Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 856 The Main Wife

"Have you finished everything?" the red lady asked with a smile.

"After we've dealt with it, we'll give each of them a beating and they'll all be honest!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"Are you really willing to do it?" The red lady couldn't help but laugh, "I've said it before, a woman just doesn't have sex for three days!"

"Even Confucius once said, 'Only women and villains are difficult to raise. If you are close, you will be disrespectful; if you are far, you will be resentful. A good beating will make you honest!"

"What nonsense? Confucius never said that last sentence!" Zhang Shun couldn't laugh or cry when he heard this. If your feelings "jump out of the three realms and are not in the five elements", do you not belong to the category of women?

"I added that sentence myself!" As she spoke, the red lady herself was overjoyed.

In this era, men have long been accustomed to "beating women while eating and sleeping."

Even the "Da Ming Code" stipulates: If a husband beats his wife, it will not be punished unless it is broken; if it is broken or more, he will be reduced to the second level of a mortal, and if he is dead, he will be hanged. Beating and injuring the concubine to more than a broken wound will reduce the punishment to beating and injuring the wife to the second degree, to death, a hundred canes and three years' imprisonment.

That is to say, from a legal point of view, if a man beats his wife and there is no injury, the court will not take issue with it. If the wife is injured, the wife's sentence will be reduced by two levels according to the standard for injuring an ordinary person, and the concubine's sentence will be reduced by two levels according to the standard for beating the wife.

In other words, when a man hits his wife in this era, the beating is basically in vain. There are basically no relief measures except for the parents to come and vent their anger.

In other words, Zhang Shun was deeply influenced by the morality of his previous life and had no habit of doing anything to his wives and concubines.

For this reason, he was often ridiculed by the red lady, saying that he was "unmanly".

This time, Zhang Shun actually took action himself, which was a rare thing.

After the red lady finished laughing, Zhang Shun answered: "This time, it's actually my fault."

"Since you followed me, whether you did it voluntarily or out of necessity, you are my woman after all. I don't want to see you suffer any injustice!"

"As long as you are good to me, I am good to everyone! I don't want to have to prioritize things so that everyone can be angered by others."

"But looking at it now, it won't work! If we can't establish the main office early and manage all the houses, I'm afraid that the military situation on the front line will be urgent and there will be chaos in the backyard, which will ruin the big thing!"

"This" the red lady couldn't help but restrain her smile.

She felt a little happy and a little nervous at the same time. After a while, she asked: "Then which one do you belong to?"

I, the Red Lady, have followed King Shun since I came. Two people, one master outside and one master inside, together as husband and wife, dominate the world. Now I have another son, who can inherit the great cause of King Shun, who else can I do?

"I think Sanniang is pretty good!"

"How good is this? Huh?" The red lady was originally ready to say something modest about herself, but she never expected to hear an unexpected name.

She could hardly believe her ears and couldn't help but ask again: "Who are you talking about?"

"Sanniang and I were childhood sweethearts. Although they have a wild temper, they are not harsh or harsh people. I think it is just right for her to manage the other girls!" Zhang Shun said seriously.

The red lady was at a loss. She thought that her opponent might be Ma Yingniang, who had a life-saving relationship with Zhang Shun and was quite powerful in the army; it might be Li Xiang, the master and servant who teamed up to make Zhang Shun dizzy; It might even be any of the noble concubines, princesses, or county lords among the girls who had just been brought back by Zhang Shun, but she never expected that it was Li Sanniang who was silent and could only regain her breath. !

"Why?" The red lady panicked, couldn't she just give birth to a son? I can too!

"Since I started the army, I have no one under me. My wife has been in charge of the affairs of the old camp for me. She is diligent and diligent, handling everything in an orderly manner, and not causing me any distraction. She is very virtuous, and she is called 'Zhuge among women' , Well deserved!" Zhang Shun looked into her beautiful eyes and responded seriously.

"Ma Yingniang, a female class member, saved me from the crowd of thousands of troops. Zhao Zilong in ancient times was just like that! She also took charge of the military academy for me. Among the rebels, which one did not have the Wushi banner commander she taught? Without her, there would be no one. Zhang Shun is here today!"

