Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 92 Competing before battle

Zhang Shun was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly helped Liu Cheng up, patted his chest and said, "The matter of Brother Eight King Kongs is my matter of Optimus Prime. Brother Liu, don't worry, that thief Song Tongyin Sis, I will never forgive him."

Liu Cheng was shocked when he heard this, and quickly approached and whispered: "No, no, our enemy is not just Song Tongyin, but the hypocrite 'Purple Gold Liang'!"

Zhang Shun was shocked when he heard this and asked in a low voice: "You can't say nonsense. That 'Purple Gold Liang' is the leader of the Thirty-sixth Battalion. How could he do such a thing?"

"Little brother, you are so young that you don't know the sinister nature of people's hearts!" Liu Cheng gritted his teeth and said, "The Zijin Liang will also recruit people today and tomorrow, so that they are not afraid of cooling the hearts of the brothers. But it is for personal wealth. Sold the lives of my brothers to that dog official Song Tongyin."

"It's just that he didn't expect that the dog officer was more vicious than him, and even wanted to kill him. This was really too clever, and he almost lost his life. If it weren't for the 'Optimus Prime' brother Gao Yi, who defeated Song Tongyin in one battle, I would have I’m afraid we’ll all be buried in the valley!”

Zhang Shun was immediately frightened when he heard this, and thought to himself: "Could it be that this 'Purple Golden Liang' really operates like this? People's hearts are separated from each other, but they have to be on guard."

But he said: "These are all speculations. How to convince the brothers of the 36th Battalion?"

"Why do you need to convince the brothers of the 36th Battalion? Even if this matter is unfounded, is it true that Zijin Liang abandoned the brothers and escaped for his own life?" Liu Cheng became anxious after hearing this, and said quickly, "' Optimus Prime's brother, the response is just a word! We and the more than two hundred riders are all the "Eight King Kong" personal guards, all of them are highly skilled in martial arts, one is as good as ten. If you can help me get rid of this hypocrite "Purple Gold Liang" , we are willing to worship you as our master, and we are willing to die as soldiers, but you are the only one who obeys!"

Zhang Shun was surprised and happy when he heard this. He hesitated for a moment and said in a low voice: "Only you and I know about this matter, don't spread it to other ears!"

Seeing Zhang Shun's hesitation, Liu Cheng knew that this would be difficult to do. Unexpectedly, "Optimus Prime" actually agreed, and he quickly knelt down and shouted: "Your Majesty, please accept my worship!"

After hearing this, more than two hundred knights behind Liu Cheng also dismounted their horses, bowed to Zhang Shun, and shouted: "My lord is above, please accept my bows!"

Zhang Shun smiled from ear to ear when he heard this, and quickly shouted: "Everyone, please stand up. From now on, you and I will fight together and live and die together! I swear to defeat the old thief Yin of Song Dynasty and avenge the 'Eight King Kong' brothers!"

Liu Cheng was stunned when he heard this, and realized that this was Zhang Shun's bluffing method. Compared with the honest and dull head of "Eight King Kongs", he couldn't help but secretly admire Zhang Shun's cunning and fox-like attitude. He also shouted loudly: "We live and die together! We swear to break the Song Dynasty, the old thief Yin, and avenge the 'Eight King Kong' brothers!"

Liu Cheng's knights also shouted loudly when they heard this. Song Tongyin, the governor of Shanxi Province, was far away and didn't hear what these people were shouting. He didn't know that he was taking the blame. But when the generals under Song Tongyin heard this, their faces darkened.

While the two sides were fighting, they actually knelt down and acknowledged their master in front of themselves, and even shouted that they would defeat their superiors' troops. This was really intolerable! If this kind of legendary story happened in my own home, it would be written down in the history books in the future. If it happened across the street, it would be written down in the history books in the future. Wouldn’t I become a laughing stock?

