Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 903 Three Strategies

The emperor Chongzhen, who did not like the fireworks of the world, and the sincere gentleman Yang Sichang, did not know that Shaanxi had already turned into a powder keg. As soon as Zhang Shun's spark burst into it, there would be an earth-shattering explosion.

Those two people were talking and talking nonsense in the temple. It was really ridiculous.

It is said that after hearing Yang Sichang's words, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but smile and said: "Listening to your words is worth ten years of reading."

"Since I have been on the throne for several years, this is the first time that someone can analyze the situation so clearly. It really doubles my confidence."

"I just don't know how Aiqing thinks we should deal with the current enemy?"

"This is my third strategy, which is called 'advance from north to south and attack from east to west'."

"What is the plan of 'advance from north to south and attack from east to west'?" Chongzhen couldn't help but asked quickly after hearing this.

"The ones from the north and south are Shanxi and Huguang; the ones from the east and west are South Zhili and Shaanxi." Yang Sichang quickly suggested after hearing this.

"I intend that the governors of the four provinces each select 10,000 soldiers as the standard camp. Among them, the governors of the three provinces of Shaanxi will have 50,000 men and horses. In addition, the five general soldiers will mobilize the elite of the guard station, totaling 100,000 men and horses."

"Shanxi ordered the governor of Shanxi, Wu Gang, to train 10,000 elite troops on his own. Each of the three towns of Xuanda was to deploy 10,000 elite troops. The governor of Xuanda was to train 10,000 elite troops on his own, for a total of 50,000 elite troops."

"Zhu Dadian, the Governor of Water Transport and Governor of Fengyang, mobilized Shandong spearmen and Kaifeng government officials to select and train 10,000 elite troops. Then he gathered other guest troops, numbering 30,000."

"Xiong Wencan, the governor of Huguang, also selected and deployed more than 10,000 troops, plus more than 10,000 original elite troops, for a total of 20,000 troops."

"If this is the case, a total of 200,000 men and horses, surrounded from all sides, will definitely be able to wipe out this beast in one fell swoop."

"When the traitors are wiped out and the world is at peace, the imperial court will have its own elite soldiers and strong generals, march northward, and annihilate the Tartars in one fell swoop. When the time comes, it is your Majesty who will restore the achievements of Taizu and Chengzu!"

"Okay, okay, okay! My blood is boiling after hearing this!" Chongzhen was so excited when he heard this, he couldn't help but stand up and walk back and forth, quite eager to try.

When Yang Sichang heard this, he was not happy but worried. He couldn't help but think: No wonder people often say that the Holy Spirit is impatient, but he is a little younger after all. I just proposed a few countermeasures, and he was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

After Chongzhen was excited for a moment, he continued: "If you only do this, it is still not enough to deal with the current situation!"

"I don't want to fight. If the Tartars refuse, what can I do?"

"This?" Chongzhen was stunned when he heard this, and his feverish mind suddenly became clearer.

Fortunately, he also knew that since Yang Sichang, the new Minister of War, raised this issue, he must have a countermeasure. So, he asked: "As a lover, what should I do?"

"I intend to use the five towns of Jiliao, Liaodong, Jizhou, Changping, Shanhai and Zhenbao as the core. Each of them will select and train 10,000 elites, and a total of 50,000 horses will support each other. Then the three strong cities of Jinzhou, Shanhaiguan and Jizhou will be used as the core. With that, I can ward off the Tartars."

"In this way, although the imperial court received 250,000 elites, in fact, apart from the selection of elites by the towns, it was actually only 120,000 newly trained horses. On the contrary, there was a lot of salary left."

"Okay!" Chongzhen finally calmed down this time, and after thinking for a long time, he responded, "It's just that the Tatars are now in ruins, and most of them were captured by the bandits. The land on the three sides and Xuanda is also easy to be invaded by the bandits, sir. It’s better to mobilize as many people as possible from the mainland to suppress the bandits.”

Yang Sichang was scratching his head when he heard this.

