Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 824 Taking stock of gains and losses

War is a contest of wisdom, equipment and organization, as well as a contest of wills.

The two sides fought fiercely until late at night, and they were just short of breathing.

If the west wind prevails over the east wind, the rebels will have to retreat from the battlefield obediently, and all the results of the day will be lost;

If the east wind overwhelms the west wind, it can defeat the officers and soldiers who have also reached their limit in one go.

However, the rebels also reached the limits of their physical strength and morale. If the attack is driven off by force, it is not impossible for the camp to be blown up accidentally.

what to do? They can only give generous rewards to boost morale.

To be honest, the quotas set by Zhang Shun and the generals, whether in terms of military pay or rewards, were lower than the standards for officers and soldiers. But the soldiers were more willing to sacrifice their lives for Zhang Shun. Is it because Zhang Shun's face was paler than others?

No, it's because Zhang Shun distributed food, wages and rewards in a more timely and sincere manner than other teams in this era.

For this reason, Zhang Shun specially formulated regulations for the distribution of military pay and rewards, stipulating that all payments must be completed before the fifth of next month. Violators will be held responsible for assisting in management and logistics.

If there is a delay due to war, logistics interruption, etc., the logistics department will issue an IOU, which can be exchanged after the logistics equipment is picked up, or it can be exchanged at the nearest area occupied by the rebels.

In addition, the rebel army did not directly distribute wages like the Ming army. Instead, they were equipped with a certain proportion of grain and distributed it at a price slightly lower than the market price to prevent the phenomenon of "cheap silver and high grain" in the border areas in the late Ming Dynasty.

In addition to being paid directly to soldiers, for soldiers with family members, half of their salary will be distributed to their parents and wives. Beware of soldiers eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, and spending all their salary and rewards, leaving their families without support.

If a soldier unfortunately dies in battle, all the silver rewards, military pay and pensions allowed by the general will be distributed to the soldier's family. If there are no family members, all the money will be used for burning and burial, so that the war dead can be buried with splendor.

But at the same time, the Ming Dynasty was different. The promised silver reward would be given to you at a discount. Not to mention that it is common for people to be owed wages for several months or even more than a year.

Soldiers in this era are not stupid. Even if they are fools, they will always understand when they are fooled by you. Therefore, the superiors and subordinates deceived each other, and the soldiers refused to use their utmost strength.

It is because of this that Zhang Shun can respond to hundreds of calls and make promises to the nine tripods. As long as he dares to promise more rewards, the soldiers will dare to fight with all their strength.

Zhang Shun knew how to motivate his soldiers with generous rewards, and Fu Zonglong was certainly not a fool. He opened his mouth and promised: "Repulse the bandit army, and anyone who participates in the battle will be rewarded with twenty taels of silver, and whoever gets the thief's head will be rewarded with fifty taels of silver!"

When the officers and soldiers heard this, they showed little interest. Firstly, the government has robbed the nearby people many times, so everyone has some money left on hand; secondly, the court only wants to give rewards, and how much they can actually get depends on the conscience of the chief official.

Since Fu Zonglong took office as governor of Henan, I have only heard of his reputation as a soldier, but not of his methods. But since he can work with a dog official like Zhu Dadian, how good can his conscience be?

Whether you believe it or not, I don’t believe it anyway!

Everyone looked at Fu Zonglong and took a few steps back. Fu Zonglong's face turned even darker, and he couldn't help shouting: "Where is Li Benji? Follow me and lead the crowd to follow. Anyone who dares to retreat will be shot without mercy!"

If inducement fails, then use coercion instead!

The two sides fought fiercely for a long time, and the officers and soldiers could not support them. Zu Kuan couldn't help but said to Li Chongzhen: "Fu Zonglong is so virtuous and capable, but he just bullies me into waiting for a warrior!"

"Now the thieves are as powerful as a rainbow. Our three armies have to fight hard all day and night to win. If we wait until the sky becomes clear, we may want to leave but have nowhere to go!"

Li Chongzhen also thought so, and the two of them quietly led the crowd outside the camp under the cover of darkness.

