Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 796 Attacking the Camp

Pieces of good news flew like snowflakes into Xuzhou City, which the rebels had just occupied, and Zhang Shun felt a little overwhelmed for a while.

He had calculated everything beforehand, but he didn't expect that the officers and soldiers turned out to be soap flakes. They looked beautiful, but in fact they were broken when poked.

While he was happy, Zhang Shun became more vigilant and cautious. He secretly warned himself: "Before the matter is settled, you must not be complacent or careless!"

Of course, at the same time, Zhang Shun also judged that there must be a big problem with the officers and soldiers, so he gave himself an opportunity to take advantage of it!

He quickly ordered to send more scouts to detect the movements nearby.

To be honest, due to the low detection and transmission methods in this era, even if the human sea tactic is used, it may not be able to achieve what one wishes.

But as luck would have it, a battle broke out between officers and soldiers and the rebels in Zhuxian Town, and it spread to everyone for a while.

As long as the scouts sent out by Zhang Shun were not blind or deaf, how could they not see or hear?

When Zhang Shun received the news, his first reaction was to gather all his troops and defeat Fu Zonglong's tribe while the officers and soldiers were fighting fiercely with the rebels.

It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Zhang Shun was not ready yet. Over there, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai were defeated by the soldiers and went all the way to Changge.

Changge County is located between Xinzheng and Xuzhou, closer to Zhuxian Town than Xuzhou. By the time Zhang Shun got the news of Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai's defeat, they had almost arrived near Changge.

In the blink of an eye, a lot of information was poured in. Neither the rebels nor the officers and soldiers were sufficiently prepared for this.

On the rebel side, Li Jiyu is still in Xinzheng; Li Xin is stationed in Yuzhou; Cao Wenzhao and Zhao Lizi are still besieging Zhengzhou; and the two bastards Bai Guangen and Zhang Yichuan are greedy for merit and rush to Xuzhou directly without following Zhang Shun's order. Instead, he went to Xiangcheng, southwest of Xuzhou, to attack with Zhang Sanbai as fierce as a tiger.

Zhang Shun now only had nearly 3,000 cavalry and the Yulin Battalion in Jiang He's hands. He was overwhelmed with ambition but lacked strength, so he was so angry that he scolded his mother.

Niu Jinxing couldn't help but comfort him: "How can you take advantage of your wishes if you are unhappy in life? It's not too late to wait until the rebel soldiers and horses are gathered before competing with the officers and soldiers!"

Zhang Shun raised his eyebrows, raised his palms and said, "No! Although our army is poorly prepared, our officers and soldiers are also unprepared."

"If one is prepared, one is calculated without intention, and one is prepared, and one is unprepared. Is there any reason to be invincible?"

"I feel that although there are many officers and soldiers, they have traveled more than a hundred miles and fought against the 'Chuang Camp' and 'Cao Camp' continuously. They are already exhausted and have reached the end of their strength."

"The officers and soldiers do not know that Xuzhou and Xinzheng have been lost, so they must be unprepared. I have made up my mind and prepare to attack the camp tonight to catch the officers and soldiers by surprise!"

"King Shun must not do it!" Niu Jinxing couldn't help but knelt down when he heard the words, and said to dissuade him, "King Shun is a rich man, how can he put himself in danger again and again?"

"A few days ago, before King Shun left Nanyang, the Zeng family had repeatedly warned the old ministers: 'Everything is good for King Shun, but he is daring and likes to take risks. Now the slave family cannot follow King Shun and comfort him all the time. Please also keep Mr. Niu in mind and never be careless!'"

"When Your Highness is impulsive, please think carefully about your sworn brother, General Xiao, and the Zeng, Huang, and Zhu families who are still waiting for you to come to rescue in Nanyang City, as well as the wives, concubines, and heirs of the ministers in Luoyang."

"You are not living for yourself, but for everyone, for the people, for the world. Don't be careless!"

Good fellow, why are you putting up your long speech? Zhang Shun couldn't help crying or laughing when he heard this.

As the leader of the three armies and a powerful hero, how could he not know the importance of wealth and life?