Two hundred and fifty thousand elites are not enough, so how can we deal with two enemies?

Fortunately, he also had remedial measures, so he couldn't help but respond: "The imperial court has nine sides and thirteen towns. In fact, there are three or four hundred thousand troops. It is enough to defend the city."

"Your Majesty is only worried about Xuanda and Shaanxi. If this is the case, it would be better for Xuanda to send 20,000 troops and Shaanxi to send 10,000 troops to prepare for the Tartars."

"Your Majesty can still mobilize 20,000 white pole soldiers of Qin Liangyu, the chieftain of Shizhu, as well as other chieftains and Sichuan soldiers to make up for the shortage."

"Although it is 10,000 less than the original plan, it is still enough to crush the bandits in one fell swoop!"

"Okay, just follow Aiqing's plan!" Chongzhen said after hearing this.

Soon after this was discussed by the cabinet and ministers of various ministries, the governors, governors and generals of the army were distributed to various places to plan and act.

This imperial edict was immediately transmitted to Guyuan, Shaanxi Province, and Liang Tingdong, the new governor of the three sides who had just arrived, almost became angry and vomited blood.

Good guy, I just took office and faced such a difficult task.

If he were asked to choose 50,000 people, that would be a trivial matter. Shaanxi is located on the border and has been fighting against the marauding Mongols all year round. The military skills of the officers and soldiers of the guard station have remained at a relatively high level.

If the imperial court has enough money, money and food, not to mention fifty thousand or one hundred thousand, but even two hundred thousand troops, why should it be afraid?

But does the imperial court have it? The court didn’t!

The 2.8 million taels of silver planned by Yang Sichang will require at least one fiscal year of revenue and expenditure reduction to be allocated. Where can he come up with this much silver taels now?

There was no other way, so Liang Tingdong took the easy way out and ordered the general soldiers of the five towns to deploy 10,000 horses each to deal with the court's errands.

It happened that Hong Chengchou, the governor of the five provinces, was defeated and died. The remaining defeated soldiers followed Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, and fled to Tongguan. His mission of 10,000 troops was completed.

Then the general military officers of the remaining four towns of Gansu, Ningxia, Yulin and Lintao transferred 10,000 troops from the town's garrison and reported on their political achievements.

Liang Tingdong breathed a sigh of relief and thought to himself: "As long as I have these 50,000 elite soldiers in hand, although I am not aggressive, I can still deal with the many bandits who have caused trouble in the three sides and four towns of Shaanxi."

He was about to ask his soldiers to call the governors of the other four towns to discuss how to suppress the bandits.

Unexpectedly, a soldier ran in panting and shouted: "Urgent military situation, urgent military situation!"

"Why are you so panicked?" Liang Tingdong firmly believed in the style of "not changing his expression even if Mount Tai collapses in front of him", so Shi Shiran asked.

"The famous pirate chiefs Dorgon, Yue Tuo and others led a large army to Guihua City. I don't know what their purpose is!"

"What?" Liang Tingdong's heart tightened and he almost couldn't lift it up in one breath.

He had served as Minister of War during the three to four years of Chongzhen's reign, and he was well aware of Hou Jin's toughness and resistance to war.

Liang Tingdong originally thought that he had escaped the post of Governor of Xuanda this time, and he had escaped a disaster. He never expected that he had just arrived in Shaanxi, and the bandits would also follow him.

what to do?

Liang Tingdong, the new governor of the three sides, couldn't help but bite the bullet and ordered: "Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guang first defends Tongguan to prevent the thieves from entering Shaanxi."

"The two towns of Ningxia and Yansui are on constant alert and guard the city. Once there is a police officer, it must be conveyed to the governor as soon as possible."

"As soon as possible, the Gansu General Soldier and the Lintao General Soldier will lead their 10,000 elite troops to Guyuan. They will accompany the governor to support the two towns of Ningxia and Yansui at any time to prevent the invasion of the Japanese invaders!"

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