Of course, Zhang Shun and others did not know that Li Zicheng, the "advanced general" of the Ming Dynasty, and Luo Rucai, the "living Cao Cao", were like lost dogs. They did not last even one day and lost Changge.

After he found out that Weishi City was undefended, he sent He Renlong to seize Weishi County City in one go.

Zhang Shun walked on the streets of Weishi County, still in shock and doubt, and sighed in his heart: Although this He Renlong is arrogant and likes to "work foreigners" when he is not careful, it will be really useful if you hold him down!

The "Natou Mingzhu" attacked Bai Guangen before, and later attacked Yuzhou City where Zuo Liangyu was stationed, and this time captured the Wei family. This guy really worked hard.

Until this moment, he was still wearing iron armor with blood stains on the seams, and was waiting on the side carefully.

Zhang Shun laughed and scolded: "Look at your potential, you have just made some achievements and now you are showing off. Go down and tidy up, come back again!"

"What's yours is yours after all, and no one else can take it away. Why are you hanging around here? I have always made clear rewards and punishments. Did I lose you that time?"

"Where are you? I can't trust others, so why can't I trust you, King Shun!" He Renlong laughed shamelessly when he heard this, "I'm not afraid that the new subordinate of the Wei family might have some unscrupulous people in the city who would attack His Highness. Well!"

"Okay, okay, I still don't know what you are thinking about?" Zhang Shun waved his hand impatiently and said, "Go and do your business. If it delays the city defense, be careful because I want you to look good!"

When He Renlong saw that he had enough of showing off his face in front of Zhang Shun, he stepped back with a smile.

Despite his reckless appearance, this guy is actually quite a scheming master.

He showed his face in front of the protagonist and received a few scoldings, which actually led to the relationship between the king and his subjects.

Seeing this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes running wildly in the direction of Cheng Chen, Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and shook his head.

If Zhang Shun could become a wise king like Emperor Taizong Li Shimin, this guy would be a confidant like Yu Chigong and Qin Qiong; if Zhang Shun was an incompetent person like Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo, then this guy would be a young man like Lu Fengxian.

There are so many heroes in the world. Success or failure are all born from Bole!

When Zhang Shun arrived at the county government office, more than a dozen soldiers were carrying buckets of water to wash away the blood stains on the ground.

He couldn't help shouting: "That's enough. A good warrior should make great achievements on the battlefield. Why do you need to do such physical work?"

Wang Jinyi quickly explained: "They are all brothers around me, because the magistrate of this county led his people to refuse to defend and defiled the house, so I asked King Shun to wait for a while!"

"Okay, okay! I'm not that particular person." Zhang Shun said, striding into the county government office and smiling, "Wei's new subordinate has cut off the officers and soldiers' escape route. I don't know when the army will be mobilized." Don’t be careless when launching a counterattack!”

Just as he was saying this, he saw bloodstains all over the county government office, and there were even several sticky objects that looked like meat sauce scattered around.

"Shun...King Shun, do you think this will work?" Wang Jinyi asked awkwardly.

You idiot, do you still need to ask me this?

If you speak out, the water will be poured out. Zhang Shun had no choice but to say with an expressionless face: "It doesn't matter, just go and rest, and be ready to fight at any time!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Jinyi glanced at Gao Guiying with an embarrassed expression, and had no choice but to retreat obediently.

"Pfft", Gao Guiying couldn't help but laugh out loud, and couldn't help laughing and said: "Dad, you are really pretending to be fat this time!"

"If you can, stand by and watch my joke!" Zhang Shun wanted to reach out and give her a slap in the face.

However, he found that she had already put on the worn-out cotton armor and an iron helmet like a lightning rod on her head. He had no choice but to shake his head and give up.

"Dad, how about I find someone to take care of it!" After laughing, Gao Guiying did not forget about business.

"Forget it, everyone is very tired these days, that's about it." Zhang Shunzheng and Gao Guiying said this when they suddenly heard someone calling them.

He turned around and saw Niu Jinxing walking in in a hurry.

When Niu Jinxing arrived, he quickly reported: "My lord, Bai Guangen's attack on Zhuxian Town was not going well. He was repulsed several times by Ding Zhuang in the city. I don't know what to do next?"

"How many people are there who can fight in the city? Bai Guangen is also a strong general, why couldn't he take down this town?"

"There are not many defenders in the city. According to Bai Guangen's estimate, there are only five to seven hundred people. Most of them are the guards of the merchants, the archers of the Inspection Department and some of the men gathered in the city."

After hearing this, Niu Jinxing spoke in detail, "It stands to reason that although Zhuxian Town is big, its combat readiness is actually not much different from that of Weishi City."

"It's just that firstly, the people in the city were besieged by Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai, and the people in the city were still frightened; secondly, Zhuxian Town and Tongxu County happened to be connected by a canal, and merchant ships kept coming and going. Zhuxian Town is also a water and land hub. If there is any slight disturbance, it will... The water in the spring river is like a prophet, so if you are prepared, there is nothing you can do about it."

"This..." Although Zhang Shun and Niu Jinxing were resourceful, they did not expect such a change.

Fortunately, this matter has little impact and can be remedied in time.

Zhang Shun pondered undecidedly, and Niu Jinxing couldn't help but admonish: "Weak troops when divided, strong when united. Now our army is behind enemy lines, surrounded by enemies everywhere. If we cannot attack for a long time, it will be easy for our officers and soldiers to take advantage of us."

In this era, despite the availability of artillery, attacking a city was still a very difficult task.

As long as the city has the determination to hold on and generals with considerable experience in defending the city, it is usually easy to defend it for ten days and a half.

According to Niu Jinxing's wishes, the guards in Zhuxian Town did not dare to leave the city to fight, so they just ignored him.

"Sun Tzu's Art of War" says: There is no control over the route, no attack on the army, no attack on the city, no struggle over the land, no control over the king's orders. This is the truth.

Zhang Shun nodded when he heard this and praised: "What Mr. Niu said is extremely true, but it is right!"

Niu Jinxing waved her hands modestly when she heard this, and was about to say a few words of courtesy.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun, who had already planned to take Niu Jinxing's suggestion, suddenly had an idea and asked: "Can we evacuate from Tongxu County?"

Niu Jinxing obviously didn't react. He was stunned for a moment, and then responded: "There should be a few more people. We left Zhang Yichuan to carry the food and grass in the city before, but I don't know if they have all been moved!"

"Hurry up and send people to explore. If Tongxu County is still in our hands, or we can capture it again, let the rebels stay with 500 people to defend the city!" Zhang Shun quickly ordered.

"No, my lord, what are you doing?" Niu Jinxing was a little confused.

We are not talking about Zhuxian Town. Why did you hold on to Tongxu County?

Zhang Shun's leaping thinking left Monk Niu Jinxing Zhanger confused.

Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this and said: "Mr. Niu, don't be anxious, it's better to make sure that Tongxu County is still in our hands first, otherwise I'm afraid this king's clever plan will fail!"

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