Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 894 Hollow Square (Part 1)

Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, was indeed not a person with an unworthy reputation. Although his cavalry were numerous, they did not rush forward in a daze.

After the cavalry that went to clean up Juma and Caltrop were repelled by the rebels, he immediately ordered the second group of cavalry to go and clean up.

The rebels immediately used muskets and artillery to suppress the attack.

The five hollow square formations of the rebel army were arranged in a plum blossom shape. To the officers and soldiers in front of them, it was a three-talent formation with Lieutenant Commander Bai Guangen as the core and the left and right wings as wings.

Therefore, the officers, soldiers and cavalry first cleared the two wings, and then cleared the obstacles in front of the Zhongsi formation.

However, when the officers and soldiers tried to clear the Zhongsi's horses and caltrops, Bai Guangen ordered the Zhongsi to resist in time, and let the left and right wings cross fire to shoot the officers and soldiers.

The cavalry who came to clear the obstacles in front of Zhongsi's formation suffered heavy losses and had to be defeated again.

"General, the enemy's firepower and artillery are too fierce, and the brothers can't withstand it!" The defeated general rolled and crawled in front of Zuo Guangxian and couldn't help but wailed.

"Trash!" Zuo Guang kicked him away with a cold face and took two steps forward to carefully examine the formation of the rebels.

He then showed a smile and said: "The thieves really don't know how to fight. Their formation is strong on the outside and weak on the inside. It is actually a good way to defend against artillery. But when it comes to my three-sided cavalry, it is actually vulnerable to a blow!"

"Give me the order. Order the first, third, and seventh formations of cavalry to advance along the city wall and attack the traitor's right formation in turn. Order the second, fourth, and fifth formations of cavalry to harass and advance in succession, waiting for an opportunity to attack the traitor's left formation. Sixth formation, eighth formation, Array, plunder the array for it.”

"As for the thief Zhongjun, don't worry about him for now. I want to see if he saves the left or the right!"

The way you use military force is to hurt others without harming them!

Don't look at the fact that Zhang Shun and Zuo Guangxian have just fought against each other. In fact, the two have already been fighting wits and courage for countless rounds.

Previously, Zuo Guangxian led the defeated troops to occupy Tongguan, blocking the only way for the rebels to enter Shaanxi. This was the first step for Zuo Guangxian to turn against the enemy and use defense as offense.

As a result, while Zhang Shun built thousands of kilograms of Hongyi cannons, he asked his soldiers to bypass the Forbidden Valley and attack Tongguan from both front and back, regaining the initiative from Zuo Guangxian.

Then, Zuo Guang first retreated to Huayin and Huazhou, using Huayin's defense city as a shield and Huazhou's cavalry as his sword, once again delaying the rebel attack.

Zhang Shun used 10,000 kilograms of Hongyi cannon to clear the way and stormed Huayin City, attracting Zuo Guangxian to lead his cavalry to attack, and the initiative of both sides changed hands again.

After Zuo Guang, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, arrived outside Huayin City first, he occupied the higher ground in the south of the city and launched an attack on the flank of the rebel army, also preparing to seize the lost initiative from the rebel army.

why is it like this? If you can make the enemy come, it will benefit him; if you can prevent the enemy from coming, it will harm him!

This is a typical Go thinking, neither fighting for a city or a pool, nor caring about the gains and losses of a victory or a defeat. Instead, try to weaken the enemy, strengthen yourself, and finally achieve your goal in one fell swoop.

Soldiers are important matters of the country, the place of life and death, and the path to survival. They must be observed.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, you must not just gongs and drums in front of each other and fight to the death with the opponent!

To put it mildly, this kind of behavior is called recklessness, but to put it more elegantly, it is called "the defeated soldier fights first, and then seeks victory."

In this process of intrigues between the two sides, the disadvantaged side has to sacrifice human lives to make up for the disadvantage, so as to prevent the entire army from falling into a passive situation and causing the three armies to overturn.

Just like before, Zuo Guang occupied Tongguan first, and the rebel army had to attack Tongguan's natural barrier; the officers and soldiers occupied Huayin City, and the rebel army had to attack Huayin City. This is the reason.

Now that the rebels have taken the initiative, if Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, wants to ensure that Huayin is not lost and his "shield and sword defense system" is not broken, he has to take the initiative to launch an attack and kill the rebels to force them to retreat.

