Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 78 Under the fortification of the city

After Zhang Shun and others had eaten and drank enough, they said goodbye to "Purple Gold Liang" and left. "Zijinliang" repeatedly persuaded Zhang Shun and others to "just wait for Douzhuang to fall, and everyone grabs food, money, and women." Zhang Shun always felt that "Purple Golden Liang" was not determined to attack the city, and was afraid of being betrayed, so he insisted on leaving. "Purple Golden Liang" couldn't keep them, so they let them go.

Originally, everyone was too embarrassed to leave after being detained in this way, but Zhang Shun not only felt embarrassed, but also wanted to pull back Li Shian and the artillery he carried. When "Purple Gold Liang" heard the news, his face suddenly turned dark. At that time, everyone felt that Zhang Shun was too unkind, and even Zhang Shenyan began to wonder whether to find an opportunity to drive a wedge between "Purple Golden Liang" and Zhang Shun.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun spoke eloquently: "Second Master! Firstly, our troops are all novices. If we are attacked by Douzhuang, without artillery, we may not be able to withstand the enemy's attack. Therefore, we need this thing to deter the enemy at night. Secondly, , this attack on this city is all due to you. I, 'Optimus Prime', can't afford such a benefit despite my meager efforts. I will restrain my subordinates to return to camp. If Douzhuang is conquered tomorrow, I can order your troops to go first and give them to you. Let’s just keep some soup.”

Seeing that Zhang Shun was telling the truth and promising not to snatch their "trophies", "Zijinliang" changed their opinion of Zhang Shun. Feeling that he was a very capable person, not only did he no longer retain him, but he sent someone to help him transport the cannon back to the camp.

And the captain of the Second Artillery, Li Shi'an, was also a man who cherished his life. After hearing Zhang Shun's order, he was not afraid of trouble. He happily ordered the soldiers to load his cannon onto the car. With the help of the "Purple Gold Liang" subordinates, he loaded the cannon again. Transported back to camp. However, several generals under Zhang Shun were dissatisfied and felt that Zhang Shun had underestimated them. But Zhang Shun had a good mouth, so why worry about them? He just said on the way back: "We are all talented generals. We must not overturn the boat in the gutter and make the world laugh. The husband uses the art of war. When defending, he must seek perfection and blame, and when attacking, he must go all out. This is the principle of the ancient sages!"

This group of rough guys had never heard of this kind of "sage doctrine", and they all expressed their admiration. It's just that Zhang Shenyan and Chen Jingzhi were puzzled. This was the principle of military use in that book, but it was explained clearly. But I never thought that this is the principle of "Wozji Biande", the first sage at home and abroad in ancient and modern times.

It was night, and Zhang Shun had arranged all the security guards and was preparing to have a good sleep. Unexpectedly, that night, the villagers and slaves in Douzhuang went crazy for some reason and went out of the east gate to attack Zhang Shun's camp many times. Although he was repulsed by Zhang Shun's subordinate Wei Congyi every time, Zhang Shun, who was still struggling, did not have a good night's rest. He finally took advantage of the dark weather to catch up on his sleep, but unexpectedly "Purple Golden Liang" came over in person early in the morning and called Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun closed his eyes and yawned to hold back his sleepiness and came to see "Purple Gold Liang" and asked: "Why is the Second Master in such a hurry? If you have anything to tell me, Optimus Prime will come in person. But it's broken." Come to Douzhuang and invite me to come to the city with you?"

"Purple Gold Liang" heard this and said with an unlucky look on his face: "Where did they defeat Douzhuang? But it was a bloody misfortune last night. The opponent attacked Tushan at night and nailed my cannon fire door to death."

It turned out that Zhang Daojun was not a vegetarian, so he sent his servants to die at night and made a surprise attack on the artillery camp on Tushan Mountain. The "Purple Golden Liang" attacked Douzhuang for a long time. Seeing that it could not retreat, it was not prepared. The dead soldiers of Douzhuang rushed up the mountain and nailed the artillery fire door.

Although "Purple Golden Liang" knows a lot about the art of war, where does he know this? Originally, Zhang Daojun sent dead soldiers to rush to the Tushan camp at night and kill some of his gunners. However, he did not expect to be surrounded by his own soldiers and horses, and the entire army was destroyed. "Zijin Liang" personally inspected the "iron lumps" he had exchanged and found that they were intact. He also laughed at Zhang Daojun's false reputation and only allowed his heroes to die in vain.

As a result, at dawn the next day, the gunner of the "Purple Golden Liang" discovered that the fire doors of his artillery were all nailed shut and could not be used at all. "Zijinliang" was shocked and quickly came to Zhang Shun's camp and asked Zhang Shun to shoot artillery and go to support.

Zhang Shun and others had a hasty breakfast, and then hurried to Tushan with the artillery. When Zhang Shun climbed up the mountain to visit Douzhuang, he was shocked. It turns out that at some point, a mountain of earth actually rose up against the city wall in Douzhuang City. Previously, the earthen mountain was not tall enough, and it was not discovered because it was blocked by the city wall. Now that the earth mountain was higher than the city wall, Zhang Shun and others discovered it.

Zhang Shun installed artillery here, and the other party also installed artillery on the opposite mountain. This time, there were few artillery on the rebel side, and the hills on the opposite side of Douzhuang were low, so both sides suffered losses from each other. As a result, Zhang Shun's artillery was greatly interfered with when firing into Douzhuang City. Several guards and a gunner were even injured by the opponent's shells.

Zhang Shun was very worried about this matter and told "Zijin Liang" about it. Unfortunately, "Zijin Liang" had no good solution and had to ask Zhang Shun to help repair the artillery quickly. Zhang Shun severely blackmailed a batch of "Purple Gold Liang" cotton armor, and then he was satisfied and asked the craftsmen in the camp to drill open the nailed fire door again. Of course, progress was slow due to manual drilling, and it took several days to finally drill out the fire doors of all the guns.

As a result, at this time, the other side also built the mountain as high as the one outside the city. The distance between the two sides became closer and the height gap disappeared. The threat from the artillery fire from both sides suddenly became greater. Originally, they were occasionally hurting people a few days ago, but in the past few days, they have suffered losses from each other. Zhang Shun even had an artillery weapon destroyed by the other party. Fortunately, "Purple Golden Liang" actually lost two doors, and Zhang Shun felt a little more balanced.

When Zhang Shun saw that the artillery battle could not continue, he had to come to "Zijinliang" again to discuss a solution. The opponent's artillery has high accuracy and the gunners are skilled. Once the conditions are the same, you can't suppress the opponent's firepower at all, and the battle is unwinnable.

In fact, this time "Purple Golden Liang" also lost his temper and asked hesitantly: "How about, little brother Optimus Prime, you can forge a few larger cannons to suppress the opponent's firepower?"

"Any kind of artillery can be recast, but the key is how long can we hold on? With our troops under a fortified city, we can neither conquer nor want to leave. When the supplies are exhausted and the personnel are exhausted, I am worried that if Shanxi Song Tong Yin leads If the soldiers come, we will all die without a burial place!" Zhang Shun advised.

"Purple Golden Liang" thought for a long time before sighing and saying: "What Optimus Prime said is true. Your soldiers should withdraw to the east gate. Wait a few days and there will be news for you!"

Thank you Po Shui for tipping again! The author is working hard to update

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