However, there are many soldiers and many generals in the nest. Sometimes the generals cannot lead by example and go to the front line in person. How can they urge their subordinates to give full play to their 200% ability?

Risks and opportunities inherently coexist, and the balance can only be grasped by oneself.

If Lang is good, it means that Li Shimin is alive; if things are good and bad, it is Cao Mengde's rebirth; if Lang is dead, he is the little overlord of Jiangdong, who can only laugh for the world.

Don't look at Zhang Shun, who is also very handsome sometimes. In fact, most of the time he is guarded by Wukong and Wang Jinyi, which is quite the legacy of Cao Mengde.

But when Wei Wu King Cao Mengde was about to fall into disgrace, how could Zhang Shun fare better?

If you can't be Li Shimin, then you can't be the Little Overlord of Jiangdong!

Zhang Shun thought for a while, decided to follow the good advice, and said with a smile: "Sir, what you said is true. I intend to send He Jin to this matter, and Wang Jin will help him. I wonder what your thoughts are, sir?"

Niu Jinxing originally planned to use his shameless spirit to fight to the end after Zhang Shun refused to remonstrate, but Zhang Shun just accepted it and almost couldn't react.

The "King of Zuo Jin" He Jin was also from the Shaanxi Rebel Army and was good at cavalry warfare. He originally led the cavalry under Zhang Sanbai, but because Zhang Shun mobilized the cavalry for centralized use, he was temporarily subordinate to Zhang Shun.

Zhang Shun had admired him for his insight before. Now he is diligent, courageous and resourceful under Zhang Shun, and he is a rare and powerful general.

Therefore, he wanted to train this person to prepare for the establishment of a cavalry battalion in the future.

Although Niu Jinxing had been under Zhang Shun for a while, he was still unfamiliar with many generals. How could he know many of them?

He didn't know what He Jin was capable of. As long as Zhang Shun didn't take any risks, he would be satisfied.

Seeing that there was no objection, Zhang Shun asked Wang Jinyi to call He Jin. The two of them gave instructions and prepared to surprise Changge's officers and soldiers.

Xuzhou City is only more than thirty miles away from Changge, and the cavalry can arrive in an instant.

After Na He Jin and Wang Jinyi received the order, they quickly asked the soldiers to prepare fodder and black beans to feed their mounts, and then rested early.

After it got dark, he got up and ate, and then went to touch the tree.

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and I couldn't see my fingers. To prevent the horses from breaking their hooves, the soldiers did not dare to ride them, so they had to lead them on foot.

It was about 1 hour before we approached the officers and soldiers station. The rebel soldiers then put on their armor, picked up their weapons, mounted their horses and launched an attack on the officers and soldiers' camp.

In fact, the rebel cavalry was less than one battalion, but the officers and soldiers were two battalions of cavalry, and one was the governor's standard battalion, which was mainly infantry.

If they open up their posture and fight with real swords and guns, the rebels will have no chance of victory.

However, setting up camp at night and fighting in formation are two different things.

In the dark, you can't see me and I can't see you. According to the level of organization in this era, once there is any movement or noise, it is easy to blow up the camp.

Even if the camp is not blown up, a random killing can easily cause the enemies to kill each other and affect the morale of the soldiers.

Gan Xing's tyranny of hundreds of cavalry to rob Cao Ying was a typical example.

In fact, it's not that the officers and soldiers didn't send sentries and stay at night to detect the movement of the rebels.

But firstly, the soldiers were physically and mentally exhausted from the continuous high-intensity fighting; secondly, Changge County is an area controlled by officers and soldiers, so where is the danger?

Being careless, He Jin and Wang Jinyi took advantage of the opportunity and rushed into the officers and soldiers camp.

They just threw the firecrackers and oil in desperately, making noise and setting fire to it.

Among the officers and soldiers, the Liaodong Iron Cavalry fought with the Mongolian Jurchens all year round and were the most vigilant.

Hearing the sound, many soldiers jumped up and went out with swords to kill the generals. For a while, it was not clear who were the officers and soldiers and which were the thieves. The officers and soldiers camp became a mess.

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