The attack point Zuo Guangxian chose was the right wing of Bai Guangen's camp, which was a group of troops close to Huayin City.

It must be said that Zuo Guangxian had a vicious vision. If the officers and soldiers easily repulsed this group of troops, not only would Lieutenant Commander Bai Guangen be exposed to the cavalry of the officers and soldiers, but there would also be only one division between the officers and soldiers and the rebel siege team.

Once the last division is defeated by the officers and soldiers, the soldiers who boarded the city will be directly exposed to the front of the officers and soldiers, and are likely to be cut into two pieces. The officers and soldiers who boarded the city will have no way to retreat.

"Come for me!" The leader of the first group of officers and soldiers raised his sword high, pointed at Bai Guangen's right wing, and ordered loudly.

The obstacles between the two sides have been cleared long ago. There is only a simple layer of horses and iron caltrops close to the soldiers, which is better than nothing.

"Gunner, prepare, load double shotgun shells!" the right-wing director of the rebel army also shouted loudly.

If you dare to come, I will kill you!

"Seventy steps, sixty steps, fifty steps!" the observation gunner loudly announced the enemy's distance, "Let go!"

The deafening sound of artillery sounded, and seven or eight medium-sized artillery pieces such as the Second General and the Anti-Japanese Cannon sprayed out a large amount of shotgun shells. Suddenly, more than ten riders fell off their horses, fell to the ground, and were immediately covered by dense horse hooves.

"Pull the string!" After the artillery was fired, it retreated to the hollow square array under the huge recoil. The soldiers quickly dragged it into the array, quickly cleared the barrel, and continued to load ammunition. At the same time, the rebels were not idle yet, and the director quickly ordered the soldiers to pull off the final mines.

It turns out that the landmines carried by the rebels this time, in addition to trip mines, also included some pull mines.

The reason why the rebels stayed for so long was to disrupt the charging formation of the officers and soldiers.

Sure enough, a huge noise suddenly sounded from the group of officers, soldiers and cavalry, and a few unlucky ones were blown to the ground on the spot. Others were also frightened, and some of them started running back and forth with the soldiers on their backs, causing the charge formation to become a mess.

"Fire arrows! Fire blunderbuss!" The distance between the officers and soldiers on horseback became closer and closer, the ground trembled, and the sound of huge horse hooves shocked the minds of the rebels. The soldiers standing in the front row turned pale. After all, how can a human body of flesh and blood withstand a heavy collision?

The commander gave the order at the right time, and the archers, gunmen and small gunmen mechanically loosened the bowstring, pulled the trigger, or ignited the burning line according to the order, and projected the arrows into the enemies in front of them. middle.

Although they repeated the movements in their hands numbly, as if they had no emotions, in fact, their trembling hands had already exposed the fear in their hearts.

However, none of these soldiers dared to turn around and run away. Because as long as you turn around, you will be executed on the spot by the swordsman behind you.

It's too late, but it's soon.

The distance between the officers, soldiers and cavalry and the rebels soon shortened from fifty steps to forty, thirty, twenty, or even more than ten steps!

"On top of the spearmen, the archers, gunmen and small gunmen retreated into the formation!" The voice of the director who gave the command also trembled.

A group of cavalry officers and soldiers is actually divided into many small groups to reduce the damage caused by fire.

However, for a hollow square formation like theirs, it is still deadly enough.

In fact, Zuo Guangxian was right. For an infantry formation to resist cavalry charges, it is natural that the formation must be dense and thick to withstand sufficient impact.

However, a formation that is dense enough and thick is the best target for artillery damage.

For infantry formations, resisting cavalry and resisting artillery are completely contradictory needs.

Therefore, the hollow phalanx came into being. It not only has some advantages of the original phalanx, but also reduces the damage caused by artillery to the soldiers as much as possible.

Of course, sugar cane is not as sweet at both ends.

Since the hollow phalanx has so many advantages, its ability to withstand cavalry impacts is lower than most conventional solid phalanxes.

It's a pity that Zhang Shun didn't have enough time to skillfully train the new formations used by Bai Guangen and He Renlong's second battalion and change them at will.

In this battle, was it the rebels' new hollow phalanx that withstood the three-sided elite cavalry of the officers and soldiers, or was it the three-sided elite cavalry that defeated the rebels' hollow phalanx? What was the outcome? Please listen to the breakdown next time!

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