Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 843 Ten Thousand Categories of Red Yi Cannon (Part 2)

"Actually, clay molds are also used to cast cannons with fine sand!" Governor Zhang couldn't stand Zhang Shun's whimsical behavior, so he couldn't help but remind him, "Whether making cannon molds or cores, the surface is finely coated with fine sand. Fire resistance!”

"The gold and silver craftsmen use sand just to save trouble. It is not considered a craft."

"Are you trying to save trouble?" Zhang Shun couldn't help laughing when he heard this, "Isn't it good to save trouble? How long does it take to make a clay mold now, and how long does it take to make a sand mold?"

"It will take about a month from the start of construction to the launch of the guns. If the weather is cloudy, humid or rainy, the time will be extended!" Governor Zhang answered honestly.

"Ah? So from the time you came here to now, how many cannons have been fired in total?" It turns out that Zhang Shun failed to make cannons by himself before, so he worked hard to create miracles and tried his best to develop forged iron cannons, so he didn't care much about it. Familiar, I didn’t expect it to take so much time.

"Thirty-three furnaces, eleven doors!" Governor Zhang stretched out his three fingers in embarrassment and responded a little awkwardly, "The first furnace opened three doors, but the result was three attempts and three explosions; the second furnace opened six doors, There was no success; two more doors were opened just now, but this one has exploded."

Good guy, you just tried this little. Before Zhang Shun finished complaining, he suddenly remembered that this is a ten thousand kilogram iron cannon. How could he waste so much manpower and material resources?

But on the other hand, if he was able to smelt 100,000 kilograms of crude iron in these three months, he can be considered a good person, right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun simply ordered: "You will have someone try that 10,000-jin Hongyi cannon again later. If it works, then forget it; if it explodes again, you can honestly find some gold and silversmiths for me." , ask them for advice on how to make sand molds. We can’t always hang ourselves on a tree, so let’s try another method and see if it works!”

"Okay, then please ask King Shun to stay away for a while, so as not to disturb you!" Governor Zhang agreed honestly, and after reminding Zhang Shun a few words, he left alone.

Not long after, a huge sound was heard. Zhang Shun shook his head helplessly, and it exploded again.

As a veteran, he was used to hearing the sound of artillery, and of course he could distinguish the difference between normal cannon fire and the sound of artillery blasting.

The former has a dull and powerful voice, while the latter has a loud and sharp voice. The two are completely different.

Sure enough, after a while, Governor Zhang ran back in disgrace and honestly reported the results of the test firing to Zhang Shun. Zhang Shun thought for a while and consoled him: "Victory and defeat are common matters for military personnel and should not be feared. We just need to learn lessons from the failure process and make timely improvements."

"Let's go, come with me to take a look, and analyze the reasons carefully!"

Surrounded by everyone, they soon arrived at the gun test site. Sure enough, there was another piece of broken iron, and everyone was picking it up there.

Zhang Shun randomly selected a piece and showed it to Governor Zhang: "Look at this piece of iron. It has many holes and is very rough. How can it not explode?"

Governor Zhang took a closer look and saw that one of the holes formed by the bubbles could fit a finger in. He couldn't help but blush and said: "This humble minister really did his best, but his ability is limited."

"Don't say that!" Zhang Shun waved his hand, rudely interrupted Governor Zhang's words, and shouted sternly, "Whether it's casting a cannon or forging a gun, it's all about the spirit of science and the use of exquisite craftsmanship!"

"If the craftsmanship is not up to par, we should dig deeper and find the root cause. How can we simply judge it as success or failure?"

"These ten thousand kilograms of Hongyi cannons have never been cast by the Rebel Army before. It is very difficult to build a new one this time. How can we force it to succeed in one fell swoop?"

"This is what I think: when we cast cannons, we all use the Western modular theory. This is the theory of cannon casting!"

"Secondly, determine its length, weight, caliber, charge and accessories, etc. This is the method of designing artillery."

"Again, make a model, pour iron liquid, and it will take more than a month to complete. This is the method of cannon casting."

"Finally, the artillery is completed, pulled to an open area, loaded and tested, repeated several times. This is the method of testing."

"With these four elements, the artillery is completed. If it is made according to the law, and every time it is made, it can be used after passing the inspection. Then the art of casting cannons has been completed!"

"I wonder if Mr. Zhang thinks that cannon casting is not done right now. Where is his mistake?"

Zhang Shun's words divided the process of artillery casting into five stages: theory, design, technology, testing and mass production. Governor Zhang suddenly felt that his mind was much clearer.

He pondered for a moment and tentatively replied: "Is it between design and craftsmanship?"

"Is the modulus theory wrong?" Zhang Shun asked with a smile.

"The Western modulus method is better than that of China, and it must be correct!" Governor Zhang admitted honestly.

"Since the theory of modules is correct, how can the length, weight, caliber and charge of the cannon designed using the module method be wrong?"

"Well, I think it must have been cast incorrectly!" Governor Zhang fainted, his emotions swirling around him. Do you mean this problem is something else, or is it me?

"Why can't we get the right solution?" Zhang Shun was questioning Governor Zhang, but he was also questioning himself.

"I'm afraid this is because the minister is too stupid!" Come on, Governor Zhang just smashed the jar. Do you insist on holding on to my mistakes?

Zhang Shun patted his head helplessly. This guy was good at everything, but he didn't have any scientific spirit. He always thought about his own ability and dignity.

He couldn't help but remind: "Ice shrinks when it melts, and water expands when it freezes. There is a difference between solid and liquid! Molten iron and iron must also shrink and expand differently. It is not obvious when casting small parts; when the heavy cannon is cast, the problem will It will definitely appear, this is one of them.”

"When the molten iron is poured in, there is a difference between the left and right order. The one injected first will solidify, and the one injected later will melt. Its cold and heat are uneven, and its shrinkage and expansion are different, so there are many gaps. In addition, water vapor enters and has nowhere to come out, so there are many bubbles and cavities. , this is the second one."

"The rapid solidification of molten iron makes it brittle, while the slow solidification of molten iron makes it tough. There is a difference in whether the molten iron solidifies slowly. These are the three reasons."

"Please tell me about these three, and the artillery will definitely be completed!"

It turned out that in the process of questioning Governor Zhang, Zhang Shun gradually clarified his thoughts.

He originally thought that casting artillery was some kind of high technology, but now that he thought about it, it actually only involved basic physics knowledge such as solid-liquid conversion, thermal expansion and contraction.

Then, there are holes, bubbles and material problems in the artillery, as well as problems with the craftsmanship of steel, which are basically within the scope of Zhang Shun's understanding, so he made these remarks.

However, these remarks have no logical relationship with the previous sand casting. It's just that Zhang Shun suddenly got inspired and talked about whatever came to mind, trying his best to use the physics knowledge he learned in his previous life to analyze the principles.

But Governor Zhang was also dumbfounded when he heard this, which sounded a bit like "although he didn't understand it, he felt it was serious".

He subconsciously regarded sand casting as a solution to these problems and was ready to implement it immediately.

Due to this mistake, Captain Zhang's blind cat bumped into a dead mouse.

It turns out that clay mold casting was used for hundreds of years and was eventually replaced by more advanced sand casting.

The most important reason is that sand casting has good air permeability, is less likely to produce holes and gaps, and has a better shaping effect than clay mold casting.

Even before Zhang Shun traveled through his previous life, many modern factories were still using this process to cast large metal components.

This process is much better than the "iron mold cannon casting method" that Zhang Shun remembered in terms of practicality and scope of application.

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