Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 791 The Battle of Zhuxian Town (Part 1)

Liu Zongmin ran back, but Li Zicheng and Li Guo didn't blame him.

From their point of view, this level of counterattack is nothing.

Now this Zhuxian Town is like a delicate and beautiful girl. Although it is inevitable to have some resistance movements such as scratching, it is actually of no use.

Immediately, Li Zicheng ordered Liu Zongmin to retreat temporarily and let his nephew Li Guo go into battle. He personally led the army to suppress the battle.

Li Guo had followed Li Zicheng in raising troops for a long time, and his qualifications were older than Liu Zongmin's. Years of fighting career have allowed him to grow into a veteran.

Liu Zongmin will not make the mistakes he has made again.

As a representative who was already "good at attacking", Li Zicheng often broke into cities during his movement and had quite a bit of experience in rushing attacks.

When Li Guo saw that he could not succeed in his attempt to climb the city, Zhuxian Town was somewhat on guard, but not too panicked.

He quickly asked his soldiers to take out the prisoner-killing cannon, the Second General and other artillery.

Because when Zhang Shun first joined the rebels, the fierce artillery showed great firepower in field battles and sieges, and other rebels also followed suit.

However, because Zhang Shun's design and use of the gun mounts and the organization of the artillery were kept secret, the external blockade was relatively tight, and other rebels did not know the secret.

However, the rebels eventually realized the importance of artillery, and most of them carried out some artillery construction within their capabilities.

Although they cannot solve the mobility problem of larger artillery, they can still carry the 3500-pound Second General Cannon and the 95-pound captive-killing cannon easily.

The second general's cannon is roughly equivalent to the Western six-pounder cannon, and the captive cannon is roughly equivalent to the Western three-pounder cannon.

Although these artillery pieces are basically useless for attacking fortified cities, they are still handy for dealing with fragile city gates.

Even some cities with weak defensive will may surrender when they hear the sound of artillery.

Not long after, Li Guo gathered all the artillery in the camp. There were eight general cannons and more than twenty prisoner-killing cannons. They were laid out in a row, creating a spectacular sight.

Li Guo first ordered a few test shots, and two more shells hit the city gate, leaving two holes, one large and one small.

He then ordered his soldiers to shout: "We are passing by the rebel army. We only seek wealth, not killing anyone."

"If you want to know each other, open the city gate quickly to avoid disaster! If you don't want to, when I break into the city, no chickens or dogs will be left behind!"

As a result, the city quickly responded: "It turns out that the Qin invaders are in front of you. I missed the opportunity to greet you from afar. Please don't forgive me!"

Li Guo couldn't help but feel his heart sink when he heard this. The city responded so quickly and had such a firm attitude, which was a result he never expected.

According to his past experience, even if the defenders in the city were unable to surrender, they would most likely beg for help with soft words and would not dare to speak harshly.

However, the current defensive attitude in this city is so resolute, even if there is nothing to rely on, it is probably difficult to break.

Now that things have come to this, Li Guo is not a person who is afraid of trouble. He couldn't help but sneered and said: "In that case, attack the city!"

Since coercion and inducement don't work, there's no need to talk nonsense, everything is under control.

The sound of artillery roaring like thunder sounded again, and the shells flew towards the city gate of Zhuxian Town as if they were free of charge.

Soon the city gate became riddled with holes, and even the rebels were able to see through the holes in the gate and see the street behind it.

Then Li Guo gave an order, and a group of men and horses rushed forward quickly with swords and shields in hand.

Dozens of people suddenly appeared on the city, and they threw stones and masonry downwards, knocking over seven or eight people at once, and the rebel army was slightly chaotic.

When Li Guo saw someone showing up on the city, he couldn't help but sneered and immediately ordered the archers and gunmen to shoot at the city.

Immediately, several defenders on the city were shot down, and one of them fell from the tower, knocking down two of the sword and shield men who were charging below the city on the spot.

