Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 801 Central Breakthrough

Li Zicheng captured Changge City without any bloodshed. Even Luo Rucai was shocked and said: "'Chuangjiang is good at attacking', he really deserves his reputation!"

But Li Zicheng himself couldn't laugh anymore.

Everyone is also a "thief", and some people can dominate one side; but they can only be like wild dogs, being chased with no way to the sky and no way to the earth.

Some people can scare the officers and soldiers into abandoning the city and flee with just their title; but they need to fight desperately for their lives to have a chance of survival.

How unfair is the sky!

When Luo Rucai led the crowd to Changge County, he heard someone scolding: "Rebellious ministers and traitors, how dare you talk about surrendering? There are only dead county magistrates in the world, and there are no surrendered magistrates. Please kill me quickly, Keep my loyalty!"

"Who is this?" Luo Rucai asked strangely to Li Zicheng, who looked gloomy.

"The dog officials of Changge County!" Li Zicheng said angrily, "I don't know why King Shun can recruit a group of literati and celebrities at will, but I can't recruit a seventh-grade county magistrate!"

How do I know this? Luo Rucai smiled bitterly when he heard this and thought to himself: Your "Advocate General" Li Zicheng is somewhat better than me. He recruited Gu Junen as a military advisor very early. I worked so hard to recruit Wang Xuangui. Our eldest brother, not to mention our second brother, are pretty much the same!

So, Luo Rucai smiled and said: "You can only read two books, how can you show off? If my brother is so merciful, let me have a disembowelment and see if his mouth still smells so bad!"

Wang Xuangui, the counselor next to Luo Rucai, was shocked when he heard this and hesitated to speak. However, he heard "Running General" Li Zicheng laughed and said: "If you don't bother to live Cao Cao, I will do it myself!"

Immediately, he ordered: "Where is Liu Zongmin? Skin him for me and hang him on the city gate to threaten those who don't return!"

Luo Rucai's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he stopped talking. He just smiled and said: "In that case, I have troubled my brother about matters in the city. I will rest for a while before talking!"

When Luo Ru had just left Li Zicheng and others, his counselor Wang Xuangui hurriedly stepped forward and asked in a low voice: "My lord, why do you need to ruin your reputation? I don't think that 'general' is a good person. My lord can just watch indifferently, why do you need to slander him?" Got your tongue?"

"Either you don't do things, or you do them!" Luo Rucai sneered, "That Li Zicheng and I have known each other for a long time, and we are well aware of our ambitions. I knew what he wanted to do as soon as he raised his tail, and he treated me The same is true for understanding.”

"He wants to recruit talents. If I pretend to not stop him, it will make me look more serious and easily arouse his vigilance! Why don't I respond with false intentions to paralyze this person!"

At the same time, Li Zicheng's nephew Li Guo also remonstrated in the camp: "Uncle, 'Living Cao Cao' Luo Rucai is cunning and cunning. He clearly wants to prevent you from recruiting the Changge County Magistrate. How did you succeed in his wishes? "

"Oops!" Li Zicheng slapped his forehead, "Thanks to Bu Zhi's reminder, I actually fell into the trap of this old thief! Since you, nephew, have made up for it, please check for my omissions and fill in the gaps for me in the future to avoid what happened today again. !”

"Uncle, you are good at everything, but you are too honest!" Li Guo agreed and complained a few more casually.

Li Zicheng was so amused that he couldn't help but shook his head secretly and thought: "If I can't even deceive you, how can I deceive the more cunning 'Living Cao Cao' and 'Shun Thief'?"

Not to mention how Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai looted and replenished military supplies after occupying Changge County, they neglected one thing.

Zuo Liangyu, the chief military officer of Changping, ran for forty miles and retreated to Weichuan. He happened to meet Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, who had retreated to Weichuan in advance.

When the two met, they couldn't help but have mixed feelings. Fortunately, Fu Zonglong and Zuo Liangyu are both dull and boring people.

