Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 751 Entrustment

The next morning, Zhang Shun woke up from his sleep, lazily not wanting to move.

A sentence that was often brainwashed in his previous life resounded in his mind: beauty is like a wolf or a tiger, it can break a person's will, let alone touch it, he can't even think about it!

Zhang Shun twitched the corner of his mouth and looked at a "wolf" and a "tiger" sleeping soundly on the left and right beside him. He was really reluctant to get up.

I really know how to choose. One of these two women is the princess of Prince Chong, and the other is the daughter of an unknown prince.

One has just turned thirty, and the other has just reached her prime. They are both the best seasons for women.

Although Zhang Shun has had many women, he still finds it amazing.

Why are girls’ bodies so warm and soft? It feels more comfortable than any pillow or doll.

Originally, after Zhang Shun led the rebel army to capture Prince Fu's Mansion, only one Prince Fu was captured. Zhang Shun also thought that among the vassals of the Ming Dynasty, each vassal had only one vassal king.

It wasn't until he conquered Prince Chong's Mansion that he realized that in addition to the real Prince Chong, there were also a bunch of Prince Huai'an, Prince Huaiqing, Prince Chongqing, Prince Heyang, etc.

Because there were too many people, Zhang Shun didn't bother to meet them one by one. He just ordered Niu Jinxing to identify them accurately and execute them according to public outrage.

Zhang Shun quietly took out his numb arm from being pressed and prepared to get up.

One of the two women had just lost sex, and the other had endured most of Zhang Shun's lashings, and both were extremely tired.

Feeling the man's movement, he just moved a little and continued to squint his eyes without moving.

Maybe they didn't think about how to face Zhang Shun who bullied them!

Gao Guiying heard the noise and walked in just in time to see Zhang Shunzheng holding clothes. She came over and took the clothes, and while dressing Zhang Shun, she glanced enviously at the two girls having sex on the bed.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun caught her gaze and couldn't help but joked: "Are you jealous? How about I kick them out at night and let's have a good time?"

"Envy is envy. I'm just envious of how lucky you are. Why should I envy the two victims?" Gao Guiying rolled her eyes at him and said a little helplessly: "It's a pity that Guiying is a girl and has lost two ounces of meat. I want to There’s no point in having fun!”

"Uh..." Your three views really make people complain. Zhang Shun shrugged and recited a poem: "I have half a catty of buns on my chest, how can I envy others two ounces of meat?"

Gao Guiying was stunned and laughed out loud at him. She rushed forward, picked up the flour hammer and beat his chest, saying, "I've beaten the buns for you, I've beaten them for you, let you say it, let you say it!"

In fact, Gao Guiying was very strong, and the beating was quite painful. Zhang Shun laughed, stretched out his hand to hug her whole body, and begged for mercy: "Okay, okay, I surrender, I admit defeat, I won't say anything anymore, I will almost be beaten to death by you!"

Gao Guiying struggled twice more and found that Zhang Shun's hug was so tight that he couldn't break away.

Only then did I feel that the man's chest was very broad, and it felt very reassuring to press against it. She gave up struggling and instead stretched out her arms to gently hug his waist.

The two were cozy for a moment, and then Wang Jinyi's voice sounded outside: "My lord, Mr. Niu asked me to hurry you up. There are still official matters that need to be discussed today."

Zhang Shun agreed and then let go of Gao Guiying. Gao Guiying no longer had the boyish look before, instead she tidied his collar like a good wife and mother.

Zhang Shun turned his head and glanced at the bed in confusion.

"What's wrong?" Gao Guiying was a little unhappy, "Are you afraid of freezing your two beauties?"

"Oh, it's okay." Zhang Shun naturally retracted his gaze and explained with a calm expression, "I took a look to see if there was anything left on the bed."

In fact, when he was teasing Gao Guiying just now, he seemed to hear a chuckle from behind, but it was nothing serious.

Zhang Shun went out and was teased by Niu Jinxing again this time.

Zhang Shun was too lazy to pay attention to him and directly ordered: "Let's get down to business!"

Well, you are the lord, you make the decision!

Niu Jinxing took out a stack of paper from his arms and read in an orderly manner: "After preliminary inspection by the rebels, Prince Chong's Mansion and the various prefectures and princes' mansions seized gold, silver, jewelry and other valuables worth 737,618 taels. Six points.”

"Three thousand five hundred and twenty-nine pieces of cloth of various colors, two thousand one hundred and three oxen, horses, donkeys and mules, one hundred and seventy-six thousand kilograms of rice, flour and grain of all kinds. More than one thousand kilograms of pickles, oil, salt, tea and vinegar, dried meat, dried fish and dry goods. , eggs and more than six thousand kilograms..."

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but said after hearing this: "This is wrong. Two to three million taels of silver were confiscated from Prince Fu's Mansion. How come there are so many palaces in Chongfan, so how can we get so little?"

"King Shun Mingjian!" Zhang Shun's question frightened Niu Jinxing.

He knelt down with a plop and hurriedly apologized: "I have personally inspected most of these things, and there is absolutely no mistake! If King Shun is suspicious of someone's embezzlement, please investigate and check in time. If there are mistakes, I will be willing to die!"

"Hey, what are you talking about, Mr. Niu!" Zhang Shun quickly helped him up and consoled him, "It's not that I doubt you, sir. I just think that Chongfan may have hidden a lot, but that's not necessarily the case!"

"This is easy to handle!" When Niu Jinxing heard this, he couldn't help but suggested: "As long as King Shun gives an order, I will go to the Yamen and call a dozen petty officials over. Let them hold the clamping sticks and clamp them one by one."

"I don't believe how long these wealthy families with fine clothes and fine food can last?"

"Cough cough cough!" Zhang Shun choked on his own saliva when he heard this.

You Niu Jinxing, it was your bad idea when Li Zicheng came to Beijing to "extract pay", right?

In fact, Zhang Shun had wronged Niu Jinxing. Although he was trusted by Li Zicheng at the time, it was obvious that he alone could not make the decision on such a big matter.

To be honest, Zhang Shun was really moved after hearing Niu Jinxing's suggestion.

In fact, when the rebels marched all the way from Ye County to Runing, they found that the place was very deserted.

When entering Runing, you can often see that for dozens of miles along the way, the fields are covered with thatch, and there are many hungry people in ragged clothes on both sides of the road.

Zhang Shun would not believe it if Chongfan did not play any role in it.

Immediately, ideas such as "Tianjie trampled all the bones of the public ministers", "attacking the local tyrants and dividing the fields" and "hanging street lights" popped up in Zhang Shun's mind.

Fortunately, he was cautious and arranged for Niu Jinxing to say: "You are not allowed to make decisions on this matter without authorization. We will wait until Chongfan's crime is found out before making any plans!"

Although Niu Jinxing felt that Zhang Shun was too kind and could not reason with the Zhu family and just killed him, he still nodded in agreement.

Zhang Shun then ordered: "I will entrust the Runing Mansion to your husband for the time being. I am going to leave you a thousand soldiers to supervise the thieves Guo Sanhai, Liu Hongqi, Shen Wandeng and Sheng Zhiyou."

"Use these people if they are available to you. If not, get rid of them early to avoid ruining the reputation of the rebels!"

Niu Jinxing knew what Zhang Shun meant, and using him so highly was a new appointment and cultivation for him.

He couldn't help but be moved and said: "Niu will definitely fulfill his mission and guard Runing Mansion for King Shun!"

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