Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 882 What happened outside the city

After three or five days of this, Lu Xiangsheng followed Zhang Shun's advice, dressed neatly, and secretly left Luoyang City to "tour the mountains and rivers."

In late spring, in March, warblers fly and grass grows. Although the Heluo area is not in the south of the Yangtze River, it has already been covered with green trees, including peanut trees.

This place is also famous for its eight scenic spots in Luoyang. As long as Lu Xiangsheng is willing, he can easily play there for several days.

It's just that Lu Xiangsheng has just been imprisoned by the rebels for more than three months, and was coaxed and tricked into joining the rebels by Zhang Shun. How can he have any fun now?

"I heard that the 'Evening View of Mang Mountain' is quite famous. It is on Pingfeng Mountain of Mang Mountain. Would you like to take a look?" Gu Xian, the servant, saw that Lu Xiangsheng was depressed and couldn't help but suggested.

"That's fine, there's nowhere to go anyway!" Lu Xiangsheng nodded, but his face showed no interest at all.

Gu Xian was bored, but he wasn't angry at all.

He just smiled and said, "What's going on, sir? Even though King Shun is said to be a thief, he is still very polite to me!"

"It's ugly to be a thief, but don't you know that there will be a time when you will be prosperous?"

"How do you say this?" Lu Xiangsheng didn't want to say anything, but Pastor Yang Lukai couldn't help but answer.

"Don't you hear the saying, 'If you want to be an official, kill people and set fires and receive an imperial edict?'" Gu Xian said with a smile, "If the imperial court can suppress it, it will suppress it; if it cannot suppress it, it will issue an imperial edict. This is the right thing to do!"

"Okay, stop talking!" Although Lu Xiangsheng was reluctant, now that he has changed his family, it is difficult to comment on the "Shunying" rebels behind his back.

However, he was also grateful for the companionship of these two people, and it was also for the purpose of liberating himself. It was not easy to scold them directly, so I had to end the topic early.

Yang Lukai and Gu Xian also knew that it was not good to talk about "shunying" behind their backs, so they stopped saying anything and just silently held their horses and accompanied Lu Xiangsheng.

Although the Heluo area is mountainous, the Heluo Basin is quite flat.

Lu Xiangsheng and others left Luoyang City and looked up to see a vast plain. The crops in the fields were neatly spread out, like pieces on a chessboard, spread out densely on the vast wilderness.

Scattered villages are also scattered on the wilderness like chess pieces, looking like a picture of a farming wilderness.

Lu Xiangsheng was in a better mood and couldn't help but suggest: "Come with me to the village ahead for a walk!"

Where do Yang Lukai and Gu Xian have any opinions? The rest of the guards who followed Lu Xiangsheng out of the city to perform had nothing to say, so they all walked towards a village in the distance.

When he arrived at the entrance of the village, Lu Xiangsheng got off his horse and saw an old farmer sitting in the field holding a ladle and drinking water from a bucket.

He then stepped forward and gave a salute and said with a smile: "I'm fine, I'm fine. Can you please give me a drink of water? I'll give you the money in one shot!"

"You, if you want to drink, just drink, if you don't want to drink, just leave!" the old farmer said angrily, "I think you are a sensible person, how could you say such stupid things!"

"I'm rude!" Yang Lukai and Gu Xian saw this guy's bad attitude and were about to step forward to scold him. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiangsheng stopped him with his hand and apologized with a smile.

It turned out that when Lu Xiangsheng was the governor of Yunyang, there were unruly people in the poor mountains and rivers there, and many of the people were both civilians and bandits, which caused him quite a headache.

In the past, Lu Xiangsheng would be lucky if he didn't ask for water from them or if they suddenly turned against him and drew out their swords and guns to take the opportunity to beg for their lives.

Now that he has arrived in this place with simple folk customs, he is still a little unaccustomed to it.

