Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 878: Surrender first (Part 2)

As soon as Lu Xiangsheng said these words, Zhang Shun knew that there was something going on.

The so-called "loyalty and disloyalty" and "surrender and non-surrender" are not as absolute as black and white.

Just as "there is no love without reason in the world", there is no loyalty without reason in the world.

In this era, most officials did not actually have any lofty ideals, let alone unwavering beliefs.

A very small number of people can "repay the king with death", and they are already honest and righteous ministers.

In fact, the reason why most loyal ministers can stay in history is because they are relatively rare, and it is also the result of weighing the interests of many parties.

As the saying goes, "loyalty, filial piety and justice", although loyalty is the first morality of a courtier, some courtiers can still be exempted from condemnation if there are extenuating circumstances.

For example, Xu Shu during the Three Kingdoms period had to say goodbye to Liu Bei and switch to Cao Cao because his old mother was acquired by Cao Cao.

Another example is Yuchi Jingde who switched to Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty and Liu Bowen who switched to the Ming Dynasty Taizu. Because the old masters were immoral, they just had to abandon the dark side and join the bright side.

In order to persuade Lu Xiangsheng to surrender, Zhang Shun deliberately gained his mother, wife and two brothers from his family to provide him with reasons from the perspective of family ties and filial piety.

The identity of King Fu's "direct eldest brother" was deliberately brought up to prove the correctness of Lu Xiangsheng's "abandoning the dark and turning to the bright".

He personally stated his position that he would definitely return the power to King Fu, in order to eliminate the last concern in his heart.

Not to mention how effective these methods were, Lu Xiangsheng was grateful for Zhang Shun's thirst for talent.

Why did Zhuge Liang "dedicate himself to death" during the Three Kingdoms period? Isn't it the case that Liu Bei "wronged himself and stayed in a thatched hut three times"?

Not to mention how Lu Xiangsheng's mind turned over and over again, Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was a little unable to sit still.

King Shun, what do you mean? Are you looking down on me because you co-authored it?

He couldn't help but ask: "I wonder how Hong's family is doing now?"

Zhang Shunzheng stared at Lu Xiangsheng, waiting for him to express his position.

Unexpectedly, he was interrupted by Hong Chengchou. He couldn't help but turned around, looked at Hong Chengchou, and couldn't help but sigh: "Mr. Hong is sorry for the change. It's not Zhang who refuses to do his best. He is really incompetent!"

"What?" Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was shocked when he heard this and asked quickly, "King Shun, what do you mean?"

Surrender is a matter of dishonor, and anyone with a little bit of moral integrity will not feel ashamed of it, but rather feel proud of it. Therefore, when you persuade someone to surrender, you must give the other person enough respect, so as not to become angry and would rather die than surrender.

"After the people I sent arrived in Quanzhou, they found out that the court heard somewhere that you faked your death to get away with it, so they ordered that your brothers and wives were exiled for three thousand miles and lost their homes. When the people I sent arrived in Nan'an, there was only empty space left. It’s just an empty courtyard.”

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, suddenly felt his eyes darken and almost fainted to the ground. He couldn't help but said with grief and anger: "Who harmed me? Who harmed me!"

As an important minister of the imperial court, it was impossible for him to reach such a high position without a few enemies.

If he failed to "suppress thieves", he would be guilty of being defeated and captured, but at most he would only be punished by "reducing his status to the people and never using him again".

The punishment he received was obviously based on the clause in the "Da Ming Code" that "those who escape from the mountains and rivers and refuse to obey the pursuit will be considered as treason without committing the crime". According to the law, "the leader shall be hanged; the followers shall be caned." "One hundred, three thousand miles away" will be punished.

"I was wronged, I was wronged!" Hong Chengchou couldn't help shouting.

you deserve it! Zhang Shun couldn't help but said happily, you were quite happy as a traitor in your previous life, what's wrong with being a little wronged in this life?

It turned out that in addition to Li You personally earning Lu Xiangsheng's family, Zhang Shun actually ordered his entourage to take the opportunity to go all the way south to Quanzhou to find the family of Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces.