So, the general shouted loudly and ordered his subordinates to spread their wings to surround Zhang Shun's camp. Seeing this, Zhang Shun ordered Liu Cheng and other cavalrymen to get up and mount their horses, wandering to the side of the chariot camp, while he led the chariot camp and retreated slowly.

The two sides were in a stalemate for half an hour, and Zhang Shun slowly retreated for several miles. The general suddenly discovered that his troops were still unable to surround Zhang Shun's car camp. It turned out that the soldiers and horses led by this general were the same soldiers and horses of Song Tong and Yin that were defeated by Zhang Shun. With great difficulty, they were reorganized and blocked the gap that Zhang Shun had broken.

However, their footing was unstable, and the rebels, who were still fighting against the trapped beasts, opened a gap and escaped. Since there were few officers and soldiers, there were many rebels. When they fled, the rebels scattered in all directions, and the officers and soldiers were unable to pursue them. Zhang Daojun's troops went to the valley to search the mountains, while Song Tongyin's troops went north to pursue the rebels. However, there was no general who took the scattered troops and horses to stay in the "Eight King Kongs", hoping to "catch a big fish."

This time, as their defeated generals, their troops were frightened by Zhang Shun again and did not dare to attack. The general knew that Zhang Shun's chariot camp had sharp artillery, so he took advantage of his martial arts skills and ran to the chariot camp within an arrow's reach. He shouted to his soldiers: "Let me kill someone for you!"

Before he finished speaking, he bent his bow and shot down a surrendering officer and soldier behind Zhang Shun's carriage camp. Zhang Shun's troops were all frightened when they saw it, but the location here was extremely embarrassing for Zhang Shun's camp. If you use shotguns to shoot, the range is not enough; if you use live ammunition to shoot, the accuracy is not enough, not to mention that ordinary bows and arrows cannot shoot such a long distance.

It turned out that the general was originally a Hetao Tartar. When he was harassing the border of the Ming Dynasty, he was unfortunately surrounded and surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. He is highly skilled in martial arts, and he was promoted step by step as a subordinate soldier to reach the position of general, which shows that his martial arts skills are extraordinary.

He is best at riding and shooting, and is good at using a strong bow. After he surrendered to the Ming Dynasty, he heard people tell stories about the Han and Huns, so he called himself "The Condor Shooter" to praise his superb shooting skills. This time, the originally timid officers and soldiers saw the extraordinary martial arts skills of the "Condor Shooter" and suddenly became a little more courageous. They felt like beating a drowned dog, and they bravely surrounded Zhang Shun's camp.

Seeing this, Zhang Shun knew that the key to the matter was this man, and shouted: "Who can shoot this man with me?"

"Lord, let's see Changzhi shoots an arrow!" Chen Changzhen heard the words, shouted loudly, and shot an arrow. Who would have thought that that man would reach out and grab Chen Changzhen's long arrow, as if he had eyes in his hand. He was riding on a horse, holding up the arrow in his hand, showing off his power. When all the officers and soldiers saw it, their voices became louder and they shouted long live! The morale suddenly rose sharply.

Zhang Shun looked at it and couldn't help but curse in his heart: Damn, are you reading a romance novel? There are such people in the world!

In fact, Zhang Shun had some misunderstandings about this matter. It seemed impossible to reach out to catch the arrow, but in fact it was not impossible. The distance between the two of them was far away, which left enough reaction time. In addition, this person had been training all year round, so it was possible to grab an arrow with a longer shaft. However, it is really rare since ancient times for a person to be able to do it so easily.

When Chen Changzhen saw this, he sneered, stretched out his hand to take out three arrows from his quiver, flicked his wrist, like strumming a pipa, and only heard the slight sound of three strings, and the three feather arrows shot at the "condor shooter" one after another. "Fly away.

Thanks to book friend 20200403231635706, idealism is a kind of belief, and reader 1247059331351937024 for their large rewards, thank you! The author is grateful

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