Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 841 The great pass and the long road are as true as iron

The land of Qin is firmly based on Weihan and has hundreds of powerful passes. It has both armor and horses and elite soldiers. It has been an important place in the world since ancient times.

Once the world is in chaos, success will be the cause of the emperor, failure will be divided into one side, and the First Emperor will use it to rule the world.

Therefore, when Zhang Shunfang was based in Heluo, he had the intention to look down on this place. However, when the opportunity failed, he had no choice but to send two capable generals, Cao Wenzhao and Chen Changzhen, to conquer.

Who would have thought that for several months without success, the war situation had reached a stalemate. Zhang Shun had no choice but to ignore his physical and mental exhaustion and led two thousand cavalry under his command and a battalion of the general Wang Shaoyu to go to Nu Township to inspect the battle situation.

When Zhang Shun arrived, Cao Wenzhao was resting in Ranxiang County, and Chen Changzhen was presiding over the war at the front line.

Cao Wenzhao then carefully reported to Zhang Shun the course of the war and the current situation.

In ancient times, the first thing to consider when using troops was geographical advantages. Zhuge Wuhou once said: A general who does not understand astronomy, does not know geographical advantages, does not know strange gates, does not know yin and yang, does not understand the formation map, and does not understand the strength of the army, is mediocre!

And Tongguan, which happens to block the passage from Henan to Shaanxi, is a "geographical advantage".

Since ancient times, the main passage between Henan and Shaanxi has been the "Xiaohan Ancient Road", and the Xiongguan Pass built on the "Xiaohan Ancient Road" has been called the "Hundred and Erxiongguan" or "Hundred and Erqin Pass".

It only takes 20,000 troops to capture Qin, which can withstand millions of troops outside the pass.

The earliest Qin Pass was located at Hangu Pass in Lingbao. However, due to the continuous erosion of the Yellow River, the river channel was cut deep and the river bed was exposed. A new passage appeared on the side of the dangerous Hangu Pass, resulting in the dangerous Hangu Pass.

So later, in order to defend Han Sui and Ma Chao in Guanxi, Cao Cao had to build a new pass in the north of Tongguan County, Shaanxi, called Tongguan.

Later, there were many moves and abolitions, but the position was finally stabilized, and a complete defense system was formed with this as the core.

The first line of defense in this system is Hangu in front of Tongguan, which extends from Lingbao.

Letter refers to a quiver, and later it was extended to a box for holding things.

And Han Valley "starts from Xiaoshan in the east and reaches Tongjin in the west. The mountains are split in the middle, and the cliffs are thousands of meters high. There are roads like troughs, and they are as deep and dangerous as Han, so it is named." We can know the dangers of its location.

Zhang Shun traveled all the way from Luoyang, Henan. Although the world has changed a lot, many dangers in the past can be avoided.

He was able to lead his soldiers westward along the exposed yellow river bed, and the journey was smooth and unobstructed. He still saw many cliffs and mountains. Thinking about it carefully, he still couldn't help sweating and being horrified.

However, this is the appetizer. After passing the village and heading west, Tongguan is surrounded by the Qinling Mountains in the south and the Yellow River in the north.

From east to west, the valleys and plains in the south are intertwined, namely Niutouyuan, Wangyuangou, Linzhiyuan, Jinggou and Fengyiyuan.

Heading west from Nuxiang, the first thing you will see is Huangxiang Ban, which is sandwiched between Niutouyuan and the Yellow River.

Huangxiangban is about five miles long, and its terrain is very similar to that of Tongguan. It is still surrounded by mountains to the south and rivers to the north. The road is extremely narrow and it is difficult for the team to spread out.

At the end of Huangxiang Slope, at the junction of Wangyuan Valley and the Yellow River, there is a dangerous pass called Jindou Pass.

After passing Jindou Pass and proceeding along the river, you will encounter Tongguan City located at the entrance of Forbidden Valley and the river leading to the Guanzhong Plain.

The main city of Tongguan is "according to the mountain, eleven miles and seventy-two steps on the Monday, five feet high, and twice as high as the south. It faces the Hong River to the north, surrounded by huge waves, crosses Qilin Mountain to the southeast, and crosses Xiang and Feng Er to the southwest. The mountain is so towering and majestic in nature.”

