Please ask me to be the emperor

Chapter 922 Retreating to Advance

Under Zhang Shun's continuous attacks, Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, finally realized that he was no match for the "Shun thieves" for the time being, and that his men were not as brave as the rebels to fight.

So, he hid in the city of Xi'an and ordered his officers and soldiers to guard the city and not dare to go out to challenge again.

After repeated battles, the rebels have reached the limit of their physical strength and energy, and they are even more desperate for a truce between the officers and soldiers.

As a result, both sides calmed down, and there was a rare calm before the storm on the battlefield.

Within two days, Chen Changzhen, Bai Guangen, newly surrendered guerrilla general Zhao Guangyuan and others rushed over.

Li Mou's tribe stayed in Huayin for the time being, to be careful not to be cut off by officers and soldiers.

Although Chen Changzhen and Bai Guangen's subordinates suffered losses, their establishment was complete and there were still five to six thousand men.

Zhao Guangyuan originally had 2,000 officers and soldiers. After battle losses, fratricide, and partial retreat, there are now only more than 1,000 soldiers.

The total number of the three is about 7,000. Now, together with He Renlong and He Jin, there are a total of 12,000 people stationed in Liujiaying.

In terms of numbers, it actually surpassed Shaanxi's chief military officer Zuo Guangxianbu who was stationed in Xi'an City.

Zuo Guangxian did not dare to sit still and wait for death, so with the help of Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi, he selected elite men from the guards in Xi'an to expand his command.

The main military forces within the jurisdiction of the governor of Shaanxi are the Xi'an right guard, Xi'an left guard, Xi'an vanguard, Xi'an guard and Tongguan guard in Tongguan.

In the original history, after Sun Chuanting became the governor of Shaanxi, all the other elite people were transferred away by the domineering governor of the five provinces, Hong Chengchou.

He had no choice but to clean up and control the lower farmland, and at the same time mobilize people from these guard posts, Ma Mingzhuang. In a short time, he compiled an elite battalion of 3,000 people who were good at fighting, and captured the "Chuang King" Gao in one battle. Welcome the surrender.

It can be seen from this that it is not that there are no available soldiers in the Shaanxi garrison, they just need the generals to carefully select and train them and pay them in time.

When things got urgent, He Jinqi invaded Xi'an City, causing chaos and frightening the residents of the city half to death.

Although this made everyone criticize Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi, and Zuo Guangxian, the chief military officer of Shaanxi, it also facilitated the development of some city defense work.

Gan Xuekuo, the governor of Shaanxi, used this to frighten the wealthy gentry and wealthy people in the city and asked them to contribute money and efforts to help defend the city.

Zuo Guangxian, the commander-in-chief of Shaanxi Province, took advantage of this to act vigorously and resolutely, and selected 2,000 more skilled martial arts men from the four guard posts to enrich his troops.

Since then, the numbers of both sides have been about the same, which has barely offset the pressure brought by the arrival of some rebel reinforcements.

Sure enough, after Chen Changzhen and others arrived, Zhang Shun personally commanded the troops and launched an attack on Changle Gate, the east gate of Xi'an.

Zuo Guangxian did not dare to neglect, and immediately took charge of Changlemen to resist the rebel attack.

This time, Chen Changzhen brought two 10,000-jin Hongyi cannons cast by the rebels, more than ten flying blunderbuss, and dozens of other field cannons and golden cannons.

Zhang Shun gave an order and all the cannons were fired, hitting the Changle Gate tower until almost no one could stand on it.

The effect of He Jin and others' burning of Changle Gate's ancillary facilities was evident. After losing observation, shelter and some of the city's defense equipment, the tall Changle Gate was almost like a bare earth platform. How to defend it?

Although the rebel artillery could not destroy the solid city wall, it was still easy to destroy the discs and parapets on the city wall.

When the shielding facilities such as discs and parapets are destroyed and the city wall is completely bare, how can we avoid the cannonballs flying everywhere?

As a last resort, Shaanxi Commander-in-Chief Zuo Guangxian had to retreat to the archery tower and abandoned the gate tower which had almost lost its defensive role.

It didn't matter that they abandoned it. The rebels used ladders and wooden bridges to attack from above and below, and captured the gate tower in one fell swoop.

However, the facilities on the gate tower were completely destroyed. After the rebels boarded the gate, they immediately faced the dilemma of the officers and soldiers. They were shot by muskets, bows and artillery from the direction of the archery tower, and they had no choice but to retreat.

In this way, both sides fought hard and fought until dark, and the rebels had no choice but to retreat.

"King Shun, let me lead the troops to charge again. Maybe we can capture this city!" Zhao Guangyuan, the guerrilla general who used to be quite satisfactory. After his new surrender, in order to show his loyalty, he used all his strength this time and charged bravely several times. , made considerable contributions.

Seeing that the rebels retreated again, he couldn't help shouting again.

"Not worth it!" Zhang Shun shook his head and responded with a smile.

This guy worked really hard, but he didn't mean to be reckless when he yelled like this, he just wanted to show his loyalty.

If I really followed his advice, it would actually accomplish nothing except giving away dozens of lives.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Shun saw that Chen Changzhen, He Renlong, Bai Guangen and others were still dissatisfied, so he couldn't help but smile and explain: "There is a saying called 'One Zhang Yi Relaxation', and the same is true in war."

"He Jin's beating last time hurt the officers and soldiers, so they united together to defend the city of Xi'an."

"If the threat is not there, they will start making a fuss without waiting for us to use our troops. This is called 'if the troops are not stopped, the enemy will be able to gain an advantage, this is the method of planning an attack.'"

"Oh? What do you say?" Chen Changzhen, He Jin, He Renlong, Bai Guangen and Zhao Guangyuan are all tough men. They can fight fiercely, but if it comes to playing tricks, they are still a few blocks away from Zhang Shun.

"Yuan Shao died of illness in the past, and Cao Cao took the opportunity to attack Hebei. The Yuan brothers were united and Cao Cao could not win. When Cao Cao retreated and the threat was no longer there, his brothers started fighting among themselves, and Cao Cao finally picked the peach." Zhang Shun said with a smile.

"The situation in Xi'an is the same today. In order to defend the rebels, Shaanxi Governor Gan Xuekuo and Shaanxi Chief Military Officer Zuo Guangxian naturally have to recruit young people and food in the city."

"If there is even the slightest disobedience, I am afraid that I will not wait for you with swords, guns and sticks, or even kill chickens to scare monkeys in the name of being a thief."

"If we are attacked by our army, that's fine. If you use extraordinary means at an extraordinary moment, no one can say anything!"

"But if our army retreats, will those gentry and clan be willing to rest?"

"The first crime is to let thieves enter the city and kill the people; the second crime is to plunder the people's wealth and rape young men; the third crime is to send troops into the palace and disturb the clan; the fourth crime is to use the troops ineffectively and lose consecutive battles, so that the troops are at the gate of the city; The fifth crime is to hide in the city and be too timid to fight!"

"Which of these cases do you think the two of them can withstand?"

"This" everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and suddenly realized, "So there is such a way to play."

When the newly surrendered general Zhao Guangyuan heard this, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat and thought to himself: "'Submissive thief', ah, King Shun is as resourceful, alert and changeable as Wei Wu. Thanks to me, I have surrendered to the rebel army, otherwise I would have died sooner." The earth is gone!”

Immediately, the rebels burned the siege equipment, dragged away the siege artillery, slowly exited the battlefield, and headed straight for the Liujiaying camp.

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