Lu Xiangsheng reached out and grabbed the water ladle in the bucket, scooped up a full ladle, drank it all, then handed it to Yang Lukai and Gu Xian, and asked with a smile: "My father-in-law Gui Geng, how come you are not afraid when you see us?"

"Are you officers and soldiers, or what?" the old man said rudely, "As long as you are King Shun's soldiers, and I have not offended you, how can I be afraid of you?"

"I have to ask, are you afraid that King Shun's military skills will fail, and you still dare to scare me, old man?"

"What about the officers and soldiers, and what about the rebels?" Lu Xiangsheng was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help asking.

"The officers and soldiers are like wolves and tigers, specializing in killing my civilians and plundering my property. They already stink in the wind, and their cries can be heard for hundreds of miles!"

"But King Shun's soldiers neither torture nor kill. They come like passers-by and walk like pedestrians. They make no sound and never disturb the people!"

"Oh?" Lu Xiangsheng was stunned when he heard this. He had been an imperial official for so many years, and had also been in charge of military affairs in Daming Mansion, Yunyang Mansion and other places.

What kind of arrogant soldiers has he not seen before? But I have never heard of such a team.

He couldn't help but wonder: "Anyone who dares to fight is as good as a wolf and a tiger. The soldiers under King Shun are so honest and true to their duties, how can they be the opponents of the officers and soldiers?"

"How do I know this? It must be 'good people will be rewarded with good things, evil people will be rewarded with evil things', 'good and evil will be rewarded in the end'!" The old farmer didn't understand this either, so he couldn't help but shook his head and guessed casually.

As the old farmer spoke, he looked up at the sun and couldn't help but smile: "I think you are a matchmaker. Wait a minute, I'll treat you to a good treat!"

As he spoke, the old farmer picked up the rake at hand, walked into the field and waved it a few times, then leaned over and dug out a few root-like things.

After digging several times in a row, he abandoned the rake and walked back with it in his arms.

The old man picked one out at random, waved his hand to Lu Xiangsheng as if offering a treasure, and said with a smile, "Guess what this is?"

"Sweet potato?" Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but lost his voice.

"Do you know it too?" The old farmer was bored, picked one at random, took a ladle of water to wash away the soil, and started chewing on it.

While eating, he said, "You can pick two pieces, wash them and eat them!"

Lu Xiangsheng smiled and picked up a piece. He looked at it and saw that it was not as big as a fist. He couldn't help but ask: "Why did you dig it up now? If it had grown for a month or two, wouldn't it be a pity that it would be so big?"

He asked, gesturing casually.

"Oh, I don't see that you are quite knowledgeable!" The old farmer couldn't help laughing, "This thing has a large yield, dozens of stones per acre, which is twenty times better than growing grain."

"Under the rule of King Shun, we never had a shortage of food and drink. The price of food was lower than elsewhere. This food is enough to satisfy our hunger, so we don't cherish it very much."

"How much have you planted? How much is the tax?" Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but continue to ask.

"We have a small field at home, and we have planted five or six acres of sweet potatoes. If nothing unexpected happens, we will produce 200 shi in the middle of the year!" The old man said with a smile, "The rebels will pay about 13 shi for the 15-yuan tax. Although I don't have to pay it. A little, and the rest is enough for half a year."

"Isn't this low?" Lu Xiangsheng asked strangely.

"It's indeed not low, but the rebel army collects physical goods, unlike the government, which has to sell the money and then pay it, which incurs a lot of losses!"

Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but sigh after hearing this, and suddenly understood Zhang Shun's intention.

He had also stayed in Yunyang for a long time, and he had some knowledge of the things planted by the mountain people in the Jingxiang Mountains, and regarded them as nothing more than a rarity.

If he hadn't seen this thing transplanted here with his own eyes today, he would have never thought of promoting it to other places.

Since ancient times, there has been no great virtue in living. If King Shun, on the one hand, vigorously promoted high-yield crops, and on the other hand, restored the method of collecting grain from the beginning of the country, it would be a great good governance to stabilize the people.

There is something delayed today. There is only one chapter. Please forgive me.

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