Li Guo couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

The defenders on the city obviously did not know how to avoid the fire suppression below the city and lacked tactical literacy. This shows that the defenders of Zhuxian Town were either poorly trained guardsmen, archers from the Inspection Department, or temporary recruits from the town.

For the experienced Li Zichengjun, this was just a vulnerable opponent.

Not long after, the rebel swordsmen and shieldmen had arrived under the riddled city gate, and everyone worked together to slam into it with their shields.

The huge recoil caused the sword and shield players' blood to surge, and some even fell over on their backs, with their feet in the air.

However, none of these soldiers were timid. Instead, they rushed forward with roars.

After four or five hits, there was only a loud noise and a boom, and the city gate was knocked to the ground.

The sword shield hand's eyes suddenly opened up, and he saw that behind the city gate was a spacious street with prosperous shops, and he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

It's really an unexpected surprise that there is no Wengcheng.

Seeing that Zhu Xianzhen was like a woman who had been stripped naked and could only be slaughtered by others, these sword and shield wielders couldn't help but screamed and rushed forward again.

Unexpectedly, they suddenly heard the sound of "squeaking" wheels, and then a huge chariot covered with swords appeared in everyone's eyes. Then, with the push of many people, they blocked the broken city gate again.

"Semen Sword Cart?" All the sword and shield players couldn't help but be shocked.

It turns out that this gate-blocking sword cart is a very important city defense weapon. It is made of solid wood, almost as wide as the city gate and about ten feet high.

Once the city gate is lost, it can be pushed out to block the city gate.

The sharp knife on it can not only prevent the siege soldiers from climbing, but also stab the soldiers who come to the pupa.

The rebel swordsmen and shieldmen saw the city gate falling to the ground, so they swarmed up and happened to hit the gate-carrying sword. Although protected by shields, they were still pushed forward by the soldiers from the north, and four or five people were stabbed to death.

Before the swordsmen and shieldmen could turn around and retreat, gunfire sounded from behind the Semen sword cart again, and seven or eight more swordsmen and shieldmen were shot at.

The siege rebels couldn't help but be defeated, and Li Guo couldn't help but look at Zhuxian Town standing in front of him with a sullen face, and asked angrily: "What on earth is going on?"

In fact, this is because Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai and other rebels have little experience.

It turns out that since the Ming Dynasty, the commodity economy has developed rapidly and cities and towns have developed rapidly.

Sanchuan City and Taowan Town, controlled by the rebels, are relatively typical towns.

Originally, according to the administrative divisions and official establishment of the Ming Dynasty, there were no institutions or officials specifically responsible for managing towns.

But, can a living person be choked to death by urinating? In many towns, in addition to the autonomous institutions established by merchants themselves, the imperial court would also set up inspection departments to manage public security and dispatch officials to garrison them based on the importance of the town.

Generally speaking, different towns often dispatch assistant officials such as Dianshi and Tongpan to be responsible for management.

This Zhuxian Town is located in Fuxiang County, Fuguo County, where Henan's chief envoy and Kaifu Fengfu are governed. There are many stationed officials and inspection departments.

In view of the rise of thieves and bandits in recent years, Zhuxian Town not only set up city walls and gates, but also large households in the city contributed people to train strong men and equipped them with firecrackers, swords, guns and defensive equipment.

Once the alarm was heard, gongs and drums were beaten, and all the merchants hid in the city, and the men were put on guard with weapons.

There are many merchants in Zhuxian Town, as well as many guards. There are also many Shanshan Guild Halls and Shanxi Guild Halls in the town.

These people were originally from Shaanxi and Shanxi. They had suffered from military disasters for a long time and had a better understanding of the "Qin invaders" than others.

What's more, due to the rebel army's movement back and forth, Henan has caused great harm. The local government has been hostile to the rebel army from Shaanxi for a long time. How can we be deceived by his few words?

Originally, the "preparation for bandits" in Zhuxian Town was made by businessmen such as Shanshan Guild Hall and Shanxi Guild Hall in the city.

They suddenly heard the familiar Yansui accent. How dare they not fight to the death?

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