Zhang Shun once again deeply felt the important role of cavalry. The "Purple Gold Liang" took the lead and escaped with two thousand people. Although he lost thousands of his subordinates, it didn't matter to him. As long as he had these elites in his hands, he could reorganize more than ten thousand troops in an instant. After all, for the current Ming Dynasty, there is no shortage of people who cannot survive everywhere.

But Zhang Shun had no choice. He only had dozens of "horse militia" who could barely be called cavalry. They had no combat effectiveness at all and could only be used as a trump card at special moments. His foundation is still the car camp under his command, which carries his food, his artillery and all his dreams.

In desperation, Zhang Shun could only retreat slowly in formation. After a while, there was a commotion in the distance, and Zhao Lizi sent someone to report: "The rebel army broke out and fled in all directions. Please pay attention to the break-up of the army, lord."

Zhang Shun had just taken advantage of his defeated soldiers and charged into battle, so how could he not be wary of this? He quickly ordered the officers and soldiers behind the palace to surrender and said: "If anyone rushes into the formation, regardless of the officers or soldiers, they will be killed on the spot!"

After a while, as expected, a stream of people rushed over. There were both rebels and some officers and soldiers who were swept in. Those officers and soldiers were originally Song Tongyin's subordinates who were routed by Zhang Shun. However, they were swept in by the fleeing rebel army and did not dare to resist, let alone move against the flow of people. He had no choice but to run away, and secretly prayed that the "thieves" would accidentally pull him and others down while escaping.

This group of people were following their instincts to run for their lives. Wherever they could control the direction, many people rushed straight towards Zhang Shun's formation. When the surrendered officers and soldiers saw this posture, how could they dare to let go? If one is not careful and is trampled to death by the crowd, that would be extremely painful. It would be a waste of time for him to come to this world!

As a result, the surrendered officers and soldiers brandished their swords and spears to kill the people rushing into the formation. But they all have cold weapons in their hands, so how can they fight? Some officers and soldiers who surrendered were even accidentally killed by the rush of people.

For a moment, the defense line was in danger, and there was a look of despair in the eyes of these surrendering officers and soldiers: they could not resist it anymore, but if they turned around and fled, they might be blasted to pieces by Zhang Shun's artillery behind them.

When Zhang Shun saw that something was wrong, he did not dare to push too hard, so he quickly ordered his men to roll out two cannons and light the fire gate at the crowds of people. The gunners standing in the front row of the crowd watched Zhang Shun's gunners light the fire door. They couldn't help being frightened and cursed: "'Optimus Prime', I'm going to expose you."

Before he could finish his words, he only heard two deafening loud noises, and the battlefield suddenly became much quieter. Everyone watched in stunned silence as a bloody path appeared in the crowd, and an inverted arrow-shaped gap was directly blasted out by artillery loaded with shotgun shells and live ammunition.

The shape of the inverted arrow is the result of shotgun blasts. The corpses on the ground were beaten like a hornet's nest, with holes everywhere; the shape of the arrow shaft connected to the arrow is a line blasted by solid cannonballs. This line is everywhere They were all broken limbs. The dead were all bloody and bloody, and the undead fell to the ground moaning and screaming, a scene like hell.

The fleeing people, whether they were rebels or officers and soldiers, had been in battle for a long time and were used to seeing corpses, but they had never seen such a bloody scene. The dense crowd was shot twice, and it turned out to be so ferocious. Many people couldn't help but feel sick, lying next to them and retching. For a moment, both the enemy and ourselves were stunned.

After coming for a while, the sound of fighting behind them sounded again. Only then did these people realize their miserable situation and started running around again in a mess. However, this time they all had a better memory and stayed far away from Zhang Shun's formation. They didn't even dare to look at them, as if they were afraid that they would be infected with the plague.

Zhang Shun ignored the fearful looks around him and arranged for his troops to retreat in formation. However, although no one came to stop them, the speed was still very slow. After a while, another person came over covered in blood. Zhang Shun asked someone to come forward and asked. It turned out to be "Lao Huihui" and other rebel leaders. They led three to five hundred cavalry, and they were all in a miserable state.

When they saw Zhang Shun, they didn't even bother to take a breath, they just said: "'Optimus Prime', please take care of yourself, the officers and soldiers have already caught up!"

After hearing this, everyone panicked and quickly advised Zhang Shun to pack lightly, abandon the ox cart and run away quickly. In fact, Zhang Shun was also very entangled at this time. On the one hand, he was worried that if he was surrounded by the army, not only could the ox cart be saved, but he might also lose his life; on the other hand, he was worried that if he abandoned the ox cart, what would he have left? There were no supplies to win over the soldiers, and they scattered in all directions. Wouldn't it be possible to tie him up with just one classic and then hand him over to the capital to be cut into pieces with a thousand swords?

Thinking of this, Zhang Shun couldn't help but get angry: "The people on the left and right are dead, if you fight to the death, there may be a way to survive!" If he lost these tribesmen, wouldn't he even have the power to resist? Thinking of this, Zhang Shun shouted loudly: "'Zijin Liang' and others all have horses to ride, and we are all foot soldiers. If we abandon them, wouldn't we all end up beheaded?"

"Brothers, it was Meng Jin who came with me. We all left our homes hundreds of miles away to avoid the flood, just for the sake of wealth. Now that things are slightly unfavorable, how can I abandon it and just live in vain? Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi, You are a mediocre person. I can break it if you set up a large formation of ten thousand people. How can I not break it a second time? I swear to live and die together with my brothers!"

Zhang Shun's soldiers heard about it and their morale was greatly boosted. When the four to five hundred surrendered officers and soldiers heard about it, they looked at each other and turned pale.

Sure enough, after waiting for a long time, Zhang Shun waited for the car formation to retreat for more than ten miles, and saw another group of cavalry rushing over. As a result, before Zhang Shun could send anyone to inquire, he saw the two wings of the cavalry sweeping up and attacking the cavalry. The cavalry in the middle surrounded them. It turned out that another group of rebels was fleeing. Unfortunately, they were surrounded by officers and soldiers and were unable to escape.

During the cavalry melee, there were actually many more infantry, and they were also officers and soldiers who followed. Zhang Shun was shocked. While he ordered his soldiers to prepare for defense, he sent Chen Changzhen to inquire about the situation.

Chen Changzhen rides a bay-red horse and holds a green dragon sword, which is a vivid image. When the officers and soldiers saw this murderer, they all retreated and did not dare to step forward. Chen Changzhen took the opportunity to ask: "Who is in front? Can you rush out?"

After hearing this, the besieged man cried with joy and said: "Are you a subordinate of Optimus Prime? Can you save me? I am the Eight King Kongs. I cut off the escape route for the rebels, and I was entangled by these dog officers and soldiers and couldn't escape. ”

When Chen Changzhen heard that he was a righteous man, he decided to save him. Unfortunately, he knew that he and others were weak and powerless, so he only answered vaguely: "Changzhi cannot make the decision, so he needs to ask the lord for orders."

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