"Li Xiang is proficient in poetry and calligraphy. She not only wrote for me and made me famous among scholars, but also brought me back to life with her wonderful skills. Without her, Zhang's grave would have been overgrown with weeds!"

"As for Gao Guiying, Zeng Yurou and others, they all have their own friendships, so let's not mention them for now!"

"If it weren't for you, Zhang Shun would not be what he is today! If it weren't for my wife, there would be no Zhang Shun today! I have already engraved your love and affection for me in my heart, and I wish I could cut my belly open to show my heart!"

"How come I'm the only one born in the world, but I have so many close friends to accompany me! But it's my fault that I'm greedy and don't give up on anyone, so I'm fighting today!"

"If you are established as the right one, they will definitely not accept it; if you are established as theirs, you will be dissatisfied. In this case, why not establish Sanniang who has no support, and save her from pinching you in the future!"

"Besides, she is a stupid woman who doesn't understand anything. Even if she occupies the position of the main wife, it is just a false name. It is better for you to fight for me and ruin the harmony between husband and wife!"

What the hell? I'm stupid and I'm right! What kind of logic is this? The matchmaker doesn't accept this argument.

"You mean that all my hard work for so many years has been in vain?" The red lady was really angry.

This person not only played with her body, her emotions, but also her career. This is intolerable!

"In my heart, how can my wife be compared to the female generation? We are called husband and wife, but in fact we are monarchs and ministers. My wife should be a person who has become a general and a prime minister, and a person who is famous in the enemy's country."

"Wen Ke can be compared to Zhuge Fazheng, and Wu Ke can be compared to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. He is a first-class figure in the world. How can he be humiliated in the boudoir!"

Nima, I also want to be humiliated by you, why not!

The red lady couldn't laugh or cry. She never expected that Zhang Shun would be so ruthless and resort to such a "big killing move".

She couldn't help but retreat and asked: "I am just a person who can't see the light. Whether I am a wife or a concubine, I accept my fate. But what about my son? Will he have to succumb to others in the future?"

"Being inferior to others is better than killing each other!" Zhang Shun said coldly, "You only have one child now, and you may have several children in the future, but I already have several children, and there may be dozens in the future. child."

"If we didn't make plans early, would we still have to watch human tragedies happen again?"

"Then it will be okay if I switch to Sanniang?" the red lady said unconvinced.

"Did you know that this time besides Li Xiang, there is another person who is also pregnant!" Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"Who is it?" Lady Hong was startled, and then she suddenly realized, "It's Zhu'er, yes or no?"

The Red Lady has been in power for so long. If she said that she didn't put some people in place to find out information for herself, I'm afraid no one would believe it.

Based on Zhang Shun's words, she immediately inferred the result from all the abnormal news in the past.

"Yes, she is already six months pregnant! If I hadn't gone to Sanniang's room last night, I wouldn't have known about it!" Zhang Shun said with a bitter smile.

Damn it, no wonder Zhang Shun insisted on making Li Sanniang his first wife! The red lady knew something was wrong as soon as she heard this.

In this era, status was most important. Originally, Zhang Shun did not have a principal wife, and Hong Niangzi, Li Sanniang, Ma Yingniang and Li Xiang were all considered concubines.

Although Zhu'er, Jian'er and Liu Rushi can barely be regarded as dowry maids, in fact, if you look closely, they are just the master's playthings.

With such a low status, Zhu'er actually got pregnant before Ma Yingniang and Li Xiang.

Only by establishing Li Sanniang as the main wife and upgrading her to a serious dowry maid can it be considered legitimate.

Obviously, my husband-in-law is so compassionate that he is reluctant to let Zhuer abort the child, so this is the only way!

However, is the red lady willing to accept her fate?

She couldn't help but ask: "Now that the master's decision has been made, it's hard for me to say anything."

"It's just that the matter is big and it doesn't involve the head of the family. I don't know what Mr. Zhang and Mr. Lu are thinking. I still need their consent!"

Zhang Shun knew that this was the Red Lady’s “ trump card ”. He couldn’t help but smile bitterly and responded: “It’s a matter of course. I’m just the first to talk to you!”

Thank you to the fan "Mortal Dust" for the large reward. I specially added an update. Thank you boss for your support!

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