he couldn't bear it. He muttered: "My lord has misunderstood. That's not the case. Changzhen is just following the example of the sage Guan Gong!"

"Bah! Mrs. Guan has never stolen anyone. Are all the victims in the street imitating the sages?" Zhang Shun said disdainfully, "My brother is a cheerful person, how can he be so hesitant and hesitant in doing things?"

Chen Changzhen was also a little indignant when he heard this. Isn't it because I didn't say anything because I wanted to preserve brotherhood? He couldn't help but drunkenly complained: "We are all brothers, why bother with each other? It's not because of my brother's lust, but because I feel a little unhappy in my heart!"

"Brother, your lovely wife and concubine are in pairs. Don't you think that I, brother, will be dealing with a yellow-faced woman all day long? It's easy for me to fall in love with a woman, and I asked you to be a matchmaker!"

"It's fine even if the matchmaker didn't agree, why did you talk about it and ended up in your own bed?"

Seeing that Chen Changzhen was finally willing to tell the matter directly, Zhang Shun couldn't help but said with a serious face: "Brother, I don't like hearing this anymore. What do you mean talking about it in my own bed?"

"Ma Yingniang is not an object! Even if you have a preference, brother, she must also have a preference. If both parties are in love, they are a good match! Is there any reason to choose a shaved head - a hot head?"

"That shouldn't be you!" Chen Changzhen looked a little excited.

"Why can't it be me?" Zhang Shun was no longer happy, pointing at Song Xiance and saying, "Ask Mr. Song, has Madam Ying been in love with me for a long time? Did I deceive you?"

Song Xiance knew that there was no good banquet, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Actually, Ying Niang is really passionate about the lord, but it was only delayed for a long time because of some misunderstandings."

"So, it's me, Chen, who stole her love!" Chen Changzhen became so angry that he just threw the tea cup and dishes on the ground.

"No, no, no! You are overthinking," Zhang Shun shook his hand and said, "We are in love with each other, and lovers will eventually get married. How can there be any use of force to snatch love?"

"You mean I'm too passionate? Are you looking forward to showing off now?" Chen Changzhen's eyes turned cold.

"We are all brothers, how can I laugh at you?" Zhang Shun chuckled and said, "Even if the camp mother was willing at the beginning, could you possibly be able to deal with my sister-in-law?"

Chen Changzhen was choked by Zhang Shun, and after a long while he said nonsense such as "What's so scary about a yellow-faced woman" and "What's so difficult about this".

Song Xiance really couldn't listen anymore, waved his hands and said: "Okay, okay, don't keep talking about this matter again. Since my lord mentioned this matter today, there are many benefits for you, so why should you insist on it? face?"

"Is this true?" Chen Changzhen couldn't help being surprised and happy.

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