Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 911 A strange combination of circumstances

It is said that the "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun and the "Huntian Star" Huiden cooperated in a division of labor. One of them pretended to attack, and the other defrauded the city.

The next day, it was still dark.

The "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun was wrapped in a quilt and still asleep. Suddenly he heard a soldier shouting: "Head plate, hold plate! There's a fight on the other side of the city!"

Tuo Yangkun's many years of wandering experience made him very wary.

He trembled when he heard the sound, turned over and sat up, and asked quickly: "What's going on? What time is it now?"

"Return to the master of the plate, it's five o'clock in Yinshi!" the soldier responded quickly.

Yinshiwuji is almost equivalent to four o'clock in the morning in later generations. Now it is April, and there is almost half an hour before dawn.

"It's early!" Tuo Yangkun frowned when he heard this. He and "Huntianxing" Huiden originally agreed to meet at Mao hour, but how come it was half an hour earlier?

He quickly put on his clothes, opened the curtain and went out to take a look. He saw that the sky outside was a bit white.

Under the reflection of the sky, Pingliang City was still pitch black, like a giant beast lurking in the night.

And behind Pingliang City, there was a faint sound of fighting in the distance.

Tuo Yangkun deliberately sent his nephew and a few riders to investigate, but he was afraid of losing the opportunity, so he asked the city to be prepared.

After thinking about the low amount of food and grass in the army, and the black bean and wild vegetable porridge that was too thick to be eaten last night, he gritted his teeth and ordered: "Where is Su Peng? Ask him to bring his men and horses, and attack me as soon as possible!"

As soon as Tuo Yangkun finished speaking, a man ran over in a panic. As he ran, he tightened his belt and shouted: "Uncle, Su Peng is here, what do you want from me?"

It turned out that Su Peng was his nephew, he was from his own family, and he fought with all his heart.

He quickly ordered: "Hurry up and select five hundred elites with me to storm the east gate of Pingliang!"

"The last general takes orders!" Although Su Peng often caused him trouble, it was his own family after all.

He didn't even ask why, and regardless of the fact that his belt was not fastened, he turned around and went to select soldiers.

"Prime Minister Hui Deng, Prime Minister Hui Deng, what on earth do you want to do!?" Tuo Yangkun couldn't help but muttered to himself as he watched his nephew go far away.

Is he trying to steal the glory and prepare to be the first to enter the city and plunder it? Or was it a sudden accident and a last resort? Why can't you just follow the plan?

Pingliang City will be the starting point of his ambition and the first step in his fight for the world. There is no room for any surprises.

Just when Tuo Yangkun thought of Hui Dengxiang outside Pingliang City, Hui Dengxiang also thought of Tuo Yangkun.

Now he was riding a bad horse, escorted by dozens of riders, and fled eastward in embarrassment.

"Tuo Yangkun, Tuo Yangkun, I can't be blamed for this! If God doesn't fulfill people's wishes, I can't help but do nothing!"

What do you think?

It turns out that Prime Minister Hui Deng camped and rested thirty miles west of Pingliang and twenty miles east of Sanguankou yesterday.

Soldiers reported back that night, and the courier's deception was very successful.

The prefect of Pingliang and King Zhu Danyang of Han believed it to be true, and wrote back saying: We will prepare wine, cattle and sheep to entertain the soldiers; we will prepare fine wine, lambs and several beauties to entertain Liang Tingdong, the leader of the three parties.

"Huntianxing" Prime Minister Hui Deng felt at ease and arranged for the soldiers to fall asleep.

I don’t know how long I slept, but Hui Dengxiang suddenly woke up from a nightmare.

He was breathing heavily, his heart beating loudly.

Prime Minister Huiden dreamed that officers and soldiers suddenly attacked the camp. He was caught off guard and was killed by the officers and soldiers. Corpses were scattered all over the field. He was also in a desperate situation and almost died without a burial place.

Even though he was awake now, he still felt lingering fear. The sound of fighting seemed to be echoing in his ears... No, there was really a sound of fighting!

Hui Dengxiang trembled, got out of bed, took out his sword and went out to check.

