Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 810 Mobile Combat

By the way, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai responded to Li Xin's request and returned to the camp to reorganize their troops.

As soon as Li Zicheng, military advisor Gu Junen, nephew Li Guo and general Liu Zongmin entered the camp, their faces turned livid.

"Uncle, what's wrong?" His nephew Li Guo had sharp eyes and could see clearly, so he couldn't help but ask quickly.

"Li Hongji, Li Hongji, why are you doing this!" Li Zicheng couldn't help but sigh in grief and indignation.

"In the past, I moved to fight against the Qin and Jin Dynasties, traveling thousands of miles across the country, as if I was in an uninhabited country. How heroic I was! But now I am as panic-stricken as a bereaved dog, sheltered under someone else's fence."

"It's fine if I only humiliate a hero like King Shun. Who is Li Xin? He's just a slave of King Shun's family. How dare you sit on an equal footing with me!"

"General, be careful what you say!" Li Guo and Gu Junen were shocked when they heard this and quickly tried to dissuade him.

Gu Junen even persuaded: "King Wen suffered misfortune, and the Ji family ruled the world for 800 years; Gaozu was defeated at the hands of Xiang Ji, and the Yanhan Dynasty finally started for 400 years; Xuande was displaced, and still divided the land of Shu, dividing the world into three parts. There is one.”

"Most of the heroes in the world all started from humble beginnings, went through hardships, and finally achieved great things! They can defeat the strong with the weak. Although it is only the timing of the day, it is also the plan of man!"

"How is the power of King Shun today compared to Shang Zhou? How is it compared to Xiang Ji? How is it compared to Wei Wu? Why should the general feel sorry for himself and become discouraged?"

"Fate has its own time, and destiny has its own master. Those who are not his own will prosper for a while, but they will never be able to achieve it!"

"Please stay dormant for a while and wait for the secret!"

Li Zicheng was silent for a long time after hearing this, and then apologized to Gu Junen, Li Guo and Liu Zongmin: "It was Li who acted on his own initiative. Since you are willing to follow me, I will bear the humiliation and wait for the right time."

"If the sky shines on King Shun alone, I will lead his horse and whip. If the sky really leaves a mediocre person like me a chance, I will definitely live up to the three!"

Gu Junen, Li Guo and Liu Zongmin kowtowed immediately after hearing this, and Li Zicheng made a blood alliance with them in order to achieve great things!

Just when Li Zicheng expressed his ambition to his cronies to reassure him, Luo Rucai and military advisor Wang Xuangui also behaved similarly.

Just after returning to the camp, military advisor Wang Xuangui offered advice to "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai: "Li Xin is young and 'General Chuang' is simple and honest, so there is nothing to worry about. The only one you have to worry about is King Shun."

"This battle is related to the success or failure of Shun's camp. If the two sides fight to the point where they are inseparable, and the duke leads his army to leave on his own, then he will not be able to succeed if he obeys the king and rushes to the general!"

Luo Rucai was silent for a moment after hearing this, and sighed: "This is not what a man would do!"

"Although Luo is not as good at fighting as King Shun, the generals are good at attacking, and the eight kings are ruthless, he is still a hero."

"The reason why everyone obeys me is simply because I uphold justice and regard important matters as the most important thing!"

"I, General Chuang, and the eight kings all had the grace to save lives, and I and the Thirty-sixth Battalion also had the merit of inviting King Shun. This is why I came out of everyone!"

"If I use my own selfishness, I will be like a fly and a dog, so how can I be different from other people!"

"Living Cao Cao" doesn't care whether it's true or not, but he speaks with awe-inspiring justice and no leaks.

Military advisor Wang Xuangui also had to admire him and said: "If you win the master like this, even if Wang is shattered to pieces, you will have no regrets in this life!"

Luo Rucai laughed when he heard this, and quickly helped Wang Xuangui up, and said with a smile: "In this case, let us witness together, in the world of Yiding, who will win in the end!"