Its city area is larger than Luoyang City, which has a circumference of eight miles and 340 steps.

Since the Hongwu period of the Ming Dynasty, Tongguan guards have been set up here. According to the quota, 5,600 people should be stationed here.

Although the system of the rear guard was ruined, there were too many soldiers in the guard post to be used.

However, now that Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian has led more than 10,000 elite troops to defend the city, and with Tongguan guards assisting him, it is really difficult to conquer easily.

Zhang Shun pondered for a moment and then asked: "Is it possible to take a detour? In the past, Wei Wu Tongguan fought Ma Chao, how can we defeat it?"

After Cao Wenzhao arrived here, he had already inspected the terrain and asked the guide, and he was very familiar with it.

He responded in a deep voice: "Tongguan is surrounded by mountains and rivers, and is the most dangerous place in the world."

"To its south, you can break through Jindou Pass, walk through Wangyuan Valley, cross Linzhiyuan, and then go around Tongguan Pass through Jin Valley."

"However, twelve connected cities were already set up in the Forbidden Valley, standing high and blocking the way. In the past, Huang Chao led his troops around this road and attacked Tongguan from both front and rear."

"Between Jindou Pass and Tongguan in the north, there is a crossing, which is called Fengling Crossing."

"In the past, Wei Wu confronted Han Sui and Ma Chao here, but secretly sent Xu Huang and his elite to sneak across Pu Ban."

"When Xu Huang successfully crossed the river, Wei Wu then crossed the river from this ferry to the north and entered Guanzhong from Pubanjin!"

"Oh?" Zhang Shun was stunned when he heard this. It turns out that Cao Mengde, who was killed in "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and had his beard cut off and his robes cut off, was able to defeat the generals in Guanzhong so cleanly?

From Zhang Shun's perspective, this is obviously a typical tactic of seducing the east and attacking the west. It seems that it is not advisable to study history from novels.

He couldn't help but asked curiously: "I wonder if General Cao has ever heard of Yang Guo?"

"What Yang Guo?" Cao Wenzhao was stunned, and Monk Zhang Er was a little confused.

Okay, it seems you don't know what "the first time we met at Fengling Ferry, the first sight of Yang Guo made us miss our lives".

Zhang Shun never expected that the famous scene in the previous martial arts novel actually took place across the river from the battlefield.

Without further ado, after listening to Cao Wenzhao's report, Zhang Shun's face became a little ugly.

Since Cao Wenzhao mentioned two examples of battles south of Tongguan and north of Tongguan, he must have tried them but failed to achieve any results.

What to do? Is it going to be a failure?

Time, time, when the Rebels urgently need to regain their footing!

Once the court took a breather and was besieged from all sides, Zhang Shun did not believe that he could defend the foundation of Heluo with just this few troops.

Zhang Shun thought for a long time and was about to decide to go to the front line to see the progress of the battle before making a decision.

I happened to hear a soldier reporting: "Captain Zhang heard that King Shun had arrived and came here specifically to pay his respects!"

"Oh? Please!" Zhang Shunqi put the matter aside and decided to meet Governor Zhang for now.

Not long after, Governor Zhang rushed over with a few people who were tired of traveling. After the two parties had a cursory greeting, Zhang Shun was about to say a few polite words.

Unexpectedly, Governor Zhang opened his mouth and said: "Zhang is incompetent. He has led his people here for many days. The cannon weighing ten thousand kilograms has been repeatedly failed. It is difficult to continue."

"I remember that when King Shun was in Shanxi Province, he was also quite good at forging cannons. I came here to ask questions, hoping that King Shun could give me some advice."

Haha, I was also a second-hand swordsman at that time. What suggestions can I give you?

Zhang Shun smiled bitterly, intending to refuse. But then he thought about it. After the rebel army defeated Fu Zonglong, the governor of Henan, and Zhu Dadian, the governor of Caoyun and the governor of Fengyang, he looked at Kaifeng Mansion and sighed.

Now that Dun's troops are under the fortified city of Tongguan, it is obvious that the rebels' siege technology urgently needs to be improved, and they can no longer turn a blind eye.

He nodded and said: "One person is short-term, and two people are long-term. Although I am not good at this, I will go and take a look to see if I can come up with some ideas!"

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