I saw a fire outside the tent. The rebels who ran out of the tent in a panic met the officers and soldiers who rushed in. They were immediately killed like chickens and were hacked to death by the officers and soldiers.

Where is my escort? Since I was attacked by the enemy, why didn't anyone call me?

Prime Minister Hui Deng felt a chill in his heart, and suddenly had a bad guess.

He quickly took advantage of the firelight, lowered his head and took a closer look, and saw about a dozen brothers lying in a mess at the door of the tent.

Prime Minister Huiden checked them one by one, and it was not until the ninth time that he found a living person.

"General Huiden, what's wrong with you? What's going on?" This is a member of his close clan.

He is now rolling together with a corpse. He can only breathe in but not breathe out. He is about to die.

"Brother, I'm afraid... I'm afraid it won't work! Seven... Seventh brother rebelled and colluded with... colluded with the officers and soldiers..." As he spoke, the man lost his temper.

"General? General!" Huiden shouted twice in succession. Seeing that he was no longer alive, he turned to look for the "Seventh Brother".

After searching for a long time, Hui Denxiang couldn't help but look gloomy and murmured to himself: "How could this happen? How could this happen?"

It turned out that after his inspection, he was shocked to find that "Seventh Brother" and three or five other brothers actually wanted to rob and kill him, but were stopped by his own tribe, General Huiden.

The incident happened between lightning and flint, and the two sides fought to the death together. If not for this, I am afraid that I would have met the Tenth Palace Yama.

"Master, Master, are you okay?" Before Prime Minister Whidden could get scared, he suddenly heard someone calling him.

He quickly put the sword in front of him and looked up. It turned out that the person leading the attack was Hui Dengke, another member of his clan. Behind him were almost all his close relatives.

Not wanting to relax, he quickly asked: "What's going on?"

How did Hui Dengke know that Xiang Hui Deng had already passed away?

He responded: "I don't know either. I only heard the sound of fighting, so I gathered my clan members and came to look for you."

"Now the officers and soldiers have succeeded and rushed into the camp. They killed everyone they saw and burned the camp. The camp was in chaos."

"If you're in charge, please follow me quickly. We'll discuss it tomorrow!"

When Prime Minister Huiden heard that he could stay somewhere, he quickly found a few bad horses and took advantage of the chaos to escape to the east.

At this time, the officers and soldiers were unwilling to give up and chased the defeated rebel army behind.

It turned out that this incident was also the cause of Hui Dengxiang's misfortune. After Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, received the news that Pingliang was besieged, he was determined to fight hard to scare the "thieves" in Shaanxi.

So he asked Lintao Commander-in-Chief Zhang Yingchang to lead the battle with 5,000 soldiers, and he and Gansu Commander-in-Chief Liu Shaozong led 15,000 troops to press forward.

That night the officers and soldiers just arrived at Wating Pass. From Watingguan to the east along the Jinghe River Valley, there are canyons for more than ten miles, and Sanguankou is near its exit.

Liang Tingdong, the governor of the three sides, was worried that the rebels would occupy the three passes and block the way out for officers and soldiers, so he sent Lintao general Zhang Yingchang to fight for the land.

Zhang Yingchang easily occupied the three passes and found that there were no "thieves". He was secretly relieved, and while setting up camp, he sent Ye Bushou to investigate the movements of the rebels.

Fortunately, the men and horses of "Huntianxing" Hui Dengxiang were discovered by the officers and soldiers that night.

Zhang Yingchang, the commander-in-chief of Lintao, made a prompt decision and abandoned the three passes to launch a surprise attack overnight, catching the rebels by surprise.

Hui Dengxiang couldn't resist, so he had to escape all the way east.

Thirty miles east from Hui Dengxiang's camp is Pingliang City.

The two sides chased and fled. When they arrived outside the west city of Pingliang, the rebels who had escaped on two legs all night were exhausted and were surrounded by officers and soldiers and could not escape.

Thus, the mystery of "Prime Minister Hui Deng launched a deception in advance" that puzzled "Scorpion Block" Tuo Yangkun.

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