Wang Xuangui couldn't help but laugh. He remembered that in the "Book of Jin", Shi Le once said: "If I meet Emperor Gao (Liu Bang), I will do it from the north; I will compete with Han and Peng for the whip; I will escape Guangwu (Liu Bang). Show); we should drive together in the Central Plains; we don’t know who will win.”

My lord is indeed a man with great ambitions and an unwillingness to accept people's support. He is also my true lord!

Early the next morning, Li Xin left Huang Long and led a thousand men to defend the city. He led two thousand men and two thousand men from "Chuangying" and "Caoying" to go out of the city to invite a battle.

When Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan Province, got the news in the camp, he couldn't help but laugh and said: "They are so poor! I have three thousand standard soldiers under my command, and the deputy commander Mou Wenshou has three thousand elite soldiers. Our troops are comparable, so why be afraid of him!"

Fu Zonglong then led his subordinates Biao Ying and Mou Wenshou to form a formation in front, divided into two formations on the left and right, forming the horns of each other.

At that time, Li Xin was in the middle, Li Zicheng was on the left, and Luo Rucai was on the right. They attacked the officers and soldiers in Zeng Pin shape.

Fu Zonglong was also a veteran general, and he was very knowledgeable. He couldn't help but send someone to remind Mou Wenshou: "This is a flying goose formation. If you can't resist the left and right, you will have no choice but to be defeated and return!"

How could Mou Wenshou not know? Anyway, Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, was not his immediate superior, so he responded: "I already know it. If the Fu army cannot resist, I will personally lead the troops and go to the rescue!"

Mou Wenshou's words were very rude and made Fu Zonglong furious.

He couldn't help but cursed bitterly: "Shuzi, you are so incompetent! I want to see what you are capable of today!"

Soon the formations of the two sides were close. First there was a burst of cannon fire, and then they fought hand to hand.

With similar tactics and organizational levels, they were inseparable for a while.

Just as the two sides were reaching a deadlock, Li Xinzhen was thinking about whether to mobilize Huanglong who was defending the city.

Only the sound of horse hoofbeats was heard, and then two cavalrymen separated from the "Chuang Camp" and "Cao Camp" on the left and right.

It turns out that the backbone of Chuangying and Caoying are Yansui border troops, who are good at riding. Under the pursuit of officers and soldiers, more mobile elite cavalry were formed.

Except for some mounted infantry who were less skilled in riding and could only travel with donkeys and mules, these two men each had about a thousand fine cavalry under their command.

Although Zhang Shun's strength is growing rapidly, others are certainly not idle either.

Seeing that their status was getting lower and lower in Zhang Shun's eyes, these two people had no choice but to come out and show off their talents.

Henan Governor Fu Zonglong and Deputy Commander-in-Chief Mou Wenshou couldn't help but change their expressions upon hearing this.

It turns out that the Shizhou Guard, where Mou Wenshou was born, is located in the southern mountainous area, which is not conducive to cavalry galloping, and most of them are mountain infantry.

The "She'an Rebellion" started by Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, also focused on mountain warfare. The two men and their troops were inexperienced in dealing with cavalry, so they suffered a big loss immediately.

Fortunately, there was a camp behind the formation. The two could not resist, so they fought and retreated, retreating into the camp and using the camp for defense.

Upon seeing this, Li Xin came down and deployed cannons from the city to bombard, destroying dozens of camp walls in succession.

Both Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai couldn't help being surprised and happy, and said to themselves: This cannon is really a good thing. Usually, even if they defeat the officers and soldiers with the same force, they cannot take the camp. Now that we have cannons, it is much easier.

Just as the rebels were preparing to take over the camp in one go. Unexpectedly, a soldier suddenly reported back: "General, something bad has happened. The officers, soldiers and cavalry have returned again!"

What? Li Xin and others were shocked when they heard this, so they had to send cavalry to temporarily cover the battlefield while gathering the soldiers and retreating to the city.

After working hard all day, all the work was in vain!

I'm really old. I was sleepy last night. I wanted to take a short nap at eight o'clock, but I slept until dawn and couldn't update. I'm really sorry for everyone!

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