Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 805 Attracting Investment

As a visitor from later generations, Zhang Shun was most deeply touched by the word "industry and commerce".

Don't look down on these small traders and craftsmen. As they grow, they will eventually usher in a new era and a new society.

Although agriculture is the foundation of the world, if there is no food to eat, the world will be in chaos.

However, without commercial circulation, society will remain at a low level of duplication, unable to improve the overall efficiency of society.

In the original history, industry was responsible for the output of artifacts, and commerce was responsible for distributing them to various places, completely destroying the originally self-sufficient and inefficient agricultural society.

Zhang Shun has been deeply involved in this era for a long time, and he has a deep understanding of the reasons why the capitalist system mentioned in previous textbooks can replace the feudal system.

Not to mention that the production efficiency of the two sides is very different, but in terms of tax output, the commercial society can easily crush the agricultural society.

Farmers go out early and return late throughout the year. One acre of fertile land can produce only three to five dan of grain. If you sell it, you will only get three to five taels of silver.

The merchants traveled back and forth to sell the goods for a year, making more than ten or twenty times profit. If it can be effectively controlled, the imperial tax revenue will increase by more than three to five times.

After thinking about this, Zhang Shun looked back at the world.

It was found that the social system originally established by Zhu Yuanzhang based on the almost collapsed agricultural society in the late Yuan Dynasty had seriously hindered the development of industry and commerce after more than 200 years of development in the Ming Dynasty.

According to Zhang Shun's experience over the years, wherever merchants go, there are checkpoints between mountains and rivers, and access control between cities. Although the imperial court does not have heavy taxes, it is inevitable that officials will eat and ask for money along the way.

Even if you offend someone, you will be cut off from business directly and you will not be allowed in or out. There is nothing you can do about it.

Furthermore, there was no written law for dealing with commercial matters in the Ming Dynasty, and the officials appointed by the Shang Town kept their word within the town. Businessmen often have no choice but to let mercenaries eat their own flesh and endure humiliation to please them.

Zhang Shun chatted with these merchants for a long time and was immediately regarded as their confidant.

If it weren't for the difference in superiority and inferiority, these businessmen would have dragged Zhang Shun to chop chicken heads, burn yellow paper, and become friends with him for eight years.

They held Zhang Shun's hand and said with emotion: "Scholars, farmers, industry and merchants, for thousands of years, we merchants have been inferior to others even though we have little family property."

"I heard that once the Nanzhili salt merchants get rich, they will strictly control their children. They must get a few honors in the exams before they can retire."

"If not, even if the house is full of gold and silver, they are just cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, what use are they!"

When Zhang Shun heard this, he quickly smiled and said: "I have always been trustworthy. I wonder if you have heard about the purchase of grain by the rebel army a few years ago?"

"Oh, it's like thunder piercing my ears, King Shun is really Ji Bu at that time!"

"Historical Records" records: Getting a hundred catties of gold is not as good as Jibu Yinuo! A businessman values ​​​​trust, and it is extremely rare for him to evaluate Zhang Shun like this.

Zhang Shun had an idea and couldn't help but smile: "If you have the opportunity, you are welcome to go to Luoyang to do business!"

"Luoyang is the ancient capital of the Thirteenth Dynasty, and is known as among the world. It is bordered by the Yellow River to the north and mountains to the west. The land in western Henan is rich in furs, medicinal materials, gems, gold, silver, copper and iron."

"If you are willing to come, I guarantee that everyone will make a lot of money."

These are just common polite words. Although Zhang Shun is sincere in his identity, everyone is still a little hesitant.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shun continued to laugh and said: "I have five strategies to attract investment."

"For one thing, we are going to open a special area in Luoyang, called a business district, with special shops. It is divided into medicinal materials area, fur area, jewelry area, cloth area and money and grain area, specifically for your business."

"We also set up dedicated personnel to manage and provide preferential treatment. Officials and gentry have no right to interfere with local ruffians. We guarantee that everyone can operate with peace of mind and will not be disturbed by them."

"Secondly, I want to take out the gold, silver, copper, iron and tin mines in the mountains of western Henan and recruit interested people to mine them. You can operate them according to the contract, and I will just sit back and reap the dividends."

"Thirdly, I want to cancel the administrative checkpoints and abolish exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes to facilitate the circulation of materials in the world."

"Fourth, I want to buy more than ten luxury houses in the city. The one with the highest price will get it. Please think about it carefully. If Luoyang is revived in the future, Wu is afraid that they will be expensive but not marketable. If you have money, you will have nowhere to buy them."

"Five things, when the world is a little calmer, I want to dredge the canals, restore water transportation in Tongji Canal and Yongji Canal, and restore the prosperity of the Sui and Tang Dynasties."

The businessmen who had heard of this method were stunned by Zhang Shun.

Ancient society still relied on elite politics and secret room politics as means. Although confidentiality was not in place, there was no one like Zhang Shun who directly listed out 1,234,5 to directly attract merchants.

How is this different from prostitutes hawking on the streets?

Niu Jinxing couldn't help coughing at the side. Zhang Shun just pretended not to hear and looked at the businessmen meaningfully.

This was a method used by later generations to attract investment. Zhang Shun had never eaten pork, nor had he seen pigs running away?

As expected, these businessmen were overjoyed at the arrival of messengers.

Fortunately, they still had some sense. They did some mental calculations in private for a long time, but they couldn't tell whether there was any fraud in it, and they didn't dare to respond for a while.

Zhang Shun smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, please go back and think about it carefully. If this king contributes to the great cause, the world will be dominated by merchants."

"In addition to checkpoints and dredging rivers, goods can reach all directions in the world. Use the sword of the rebel army to protect the rebel army's wealth!"

Those few merchants were doubtful, but some of them could not help but said: "If King Shun goes as he says today, all the merchants in the world will be King Shun's stewards, King Shun's wealth, and King Shun's tentacles!"

Zhang Shun laughed and waved them off.

As soon as the merchants left, Niu Jinxing couldn't help but knelt down and said, "My minister Niu Jinxing has something to say. People regard food as their top priority. Since ancient times, great countries have regarded farming and war as the foundation of their world."

"In the future, King Shun will be rich all over the world and will have no worries about food, drink and clothing. Why should he dance with people who are like flies and dogs?"

"What's more, since ancient times, sage kings have been righteous and honest, and their teachings are the foundation of the world. The king of Chu is so thin that many people in the palace starve to death. If something is good above, it will be worse below!"

"The Holy King should set an example for the world. Once profit is valued over righteousness, the whole world will pursue profit. Thousands of years of enlightenment will be wasted, and the way of the saint will not be revealed. This is to abandon the original and pursue the last!"

No, you are a cruel and ruthless master, why are you telling me the great principles of saints?

Zhang Shun simply didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Fortunately, the matter had not yet been discussed and he was too lazy to argue with him.

Zhang Shun waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's just a bluff, why should Mr. Niu be so serious?"

"Although the rebel army now occupies the territory of Henan Prefecture and Ruzhou Prefecture, they only have 30,000 to 40,000 troops, which is extremely small!"

"If I don't want to find a way to get money again, I'm afraid I will take you all out to beg for food before the court comes to attack!"

Niu Jinxing couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words, stroking his beard and said: "What King Shun said is true, but I'm afraid it will ruin your reputation."

"If King Shun can trust the old minister, why not let the old minister take action? When the time comes, we will open the door to attract business and close the door to beat the dog. We will make a lot of money!"

No, you want to stop this great thing that benefits the country and the people with a righteous look; but you climb up on a pole to take the blame for this cock-crowding, dog-robbery incident, what kind of person are you!

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