Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 821 The End of Fu Zonglong (Part 1)

No one naturally likes to be a little brother or a dog for others, even in a slave society. That’s why there are generations of rebels fighting for freedom!

Not to mention the rebellious and determined heroes like "The General" Li Zicheng and "Living Cao Cao" Luo Rucai, who are even more easily unmoved by external things.

In the original history, despite all the hardships, nothing could stop them from rebelling in the end.

No one can take back someone else as his younger brother, not even Zhang Shun now.

After preliminary testing, Zhang Shun also determined the attitude of the two. Although he felt a little unhappy, he could understand it.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but smile and said: "No further talk, I wonder what the current battle situation is like. Can I defeat this person?"

Zhang Shun almost understood the general situation. After a few words with a few people, he ordered: "Brother Li and Brother Luo have more cavalry. For the time being, they will be on standby with the other cavalry. Let the artillery bombard them for a while. I don't know what you think." how?"

"Easy to say, easy to say!" Since they don't need to work hard, how can Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai have any objections?

To be honest, the two of them wanted to visit Zhang Shun's artillery camp, but this was Zhang Shun's unique skill, and the two of them couldn't ask.

However, privately, the two people spent a lot of money to inquire, and even became an artillery team.

But in the end, the blind man and the elephant will not get what they want. The artillery under his command is mostly composed of small Western artillery and general artillery, which are slightly inferior to Zhang Shun's "Second Artillery" in terms of firepower intensity, firepower density and mobility.

According to the configuration of ten artillery pieces in each battalion of the rebel army, Zhang Shun assembled a total of forty "field artillery" and "golden artillery" of various colors, and divided them into four teams to repeatedly bombard the officers and soldiers' camps.

The thundering sound of cannons filled the entire camp of officers and soldiers; black iron eggs flew over in groups and slammed into the city wall outside the officers and soldiers camp.

After Fu Zonglong suffered the loss of Li Xin's artillery last time, he also realized how sharp the rebel artillery was. He ordered people to thicken the camp walls and deepen the trenches early, but the rebels were unable to achieve effective results for a while.

However, now that the officers and soldiers had completely lost the initiative and were huddled in the camp and passively being beaten, Zhang Shun was not too impatient.

He smiled and said to Li Zicheng, Luo Rucai and Li Xin, who were already stunned by the continuous sound of artillery fire from the rebels: "The sound of artillery is deafening. This is not a place to stay for a long time. Why don't you three stay with me?" Have a few drinks and come back to watch the game!"

Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai stood on their tiptoes, looking longingly at the smoke-filled artillery positions in the distance, wanting to see more "secrets". However, Zhang Shun's invitation was too eager to refuse. They had no choice but to look away in disappointment and praised him profusely: "King Shun's artillerymen are so good that the officers and soldiers who hit them can't even lift their heads!"

"Oh, it's just a few iron lumps, what's so strange about it?" Zhang Shun pulled one with each hand, so as not to give them a chance to explore his "secrets."

These two people are different from ordinary spies who can't even read a few Chinese characters. They are shrewd and capable, and they know everything. What if they find out something?

The wine is not a good one, it tastes sweet and almost 20 degrees. The food to go with the wine was the fallen war horses that the rebels had picked up, plus a few pickled vegetables.

Horse meat has a texture similar to beef, with thicker fiber, less fat, and a slightly sour smell.

Of course, for the rebels who had just had a full meal, as long as it was meat, it was a rare delicacy, so they were not very picky.

Along the way, the rebels collected a total of 1,500 to 600 war horses. Except for 30 to 50 horses that were fed and still usable, the rest were either dead or had their legs and feet injured and could only be used as meat.

For Zhang Shun, who had already enjoyed the advantage of cavalry, this was even more distressing than the death of his parents.

It's a pity that these war horses are not like Zhang Shenyan. Even if Zhang Shun calls his father and mother, it will not help. He had no choice but to eat all these war horses according to his promise.

These 1,500 to 600 war horses, based on the meat production rate of five or six levels, can produce twenty or thirty kilograms of meat for the whole army.

Zhang Shun was generous and distributed some to Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai's camp. The two of them thanked Zhang Shun profusely, and took advantage of the opportunity to have a drink with Zhang Shun, and feasted again.

Zhang Shun, Li Xin, Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai were a little tipsy and were about to trick Li and Luo into working for them. Wang Jinyi hurried over and reported in a low voice: "Urgent military situation, a battalion of troops has escaped." Come on, the 'Songshan Camp' where Li Ji met in Xinzheng turned into a hand, it should be Zuo Liangyu's Changping Army!"

It turned out that Changge was sandwiched between Xinzheng and Xuzhou. Zhang Shun originally asked Li Jiyu to go to Xinzheng to find a turtle in the urn, which completely cut off Fu Zonglong's return. Unexpectedly, "You Shishi" also came to cause trouble.

"Should we let Jiang He, who was stationed in Xuzhou, lead his army north to Changge?" Niu Jinxing also knew Zhang Shun's plan and couldn't help but suggest taking remedial measures.

"No!" Zhang Shun waved his hand and vetoed, "Jiang He, Zhang Sanbai and others must stay to stop Runing Sui, Chen Commander-in-Chief Luo Ju, Xuzhou Deputy Commander-in-Chief Ma Xu and eunuch Lu Jiude. Go north, don’t move lightly!”

As the saying goes: The mouth that eats people is short, and the hands that take people are short. After Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai joined forces with Zhang Shun, Zhang Shun provided all the food, grass and baggage. Now that they have eaten at Zhang Shun's banquet, they really have short hands and mouth.

Hearing this, the two of them couldn't help but volunteered: "In this case, attacking the officers' and soldiers' camps is not what we are good at. The two of us are willing to personally lead the troops and horses to Xinzheng to help the rebels repel Zuo Liangyu's men as a thank you to King Shun for taking him in." !”

"Ah? Then I'll help you two brothers!" Zhang Shun greeted them with a few polite words and then "helplessly" agreed.

As soon as Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai left, Zhang Shun began to show off his talents.

It turns out that the Rebel artillery's "infantry and artillery coordinated combat" tactics were the secret of the Rebel artillery. Now that Li Zicheng and Luo Rucai have "rolled" far away, the Rebel artillery can better exert its power.

As soon as noon passed, the morale of the soldiers who had just enjoyed horse meat was high and they were eager to fight.

Zhang Shun ordered He Renlong and Bai Guangen to separate two commandos to prepare for the attack on the camp; Li Xin, He Jin, Li Fuchen and others raided the formation.

Although He Renlong and Bai Guangen were newly recruited, they often engaged in "slow down foreign work".

Anyway, after Zhang Shun went north to Luyang Pass, the two of them followed him through life and death, and they worked hard and made great achievements. Zhang Shun planned to leave the credit of "first climbing" to the two of them.

At this time, the front of the officers and soldiers' camp was blown open three or four times by rebel artillery.

Since they are all rammed earth walls, the so-called gaps are actually several gentle slopes. Although the officers and soldiers cannot guard it like other camp walls, they can still rely on it to some extent.

The "booming" sound of artillery sounded again, and the ruthless iron bullets rushed towards the gap in the middle like a swarm of bees.

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