If it were Zhang Shun who had a quick temper, he might have said: "Did you also defeat King Shun? What a coincidence, so did I!"

However, Zuo Liangyu is also a face-saving person after all. How can he say to Henan Governor Fu Zonglong, "Zuo is brave when he sees a thief and runs away"?

He had no choice but to exaggerate the strength of the "thief" and find excuses for himself to escape without a fight.

It happened that Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, had just arrived.

Then Zuo Liangyu took the opportunity to report: "The military sect has learned clearly that Zuo is not a coward who abandoned the city and fled. He really encountered the main force of thieves and was unable to win the battle. He had no choice but to avoid his sharp edge in order to fight again!"

"Hmph!" Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, snorted coldly. Who would believe him?

He couldn't help but said angrily: "You lost Yuzhou, you lost Changge, you avoided again and again, you lost again, you escaped again, and now you are telling me lies, you think I am a three-year-old child! "

"The military sect is aware that a good man named Zuo can deceive you with lies?" Zuo Liangyu saw that the situation was not good and quickly shouted that he was wronged.

Zhu Dadian couldn't stand it anymore and persuaded him: "Now is the time to employ people. Fu Fujun might as well give him a small punishment or a big warning first, and then deal with it slowly in the future!"

Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, happened to be chasing bandits passing through Henan, and was dragged to fight against the rebels by Henan governor Fu Zonglong. Fu Zonglong owed him a favor, how could he refute his face?

When Fu Zonglong heard this, he shouted: "Since the Superintendent has interceded for you, let this matter go. If you do it again in the future, don't blame me for our ruthless military law!"

Upon hearing this, Zuo Liangyu quickly bowed and thanked each other.

Although he looked frightened on the outside, he was actually not worried at all.

His benefactor is Hou Xun, the current Minister of Household Affairs, who is in charge of most of the money, food and military pay of the imperial court. Who dares to offend him?

Even if Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, is upright, Zhu Dadian, the governor of water transportation and governor of Fengyang, will take care of this matter for him.

Fu Zonglong saw that there was nothing he could do about this person, so he gave up and asked him the reason in detail.

Zuo Liangyu quickly added fuel to the fire and claimed: "The traitors came in person and led an army of 50,000 people. They did not rest day and night, taking turns to attack the city, so that Yuzhou and Changge could not defend it!"

Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan Province, couldn't help but sneered when he heard this: "Do you really think that this court dare not punish you? If you continue to talk nonsense and miss the military plane, I am afraid that the Chief Situ will not protect you!"

The so-called "Da Situ" in the Ming Dynasty was another name for the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs, also known as: local official, Ji Xiang, and Da Si Nong. In fact, it refers to Hou Xun, the current Minister of Household Affairs.

Zuo Liangyu was frightened by Fu Zonglong, and then he responded with a shameless face: "I think the thieves' banners are like this, but in reality there is not much difference."

In ancient times, soldiers often used golden drums and flags for command, which was also an important basis for the other side to detect the number of the other side.

Therefore, it is common for generals to display multiple flags in an act of bluffing.

Since Zuo Liangyu emphasized the flag, he had actually admitted that the quantity he reported was inaccurate.

Fu Zonglong waved his hand and drove him off, and then said to Zhu Dadian: "This guy didn't tell the truth. I estimate that the number of thieves is between twenty and thirty thousand. Compared with us, he does not have an advantage."

"If we can join forces with Chen's general Luo Ju, Xuzhou's deputy general Ma Xu and eunuch Lu Jiude, they will be able to fight!"

"It's just that Changge is no bigger than a county town. Why can he gather so many people? In my opinion, I should continue to attack Changge as planned, destroying his confidants and making it unable to take care of him from the north and the south."

That Changge is located between Xinzheng and Xuzhou. If Changge is occupied by officers and soldiers, Xinzheng and Xuzhou will not be able to respond in time, so they will be more easily defeated by officers and soldiers.

"In this case, I will send the deputy general Mou Wenshou to send troops!" Zhu Dadian nodded after hearing this and agreed.

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