Although this guy was a traitor in his previous life, his hands were stained with the blood of the rebels and the common people in the south, and it would not be a pity to die ten thousand times.

However, now that I am a political figure, politicians must follow political rules.

Just like why Cao Cao didn't kill Liu Bei back then, since he wanted to recruit talented people from all over the world, he couldn't kill people based on personal preferences and grudges.

Sometimes, not only can one not kill, but one must also deliberately reward those whom one hates and hates, to show one's determination to distinguish between rewards and punishments.

Two days ago, Li You's entourage finally rushed back from all the way to report: "King Shun forgives his sins, but also his subordinates' incompetence! When I arrived at Nan'an, Quanzhou, Governor Hong's family had already been captured by the imperial court, and they were struck with a hundred sticks. , exiled for three thousand miles, with nowhere to go.”

Zhang Shun was pleasantly surprised when he heard this. I'm surprised that the court acted so quickly and actually struck first; I'm happy that this old boy's good deeds and evil deeds will eventually be rewarded, and you too are here today?

Of course, having said that, the process still has to go.

Zhang Shun couldn't help but burst into tears and said, "It's all because of Zhang that the Hong family is in trouble today."

"Originally, Mr. Zhang has no face to see you, but he still has some luck in his heart. I hope Mr. Hong can put aside his past grudges and be willing to work together with me to expedition north to the capital and expel the false emperor! Bring peace to the world and innocence to the world! "

Zhang Shun stared at Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, sincerely, while making constant calculations in his mind.

If this guy really dared to talk nonsense about letting his wife and concubines accompany him, I would pretend to be mad at him, fight for my reputation and castrate this guy, and keep him as a "big companion".

"Okay, okay, okay!" Hong Chengchou said with an angry smile, "You foolish king, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unjust! Hong is willing to follow King Shun and attack the capital in the north to build a great cause together!"

The governor of the five provinces, Hong Chengchou, was not a fool. How could he say such nonsense about letting the wives and concubines of the "thief chief" accompany him?

Not only did he not dare to mention it, he took the opportunity to pretend to be extremely angry and find excuses for himself to seek refuge with Zhang Shun.

It turns out that in history, this guy was deeply favored by Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, and was highly used. He also entrusted all the 130,000 elites in the country to his hands.

As a result, not only were many of these men and horses lost in one fell swoop, but this fellow was actually greedy for life and afraid of death.

It is really shameless to ignore the care of the old mother at home and quickly take refuge with the new owner.

Not to mention that all Han people in the world would like to eat their flesh and sleep on their skin. Even the Manchu Emperor Qianlong was not ashamed of his behavior.

Regardless of his great military exploits for the Qing Dynasty, he was directly included among the two ministers.

Of course, Zhang Shun didn't expect this man to be so shameless. He had just offered to recruit him, and this guy actually climbed up the pole.

Fortunately, Zhang Shun did not show any surprise and humiliated him a second time. He quickly became ecstatic, ordered Wukong to open the prison, took off his brocade clothes himself, and put it on for him, saying: "If I can help you, sir, half of the world will belong to me!"

Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, also hurriedly knelt down and said: "King Shun is willing to sacrifice his subordinates and does not regard them as despicable. He is truly the master of the world!"

Lu Xiangsheng was stunned for a long time, and after a long sigh, he also bowed: "I am willing to obey King Shun's order!

As far as the author is concerned, Hong Chengchou's surrender to the Qing Dynasty is nothing fancy. In fact, it should be just greed for life and fear of death. You must know that although Chongzhen was mean and ungrateful, he treated Yuan Chonghuan, Yang Sichang, and Hong Chengchou really well. Judging from the relationship between emperors and ministers in ancient times, it is a pity that except for Yang Sichang, who was somewhat loyal, the other two are really hard to describe.

Therefore, the author wrote very briefly about Hong Chengchou's surrender. He really didn't want to spend too much time on him.

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