As soon as the second battalion of Zu Kuan and Li Chongzhen moved, Mou Wenshou, who was on the front line, immediately realized that something was wrong. He quickly gave orders to those around him: "I see that the two thieves Zu Kuan and Li Chongzhen are cowardly and will not live or die with me. I want to lead the people to chase them back. What do you think?"

We have two legs chasing someone else’s four legs. Are you kidding me?

But everyone is not worried about this. If you can’t catch up, then you can’t catch up. Then just chase for a few more days. It’s best to chase for three days and three nights!

Just leave as soon as you say it, no sloppiness at all.

First came Zu Kuan and Li Chongzhen's Liaodong cavalry, and then Mou Wenshou's infantry. After a while, the huge camp became empty, except for Fu Zonglong's Biao camp, which was surrounded by the rebels.

Fu Zonglong was frightened and angry. He quickly sent people to try to recall the generals, and at the same time sent people to Zhu Dadian in Weichuan for help.

Not to mention the outcome, by daybreak, the rebels used artillery to clear the way and followed up with infantry. They won consecutive battles and defeated Fu Zong's Longbiao camp.

The rising sun rises from the east, and the morning glow fills the sky like it's stained with blood. It penetrated the curling smoke and smeared on the ruins of the officers and soldiers' camp. For a moment, it was difficult to tell where the blood was and where the morning glow was!

Tattered corpses were everywhere, just like a garbage dump in later generations, being discarded casually.

Zhang Shun led Wang Jinyi, Niu Jinxing, Gao Guiying and others to choose the path under their feet, jumping and jumping to avoid the blood on the ground.

Just when Bai Guangen came up with a few soldiers, he asked: "How's it going? Have you found Fu Zonglong?"

Although his eyes were bloodshot and his body was covered with blood and dust, Bai Guangen still couldn't help but excitedly said: "King Shun, please come and see, Fu Zonglong is here!"

Under Bai Guangen's guidance, Zhang soon came to a place where corpses were piled up on a hill.

He followed Bai Guangen's fingers and saw an old man who was quite gorgeously dressed and covered in wounds. He was lying there with only the air coming in and no air coming out. He was dead.

Seeing Zhang Shun approaching, the old man also realized that this person was probably the "shun thief" he thought about day and night, and wanted to take advantage of him quickly. He couldn't help but use up all his strength, opened his mouth and cursed: "Rebel! Thief!" Then he died.

Zhang Shun smiled and didn't take it seriously. Instead, he asked: "How are the casualties of the soldiers? Can they be treated in time?"

"Fortunately, fortunately there are doctors and nurses. Most people have saved their lives!" Bai Guangen didn't have time to take stock of the injuries. He didn't know the extent of the damage, so he could only respond vaguely.

Zhang Shun also reacted and stopped asking questions. Instead, he chatted with him about the battle situation.

It was not until the afternoon of that day that Niu Jinxing found Zhang Shun, sweating profusely, and reported: "His Royal Highness King Shun, after counting, the rebel army lost 527 soldiers in the battle yesterday, and three were seriously injured." One hundred and fifty-four people, 1,143 were slightly injured.”

"807 officers and soldiers were killed, 506 were seriously injured, 2317 officers and soldiers were captured, 1203 war horses, 8735 stones of food and grass, worth of gold and silver Thirty-five thousand one hundred and five taels."

"In addition, the remaining 1,732 Xuanmo troops stationed in Changge surrendered after hearing the disastrous defeat of the officers and soldiers. The commander-in-chief Fu Zonglong died, and his subordinates Li Benshi and Yang Congyi died in the battle. Chen Shangcai disappeared, and Kong Chen Si was seriously injured, and Zhang Xianbi and Huang Chaoxuan led the remaining troops to join our army."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Zhang Shun couldn't help but responded excitedly after hearing this, "Let Li Xin, He Renlong, He Jin and others continue to pursue the officers and soldiers. Let Bai Guangen take a rest and head to Weichuan immediately."

"First, let's see if we can catch Zhu Dadian by the way, and second, let's meet the 'sweeping king' Zhang Yichuan."

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